Implementation of the forum-theater technology in the development of professional competencies of future teachers

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This paper presents the analysis of significant trends in the development of professional competencies of future teachers in accordance with current regulatory documents (Professional standard "Teacher", FGOS VO 3++). The author considers the potential of the technology of developing learning, in particular the technology of the forum theater, defines its essence, purpose and objectives, and also presents the results of the study implementation during the experiment. The experimental base was made up of 2nd year bachelor students in the field of training "Pedagogical Education". The paper presents quantitative and qualitative results of the development of professional competencies of future teachers, as well as methodological recommendations for the implementation of forum-theater technology in the conditions of higher pedagogical education. In accordance with the relevant documents regulating the content of the educational process, the author has selected the most significant professional competencies, without which the effective implementation of the professional activity of a teacher is not possible. The author describes the technological and substantive basis of the forum-theater technology, identifies the purpose and stages of its implementation, identifies the professional competencies of future teachers, the development of which this technology is aimed at. The specifics of the technology implementation are determined, taking into account the stage embodiment of the developed material. The educational results of future teachers are revealed considering the Federal State Educational Standard and by immersing students in the professional proposed environment of professional activity.

About the authors

Svetlana V. Kuznetsova

Nizhny Novgorod State Padagogical University named after Kozma Minin

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8981-4961
SPIN-code: 9191-6347
Scopus Author ID: 57119183000
ResearcherId: AAE-6999-2022

Cand. Ped. Sci., Associate Professor of REA, Senior Lecture of General and Social Pedagogy Department

Russian Federation, 1, Ulyanova st., Nizhny Novgorod, 603000


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