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This article seeks to investigate the effects of global challenges on cultural process and intercultural integration. With increased pressure on the culture, which emerged out of the global transformations, there also grow the risks and conflicts in intercultural relations. The article argues the prevailing statement that crisis is only alien territory and hostile inroad for culture. It contends that crisis has also great resource for creative renovation and requalification of cultural reality. In a globalization discourse the category of the whole loses the traditional value. There is a science and culture aesthetization, the science starts being considered as special type of text. Emergence of the Internet made knowledge available for all communicators and changed system of inter-generational transfer of experience.

About the authors

Anton I. Belkin

Samara Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities

Professor, Department of Psychology. 65/67, M.Gor’kogo str., Samara, 443099

Vladimir I. Ionesov

Samara State Technical University

Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogics. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya str., Samara, 443100


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Copyright (c) 2014 Belkin A.I., Ionesov V.I.

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