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Том 12, № 3 (2018)


Activation of Cardiac Stem Cells in Myocardial Infarction

Docshin P., Karpov A., Eyvazova S., Puzanov M., Kostareva A., Galagudza M., Malashicheva A.


The development of heart failure caused by acute myocardial infarction is accompanied by massive necrotic death of cardiomyocytes in lesion areas and subsequent pathological myocardial remodeling. Traditionally, the possibility of heart reparation has been considered to be severely limited or absent in the postnatal period. Endogenous cardiac stem cells with a regenerative potential have recently been described, but the mechanisms of activation of these cells remain poorly understood. The aim of our work was to obtain cardiac stem cells from the ischemic area of the myocardium and compare their functional properties with stem cells isolated from the healthy area of the myocardium. RT-PCR was used to quantify the gene expression in cardiac stem cells. In addition, differentiated cells were stained for specific markers using immunocytochemical method. Cardiac stem cells originating from the infarction area had a higher proliferative potential and a greater propensity to migrate in comparison to the cells originated from a healthy myocardial area. The expression level of several specific markers of cardiogenic, osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation upon induction of corresponding differentiation was higher in the cells from the infarction area than in cells from the healthy myocardium. We conclude that myocardial ischemia activates the internal regenerative potential of cardiac stem cells.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):175-182
pages 175-182 views

The Effects of Radiation and Hindlimb Unloading on Rat Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells

Markina E., Kokhan V., Roe M., Andrianova I., Shtemberg A., Buravkova L.


Bone marrow cells of mesenchymal origin play an important role in adaptation of physiological systems to space flight. Hematopoiesis, immunity, and homeostasis of bone tissue depend on their functional activity. An investigation that was carried out in the framework of the Bion and Bion-M programs showed a decrease of the number of rat bone marrow hematopoietic progenitors and the inhibition of lympho- and erythropoiesis when the granulocyte-macrophage linage was activated. A negative influence on nonhematopoietic bone marrow cells was also revealed. The pathogenetic influence of radiation and microgravity on the bone marrow progenitor cells has remained unclear so far. The goal of this research was to study the effect of a 30-day unloading and 6 days of γ-irradiation on rat bone marrow progenitor cells. The study was conducted on male rats of four groups: vivarium control (VC), hindlimb unloading (HU), irradiation (IR), and combined action (HU + IR). The following parameters have been examined: the number of bone marrow mononuclear cells, proliferative activity of marrow mononuclear cells, immunophenotype, number of hematopoietic CFU and CFU-f, and differentiation potency of hematopoietic and stromal bone marrow precursors. It was found that the cellularity and proliferation activity of rat bone marrow cells did not change under simulation of space flight. The number of CFU-f was decreased. Irradiation was accompanied by an increase in the hematopoietic cell share among total bone marrow mononuclear cells, while their activity was attenuated. The osteopotential of the stromal precursors was unchanged. Adipogenic differentiation was stimulated with irradiation. The functional activity of bone marrow progenitor cells was restored after 2 weeks of recovery. Thus, 30-day simulation of space flight factors negatively affected the morphofunctional properties of rat bone marrow progenitor cells. These effects were reversible upon 2 weeks of recovery.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):183-196
pages 183-196 views

A Decrease in the Proliferative Activity of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells during Long-Term Cultivation is Not Connected with Change in Their Migration Properties

Mikheeva N., Butylin P., Zaritskii A., Popov B.


In the context of rehabilitation therapy, the proliferation and migration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are functional properties of which the relationship remains unstudied. The aim of the present work consisted in parallel determination of proliferative and migration capacity of endometrial, adipose, and bonemarrow human MSCs (hMSCs) during long-term cultivation. The migration capacity of hMSCs was determined in comparison with those in epithelial cells of the established НСТ116, MCF7, and A-549 human lines. hMSCs obtained from different tissues demonstrate a comparable division rate on early passages, which progressively slows down by the tenth passage, which corresponds to a decrease in the expression of Ki67 proliferation marker and D1 cyclin. The mobility of MSCs during the determination of the cell migration through 8-μm filters and a “scratch regeneration” method does not change by the tenth passage. A high level of N-cadherin, vimentin production, and absence of E-cadherin, which level out in epithelial cells of the HCT116, MCF7, and A-549 lines is inverted as compared with those in MSCs, corresponding to the active mobility of MSCs of different tissue origin. Our results demonstrate that a decrease of the proliferative activity of MSCs of different tissue specificity during passaging is not associated with changes in their ability to migrate. It is likely that the mechanisms of division and cell-mobility regulation are genetically and functionally not related to each other and change autonomously during continuous cultivation.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):197-206
pages 197-206 views

Correction of Metabolic Indicators of Erythrocytes and Myocardium Structure with Ozonized Red Blood-Cell Mass

Deryugina A., Boyarinov G., Simutis I., Nikolskiy V., Kuznetsov A., Efimova T.


The early posttransfusion period after acute blood loss using erythromass without ozone was characterized by decreased electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes (EPME), ATP, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3- DPG) concentration, Na+-K+-ATPase activity, and increased concentration of malonic dialdehyde (MDA) and catalase activity in erythrocytes. Most parameters gradually were restored over 5 days, but a reduced concentration of 2,3-DPG was observed throughout the entire experiment with transfusion of erythromass without ozone. Transfusion of the ozonized erythrocyte mass 1 h after its administration caused an increase in 2,3- DPG concentration in erythrocytes circulating in the vascular bed. Twenty-four hours later, increased catalase activity, EPPE, and ATP concentration were registered, and, after 5 days, enhanced Na+-K+-ATPase activity was registered. Their values were maintained until the end of the experiment at a higher level than in animals that had undergone transfusion of the nonozonized erythromass. Ozonized erythrocyte mass improves the functional metabolic state of erythrocytes, promotes an earlier recovery of the oxygen transport in blood, and limits the damage to the microcirculatory bed of the myocardium and cardiomyocytes during blood loss.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):207-212
pages 207-212 views

Fluorene Derivative Disodium Salt as a New Fluorescent Dye for Identification of Amyloid Deposits in Myocardium of mdx Mice

Gusel’nikova V., Antimonova O., Fedorova E., Shavlovskii M., Krutikov A., Mikhailova E., Kaminskaya E., Gudkova A., Korzhevskii D., Mikhailov V.


The aim of this study was to develop a new method for the detection of amyloid deposits in laboratory animals using an analogue of Congo red synthesized on the basis of diaminofluorene. The analogue is disodium salt of 2,7-(1-amino-4-sulfo-2-naphthylazo)fluorene (DSNAF). Myocardial samples from mdx mice of both sexes aged 1–1.5 years (n = 8) were used as the material for this study. The main result of this study was the development of an optimal protocol for amyloid staining with DSNAF. It has been shown that the sensitivity and specificity of amyloid detection by this method is comparable with Congo-red staining. The clear advantages of using DSNAF are stability of staining, high fluorescence intensity of amyloid deposits, and total lack of background fluorescence, which greatly simplifies the procedure of quantitative evaluation of obtained results. The method of amyloid staining with DSNAF is characterized by simplicity and good reproducibility. Further research will show the possibility to apply this method for diagnosis of amyloidosis in the practice of clinical research.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):213-216
pages 213-216 views

Induction of Telomerase Catalytic Subunit Alternative Splicing by Apoptotic Endonuclease G in Mouse and Rat Lymphocytes

Zhdanov D., Gladilina Y., Orlova V., Grishin D., Pokrovskaya M., Aleksandrova S., Podobed O., Sokolov N.


It is known that apoptotic endonuclease G (EndoG) induces alternative splicing (AS) of telomerase catalytic subunit TERT (telomerase reverse transcriptase) mRNA and inhibits telomerase activity in tumor cells and activated human T cells. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of TERT mRNA AS induction and inhibition of telomerase activity by EndoG in activated mouse and rat lymphocytes. To induce EndoG expression, mouse and rat CD4+, CD8+ T cells, B cells, and NK cells were transfected with the pEndoG-GFP plasmid or incubated with the DNA-damaging agent cisplatin in vitro. The increase in the EndoG expression resulted in decreased expression of full-length active TERT variant, enhanced synthesis of the truncated splicing variant, and decreased telomerase activity. An increase in the EndoG expression, a change in the mRNA pool of TERT splicing variants, and inhibition of telomerase activity were observed in mouse and rat lymphocytes after cisplatin administration in vivo. Thus, EndoG is capable of inducing TERT mRNA AS and regulating telomerase activity in mouse and rat lymphocytes.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):217-230
pages 217-230 views

Coupled Activation of Mechanosensitive and Calcium-Dependent Potassium Channels in 3T3 and 3T3-SV40 Cells

Chubinskiy-Nadezhdin V., Efremova T., Negulyaev Y., Morachevskaya E.


Using the patch–clamp method, mechanosensitive regulation of ion channels was studied in cultivated 3T3 and 3T3-SV40 fibroblasts. The activity of mechanosensitive cation channels with a conductivity 25 pS in response to plasma-membrane stretching was observed in both cell lines. Despite obvious differences in the actin network in normal and transformed cells, the threshold values of the stimulus required for the channel activation were close and were approximately 55 mm Hg. The frequency of channels was significantly higher in transformed 3T3-SV40 fibroblasts than in their untransformed 3T3 analogs. Coupled activation of mechanosensitive calcium-permeable channels and potassium calcium-controlled channels was found in both cell lines. The analysis of flows through single channels allows to detect functional interaction of different channels: stretch-induced local calcium entry activates potassium channels that do not have their own mechanosensitivity. The results of a comparative study show that there is a fundamental similarity between the ion mechanisms of cellular mechanotransduction in normal and transformed fibroblasts. The quantitative differences, first of all, concern the level of functional activity of mechanosensitive channels that provide the development of the local calcium signal in the near-membrane cell region.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):231-237
pages 231-237 views

The Effect of the Arg91Gly and Glu139del Mutations in β-Tropomyosin Associated with Congenital Myopathy of Human Skeletal Muscles on Actin–Myosin Interaction

Rysev N., Karpicheva O., Sirenko V., Simonyan A., Redwood C., Borovikov Y.


The structural changes in proteins of the contractile apparatus of muscle fiber and the violation of their function due to point mutations in these proteins can be a cause of many hereditary diseases of human muscular tissue. Some such diseases are cap-myopathy and distal arthrogryposis, which may be connected with tropomyosin mutations. The deletion of glutamic-acid residue at position 139 of β-tropomyosin leads to the development of cap-myopathy, and the replacement of arginine at position 91 with glycine in this protein is linked to distal arthrogryposis. To understand how the Arg91Gly and Glu139del mutations disrupt the coordinated work of the contractile system of muscle fibers, recombinant wild-type and mutant β-tropomyosins were overexpressed and incorporated into thin filaments of ghost-muscle fiber. Fluorescent probes of 1,5-IAEDANS or FITC-phalloidin were specifically linked to the Cys707 of the myosin subfragment-1 and the three neighboring actin monomers, respectively. The polarized-microfluorimetry technique was used to study the spatial arrangements of actin and myosin in mimicking different stages of the ATPase cycle (in the presence of ADP or ATP and in the absence of a nucleotide) at low and high concentration of calcium ions. Both mutations were shown to change the conformational rearrangements of the myosin head and actin in the ATP hydrolysis cycle, which may be caused by abnormal behavior of the mutant tropomyosins during regulation. The altered work of the contractile system may be a cause of muscle weakness in congenital myopathies associated with these mutations.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):238-246
pages 238-246 views

Bioresorption of Porous 3D Matrices Based on Collagen in Liver and Muscular Tissue

Popryadukhin P., Yukina G., Dobrovolskaya I., Ivankova E., Yudin V.


Highly porous cylinder-shaped 3D matrices with diameters of 1.3 and 3 mm were obtained by lyophilization of collagen solution. A study in vivo of the mechanism and rate of resorption of the resulting material showed that complete resorption of the matrix occurred 6 weeks after their implantation into liver tissue and 3 weeks after implantation into muscle tissue of animals. Surrounding tissues were not altered or damaged. Histological analysis revealed that, simultaneously with the resorption of matrix collagen, connective tissue and blood vessels were formed. This allows us to recommend the developed porous material based on collagen for use as matrices for tissue engineering and cellular transplantation.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):247-255
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Growth and Development of Isolated Tips of Neurospora crassa Hyphae in a Sorbitol-Containing Medium

Potapova T., Boitsova L., Golyshev S., Dunina-Barkovskaya A., Belozerskaya T.


It is known that the replacement of easily utilizable glucose with sorbitol in a medium activates a large number of repressed genes and metabolic changes in Neurospora crassa, which manifest themselves at the cellular level in a considerable vacuolization of the cytoplasm. The study of the morphological parameters and growth characteristics of isolated apical fragments of N. crassa hyphae showed that, in sorbitol-containing medium, the isolation from the parent mycelium causes the same disturbances in the coordination of elongation, branching, and septation as those described by us earlier for the glucose-containing medium. The metabolic changes caused by the carbon source replacement do not affect the hyphal-segment size, the distance from the growth point to the first septum, and the morphology and distribution of nuclei.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):256-263
pages 256-263 views

Gamet Ultrastructure in Some Species of the Genus Icelus (Pisces: Cottidae)

Neznanova S.


With the help of scanning and transmission electron microscopy, the morphology of spermatozoa of Icelus spiniger and egg envelopes of I. spiniger and I. spatula has been studied. Spermatozoa have an elongated head flattened on one side, an insignificant centriolar fossa, and numerous mitochondria in the middle section. The axoneme has a structure described by the formula 9 + 2. The envelopes of oocytes of both species have a follicular membrane, chorion, and zona radiata.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2018;12(3):264-270
pages 264-270 views

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