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The organization of the process of functionally-oriented training of specialists on the basis of the study center « SSTU – Schneider-Electric » in the cooperation with the joint-stock company « Schneider-Electric » the organization of additional vocational education and further training of working specialist are described in the article. Training of specialists and organisation of further vocational education are very important and crucial tasks of the modern educational process.

About the authors

Yuri A. Chabanov

Samara State Technical University

candidate of technical science, associate professor, Department of Electric Drive and Industrial Automation, Samara State Technical University. ЗАО «Шнейдер Электрик» 443100, г. Самара, ул. Молодогвардейская, 244

Pavel K. Kuznetsov

Samara State Technical University

doctor of technical science, professor, Head of Department of Electric Drive and Industrial Automation, Samara State Technical University. ЗАО «Шнейдер Электрик» 443100, г. Самара, ул. Молодогвардейская, 244

Vladimir N. Hohlovsky

Samara State Technical University

Director of the work with the joint-stock company «Schneider-Electric», Samara State Technical University. ЗАО «Шнейдер Электрик» 443100, г. Самара, ул. Молодогвардейская, 244

Alexey V. Starikov

Samara State Technical University

leading engineer-programmer of the study centre «SSTU – Schneider-Electric», Samara State Technical University. ЗАО «Шнейдер Электрик» 443100, г. Самара, ул. Молодогвардейская, 244


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Copyright (c) 2013 Chabanov Y.A., Kuznetsov P.K., Hohlovsky V.N., Starikov A.V.

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