Vol 23, No 3 (2023)


Combining the incompatible, or on the question of the synergy of educational strategies

Agapov O.D., Agapova E.I.


Introduction. The main idea of the article is that every established educational strategy combines the incompatible, generating economocentrism, political centrism, technocentrism, ecocentrism and other “centrisms” that lead to a reductivist approach to the meaning and forms of education. Theoretical analysis. Education as a socioanthropological institution is relatively autonomous, and the idea of autopoiesis of the human being is what lies at the foundation of its autonomy. In this context, philosophy of education appears as a philosophy of its age, or, even broader, a philosophy of human beings who are able not only to integrate themselves into the civilizational design of the epoch with its cultural and historical standards, and professional needs, but also to transcend their epoch in search for themselves / their own. Empirical analysis. The inalienable mission of education consists in creating a social field for spiritual maturation and self-perfection for individual human beings. Education acquires its completeness and dignity only when it reaches the level of navigating a person towards development, “the care of the self”. Conclusion. Education thus becomes a form of development of a civil society, able to self-organize and self-develop, to create (cultivating meanings and institutions), which is not reducible to a social “conveyor-factory” for producing semi-finished products according to the standards of political, professional or sociocultural institutions.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):244-248
pages 244-248 views

The image of a woman in the conditions of modern pseudo-democratic mythology

Andreeva V.A.


Introduction. The image of a woman helps to construct one’s understanding of the world, relations in society, ideas about the Other. This article is devoted to a critical analysis of the transformation of the image of a woman in a network society. Theoretical analysis. Today, the position of rejecting gender differences, which serve as one of the sources of human culture, is increasing in society. A crisis situation arises, accompanied by the loss of gender self-identification, the violation of internalization and existential frustration. In the network image of society, women are polyvariant and solve it by interpreting the actor who uses it, but a person acquires and manifests his or her generic essence only in the intuitions of the social essence, with the help of transcending. Conclusion. We come to the conclusion that the image of a woman in a network society is constructed by means of a pseudo-democratic mythologeme, which implements the illusion of freedom and leads to the full autonomy of individuals, which is the cause of alienating a person from society and thereby from himself/herself. The proposed way out of the existing gender identity crisis is by means of transcending communication, which includes signification.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):249-253
pages 249-253 views

The relational aspect of non-emotionality

Bakaeva J.Y., Steklova I.V.


Introduction. The article presents the relational aspect of non-emotionality as a type of cognition and scientific development of reality in particular. The focus is on non-emotional states that influence scientific activity and characterize the modern type of scientific rationality, as well as the relational concept of time. The aim of the research in this regard is to study the ontological sources of the phenomenon of non-emotionality, the conditions and relationships that lead to creative solutions. Theoretical analysis. The relational approach allows us to explore the possibilities of the mind in a state of emotionlessness both in scientific activity and in the cognitive process as a whole. Non-emotionality performs signaling and regulatory functions, which are expressed, firstly, in the fact that the absence of feelings arises in connection with the specifics of the surrounding reality or together with changes in the human body, and, secondly, unemotionality helps to overcome emerging barriers and prevents unwanted activity, that is, the regulatory mechanisms of non-emotionality can contribute to both the growth of emotionality and remove its excess right up to a complete blockage. Conclusion. The relational analysis of the phenomenon of non-emotionality reveals the possibilities of the human mind in special states of unemotionality to carry out creative activity, to get out of extreme situations when solving research problems in scientific activity.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):254-257
pages 254-257 views

The State-Society syncretism in Thomas Hobbes’ theory of social contract

Golubev I.S.


Introduction. The article analyzes the state-society relationship in the theory of social contract by T. Hobbes. The etatist interpretation of his socio-political doctrine, widespread in Russian philosophical thought, fundamentally opposing society to the state, does not seem to reflect the understanding of their relationship. From our point of view this is inherent in the contractual theory of the English thinker. Theoretical analysis. The author shows that the original conceptual and theoretical principles of T. Hobbes are the unity of sociogenesis and politogenesis, the actual identification of sociality and statehood, and the assertion of the need for security as the most important factor in the transition of people from the «state of nature» to the state-public organization of their life together. Analyzing the nature of state power, T. Hobbes believes that the political activity of the sovereign, as the source and bearer of the first, is subject, first of all, to the interests of the society he controls. Conclusion. The etatist interpretation of the state-society relationship does not find sufficient confirmation in the theory of the social contract of T. Hobbes. The analysis made it possible to reveal that his point of view on this problem can be described with the idea of the syncretism of society and the state, which implies the unity of the processes of sociogenesis and politogenesis and, accordingly, the simultaneous emergence of these forms of common life.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):258-261
pages 258-261 views

Artificial intelligence: Mythologies of social studies

Dydrov A.A.


Introduction. The social integration of complex technologies is constantly accompanied by the mythologization of innovations and the creation of special discourses that function on the basis of secondary semiotic systems. Traditionally, the trend is associated with philistine (user) discursive practices. The hypothesis of the study is that mythologization is a complex process that takes place not only within the boundaries of non-professional communities, but also in the scientific world. Theoretical analysis. The technological mythology originated in the West in the context of the social sciences and has a predominantly empirical research background. Today several variations of the conceptualization of mythology in relation to technologies have been developed, which need to be significantly supplemented and refined. Empirical analysis. The general research method is the content analysis of the Scopus scientific database in the field of social sciences. The focus was on the topic of artificial intelligence as the main convergent technology. The reference base includes scientific papers for the decade (2010–2020), united by the theme, the subject and keywords. Conclusion. Research practices in the field of artificial intelligence have almost 60 years of history, which allows us to compare the results of analytics in the future, identify genetic patterns and features of scientific discourse, contrast the results of the analysis of Western content and Russian one, by identifying key discursive specifications.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):262-266
pages 262-266 views

Socio-cultural and anthropological challenges at the beginning of the 21st century

Listvina E.V.


Introduction. The article deals with the problem associated with the active invasion of new technologies, gadgets, and what has now been generically called artificial intelligence into our lives. The strengthening of the virtual, the emergence of media space, online culture, the online world, technological comfort, the digital world are beginning to qualitatively change a person, influence his attribute qualities that seemed integral and iconic. Theoretical analysis. Society begins to react to the totality of transformations with a number of new contradictions, special social tension. The introduction of artificial intelligence calls into question the creativity of a person, leads to the division of society into a few professionals who are in the thick of digital technology, and the majority of non-professionals. Virtualization has also weakened the understanding of the physical boundaries of the body and the ability to use its resources wisely. There is a threat to the private uniqueness of a person as a social and cultural component, which manifests itself through communication, and develops in a socio-cultural environment. It is assumed that for the average user of a personal computer in the near future, the role of a machine reproducing information may be prepared, while artificial intelligence will perform a creative role that at one time distinguished a person. Conclusion. The theses discussed above lead to the question: to what extent society, having created technologies, has ensured their inclusion in the social space, to what extent society as a whole is ready to exist together  with artificial intelligence in the interfacing real and virtual worlds, and what needs to be done to preserve the individual and society? The results of the technological breakthrough of the first decades of the XXI century put society in front of a difficult choice of a balance between qualitative changes in society and anthropological qualities of a person and the preservation of the attributive properties of the individual and society.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):267-271
pages 267-271 views

Social justice in the philosophy of Islam

Muratov A.V.


Introduction. The article discusses the view on social justice through the prism of the philosophy of Islam, the problem of its study and analysis, from the perspective of explanation and interpretation of sacred texts. The theoretical social base laid down in the Koran and the Sunnah, as well as the social model built during the reign of the four “righteous caliphs” are analyzed. To illustrate the application of the basic methods of Islamic theology to questions of social philosophy, some concrete examples are given. Theoretical analysis. The conducted comparative analysis allows us to conclude that there is a carefully developed theoretical base regulating the issues of social justice in Islam, the need to use a legitimate methodology and tools based on it in deriving certain social norms in order to avoid speculative judgments. Conclusion. The result of this study is the conclusion about the universality of the principles of social justice in the philosophy of Islam, the importance of studying its social function. In this regard the original model laid down in its primary sources is taken as a standard. As an exception to the risks of transformation caused by the influence on Muslim societies of various socio-philosophical, political and other ideas that did not come out of its foundations, it is necessary to consistently apply a certain methodology for analyzing Islamic doctrines.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):272-276
pages 272-276 views

M. McLuhan: Between medium and mediatization

Penner R.V.


Introduction. The article is devoted to the key ideas of the media theorist M. McLuhan. The Canadian culturologist and philologist conceptualized the advent of the era of a new, “electronic”, person and new electronic media. Theoretical analysis. M. McLuhan’s works, in a certain sense, shaped the direction and style of studying media in a social context, “The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man” (1951), “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man” (1962), “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man” (1964). According to his position, electronic media technologies can be understood as a medium, a means of communication. They have evolved from the simplest sound signals to signs on various surfaces (from rock art to the modern alphabet) and an electronic signal. Conclusion. Despite the inconsistency of the figure of M. McLuhan among media theorists, the view on electronic media, according to which the author offers a kind of “Renaissance”, turning prism, is of epistemological value, which, among other things, is used in the concept of the global village. The value of this idea is due to the tendency towards convergence of users of modern communication technologies (for example, social networks) and the media transformation of the era.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):277-281
pages 277-281 views

On the place of the mythology of technology in contemporary digital studies

Rezvushkina S.A.


Introduction. The article is devoted to philosophical reflection on the role of technique and technology in the existence of a modern man. The authors hypothesize that the technosphere is subject to mythologization to the same extent as other essentially significant human spheres. In this regard, the need to study the process of mythologization of technology is actualized. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of the historical and philosophical basis of the problem has demonstrated that there are two approaches to the connotation of technological innovations – alarmist and progressivist. They determine the further vector of mythologization. Alarmist researchers mythologize technology through negative connotations, while the progressist approach is characterised by a positive attitude towards the technologicalisation of all spheres of human existence. Empirical analysis. A further investigation of the sources of formation of the metaphysical superstructure of technology showed that the reflection of technology involves a sensual-imaginative, irrational perception which is characteristic of mythologization. It is reflected in the artistic creations of a contemporary man that explicate mythological meanings related to the perception of technology. Conclusion. The authors conclude that there is a need to study mythology of technology as an independent field of knowledge in the context of contemporary digital studies. The author's definition of the technological mythology which allows to outline the boundaries of this phenomenon more precisely and comprehensively, is proposed.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):282-286
pages 282-286 views

The network society and the institute of education: A dimension of socio-philosophical understanding

Syusyukin V.A.


Introduction. The issue of the article is devoted to the study of the institution of education in the network society from the standpoint of socio-philosophical analysis. Theoretical analysis. Using various methodological approaches, it was found out that the modern institute of education undergoes serious transformations on institutional, spatial and functional levels. In the conditions of network reality education institution includes not only educational and upbringing practices but also represents one of the central socio-economic actors which sets positive dynamics of the state development in the most important strategic directions. The author of the article asserts the central place of education as an institution that generates and transmits knowledge, which is capable of becoming an epistemic base for further development of the network society. Conclusion. The author concludes on the hybrid nature of the institution of education in the network society. On the one hand, mass digitalization has set a new moral-ethical and technological system of coordinates, but on the other hand, education is still connected to the classical classroom learning, live human communication, the value foundations of each subject of education. Such a complex dual nature of the institution of education in a network society testifies to contradictory social processes, by examining which social philosophical science can critically assess modern social existence.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):287-292
pages 287-292 views

Neurohistoricism as an imitative reality: Special features of the formation of visual images of Russian cities using neural networks

Fortunatov A.N.


Introduction. In the media reality, there is no reflection of the subject about the causes of the emergence of media objects. The media offer a fait accompli. In response, a person uses a unique property of his consciousness - the ability to build a consistent picture of the world from disparate elements, overcoming the discreteness of technologies. Theoretical analysis. Neural networks are trying to turn a person into a passive consumer of an already assembled picture of the world. However, artificial intelligence is entirely dependent on the text as a material product devoid of subjectivity, which manifests not only the “death of the author”, but also the destruction of meanings. History in the interpretation of neural networks appears in the form of funny comics. As a result, mystical worlds arise that have nothing to do with the real events of the past. This is neurohistoricism. Empirical analysis. In presentations of Russian cities in the form of portraits of people, neural networks destroy classical history as a space of reflection. The impersonality and vulgarity of presentations can be interpreted not only as a result of incorrect wording of the task by the customer, but also as an antagonism between artificial intelligence and real human consciousness. Conclusion. Neurohistoricism opposes history as a process, as an essential element of human self-consciousness.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):293-297
pages 293-297 views

The purpose of non-classical art as a philosophical problem (based on the philosophy of V. S. Solovyov, S. N. Bulgakov and N. A. Berdyaev)

Shchekaleva O.V.


Introduction. In the modern world, the problem of the purpose of art remains relevant due to the emergence of various forms of non-classical art. Modernism and postmodernism differ from classical art, therefore it is inappropriate to transfer the purpose of classical art to these movements without a deep analysis. It seems reasonable for the analysis of non-classical art to consider it through the spectacles of Russian religious philosophy. Theoretical analysis. Representatives of the philosophy of unity and the representative of religious existentialism N. A. Berdyaev wrote about the purpose of classical art. The question arises: what is the purpose of non-classical art – modernism and postmodernism? The philosophers themselves – V. S. Solovyov, S. N. Bulgakov, N. A. Berdyaev analyzed works of classical art and modernist works. The author analyzes the artifacts of postmodern art through the spectacles of Russian religious philosophy. Conclusion. For a deep analysis of works of non-classical art, the criteria developed in the philosophy of unity should be used, since any work of art can be evaluated for the author’s desire to realize unity and from the point of view of actualization of eternal ideas. It is also possible to use the concept of Berdyaev’s creativity for the analysis of modernism, but this concept is not applicable for evaluating the art of postmodernism.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):298-302
pages 298-302 views

Organizational psychology in the conditions of a special military operation and afterwards: Old tasks, new contexts and emphasis

Gaidar K.M.


Introduction. The problem of the peculiarities of the work of organizational psychologists in the conditions of a special military operation (SMO) and after its completion is raised. The similarity of the existential meanings of the Great Patriotic War and the SMO and the differences in the socio-psychological processes that accompany them are revealed. Theoretical analysis. It is argued that while maintaining traditional tasks, but changing the conditions for their solution, the content of the activities of organizational psychologists undergoes transformations that can become even more pronounced after the end of the SMO. New socio-psychological contexts lead to different emphases in the work of organizational psychologists. In particular, on the basis of analysis of the tasks of organizational psychology and current practical experience, new emphasis has been identified in such areas of work of psychologists in organizations as the preservation of organizational culture and the cohesion of work teams, the psychological support of workers, the formation of their psychological readiness for constructive interaction with participants in the SMO after their return to civilian life, advising the latter on their requests. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, a position was formulated on the need to pay increased attention to the training of organizational psychologists to work in new conditions, to solve the problem of quantitative and qualitative support for this training.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):303-307
pages 303-307 views

Creativity and innovativeness of the subject of labor in the new socio-economic conditions

Zakharova L.N.


Introduction. The article analyzes the factors that create a demand for innovative development of the economy: the low level of innovativeness and labor productivity, the growth of bureaucracy in management. The demand of innovative economy for creative personnel is discussed. Theoretical analysis. It is shown that enterprises and organizations do not need so much creative as innovative personnel who may not participate in the creation of something new, but are busy implementing and adopting rapidly developing and fundamentally changing production and managerial technologies. Such personnel can work without distress in the organizational environment with the characteristics of instability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity typical of the VUCA world. The use of theoretical modeling method allowed to develop a typology of personality with a combination of qualities of creativity and innovativeness: conservator, adaptor, creator of ideas and creative innovator, their characteristics are given. The key role of adaptors and creative innovators for enterprises of innovation economy is shown. The author considers the existing limits of personality formation with creative and innovative qualities. Conclusion. The characteristics of organizational culture that contributes to the development of personnel innovativeness were defined. The approaches to the improvement of corporate training, which removes the barriers of innovativeness are proposed.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):308-312
pages 308-312 views

Strategies of psychological influence of online groomer on the minor victim in the situation of online sexual harassment

Kiselev K.A.


Introduction. The article is devoted to the socio-psychological phenomenon of psychological influence of online groomer on the victim in the situation of online sexual harassment. Theoretical analysis. In general, online sexual harassment refers to unwanted messages that include verbal and photo-visual information of sexual nature. It is noted that the concept of online sexual grooming is identified with this phenomenon. Empirical analysis. In the study, respondents (N=170) answered an anonymous questionnaire about online sexual grooming they had experienced when they were underage. In most cases, online groomers are adults, aware of the victim’s age, focusing mostly on the girls aged 10–12 (35.9% of cases) and 13–15 years old (44.1% of cases). Conclusion. The most significant strategies of psychological influence on the victim of online grooming include the use of flattery and compliments, as well as manipulation of such psychological features of the target of harassment as curiosity and lack of understanding of correct behavior patterns. Sexual online groomers predominantly target minors between the ages of 10 and 15. It is typical for these victims to conceal from their parents the facts of their abuse by groomers.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):313-317
pages 313-317 views

Predictors of subjective feeling of social support in women with oncological diseases of the reproductive system

Orlova M.M.


Introduction. The relevance of the study of predictors of subjective feeling of social support in cancer patients lies in the prevalence and social significance of this disease with a pronounced vital threat. Theoretical analysis. The concept of “disease situation” is ambiguous, it includes difficulties associated with the course of the disease, its social consequences, and the social support available to patients as a possible resource. This implies the need to consider this resource and the factors of its effectiveness. Empirical analysis. In this article, using the example of patients with oncological diseases of the reproductive system, the connection is established between the subjective feeling of social support, characteristics of self-attitude, adaptation strategies of healthy and sick women. Conclusion. For this group of women, the high importance of cooperation with the social environment, the proximity of emotional contacts, the desire to rely on the resources of others and be needed for them was revealed. The main predictors of the subjective feeling of social support for sick women were: acceptance of the situation and acceptance of themselves in this situation. Healthy women are more likely to rely on their own activity and responsibility. The results obtained indicate a pronounced mobilization of the personality of sick women. This also allows them to build relationships with loved ones.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):318-325
pages 318-325 views

The problem of comparative evaluation of paintings created by an artist and generated by a neural network

Panteleev A.F.


Introduction. The role of art in the life of society is to translate humanitarian values. The creator of a truly imaginative work is able to perceive when interacting with the world and embody in his works what may not be in statistics and will probably be relevant for humanity in the future. Theoretical analysis. According to the available data, the pictures aggregated by the neural network and painted by the artist do not differ in subjects. In this paper, an activity-based approach is implemented to assess the differences of such paintings. It is based on the decision of the test subject of the problem associated with the identification of this difference. The difference lies in the method of “translating” the idea of the painting from a symbolic code into a figurative one, objectifying the artist’s attitude to the world, translating humanitarian values in this way. Empirical analysis. In the course of an empirical study, a pairwise comparison of paintings was carried out, as a criterion, the comparison was proposed based on the possible success of the transfer of the artist’s attitude to the world. Conclusion. It was previously stated that the distinction between paintings written by the artist and those generated by the neural network in the conditions of solving a new task for the subject to identify the success of the transfer is problematic.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):326-330
pages 326-330 views

Emotional factors of social perception deficit in neurasthenia

Rudenko S.L.


Introduction. The study is aimed at identifying emotional factors that determine the deficit of social perception in neurasthenia. Theoretical analysis. Insufficient knowledge of the phenomenology of neurasthenia and the difficulties of its differential diagnosis at the stage of pathological personality development is shown. The lack of targeted assistance to patients and their objectively rapid disability is emphasized. The hypothesis is formulated that patients with neurasthenia have a pronounced violation of social perception, determined by social anhedonia. Empirical analysis. In the group of patients with neurasthenia, in comparison with healthy subjects, there are pronounced difficulties in recognizing emotions by verbal and nonverbal manifestations, finding the necessary tone of communication and weakness of analytical abilities that allow to anticipate the dynamics of social situations. Factor analysis has shown the decisive role of emotional determinants in the development of the studied disorders – a high level of social anhedonia and associated personal, reactive anxiety and depression. Conclusion. Emotional factors form a pronounced social anhedonia that determines the formation of social perception deficit. A weak focus on the details of social situations, a tendency to attribute one’s own experiences to others determine the low level of effectiveness of social interaction, gradual withdrawal from contacts and complete social disintegration.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):331-335
pages 331-335 views

Psychometric сharacteristics of the “Appropriateness of professional self-determination” Scale

Smirnova A.Y.


Introduction. The concept of appropriateness of professional self-determination is analyzed, approaches to its analysis and measurement are described. Theoretical analysis. The significance of self-assessment of appropriateness of professional self-determination as a condition of sustainability to frequent stresses and prevention of professional burnout, including emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of personnel. Еmpirical analysis. The empirical study presents the results of the validation of the “Appropriateness of professional self-determination” Scale, developed by the author of the article. The empirical research base includes 396 workers, 277 men and 119 women. The performed in the study verification of the factor structure of the Scale confirmed its two-factor structure (subscale “Compliance of personal qualities of the job`s demands” (Cronbach`s ? = 0.82) and subscale “Compliance of job of personal qualities” (Cronbach`s ?. = 0.63)). The factor structure of the Scale was confirmed by the results of confirmatory factor analysis (RMSEA = 0.061, CFI = 0.964, TLI = 0.906). It was found that male workers and female workers evaluate their own appropriateness of professional self-determination in the same way. Negative correlations of appropriateness of professional self-determination with professional burnout, frequency of stresses and positive correlations with job satisfaction were revealed. Conclusion. The results of the study confirm the validity of the Appropriateness of Professional self-determination Scale, contribute the theoretical reflection of professional self-determination.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):336-342
pages 336-342 views

Problematic issues of police officers' practical training in some foreign countries and the Russian Federation during training practices

Denisova A.Y.


Introduction. In the current economic and political realities, the modern activity of a policeman requires from him not only professional theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills, endurance, stress resistance and strong psychological skills. The relevance of this issue is explained by the need for solving staffing problems in view of growing threats and the rise in crime, as well as for increasing the level of practical training of police officers in emergency situations, which begins at the internship stage, and is the basic form of training future specialists of Internal Affairs Bodies. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the article is to reveal the distinctive features and organizational problems of practical training of police officers in the course of educational and quasi – professional activities. Empirical analysis allowed us to confirm the theoretical positions obtained during the survey on the basis of the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, and Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot. Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, a general conclusion is formulated about the relevance of the problem of police officers' professional training and the need for finding approaches to its organization and developing a comprehensive model of training practices.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):343-348
pages 343-348 views

Aspects of professional culture development for future head of an educational organization

Bolshakova A.S.


Introduction. The study of professional culture development for future head of an educational organization is relevant and associated with the need for an organization leader to act as a carrier of professional culture, who is willing and able to productively solve managerial professional tasks in accordance with the demands and challenges of the modern educational system. Theoretical analysis. The article views several aspects of the process of professional culture development of the future head of an educational organization from various positions, each of which focuses on its individual aspect and reveals its understanding. The problem under study has been modernized based on the analysis of studies devoted to professional culture and its formation, indicating that high level of its development in the leader acts as a guarantor of effectiveness of not only his/her own managerial activities, but also the activities and functioning of the entire educational organization. Within the framework of the study we searched for different aspects concerning understanding of the process of professional culture development in a future leader of an educational organization using the synergistic approach, interaction of general and professional cultures, presence of creativity in managerial activities, and formation of professional competence of an educational organization head. Conclusion. The development aspects described in the article are necessary for the head of an educational organization for effective formation of his/her professional culture.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):349-353
pages 349-353 views

Studying Russian as a foreign language at a technical university in the aspect of a culturally-oriented approach

Mikhailova I.V.


Introduction. The article deals with the issue of studying the Russian language as a foreign language in a technical university in the aspect of a culturally oriented campaign. Theoretical analysis of the material on this issue allows us to note the relevance of this study and formulate a conclusion about the need to use a culturally oriented approach in a technical university, thanks to which foreigners can be adapted to a foreign-language socio-cultural environment. A number of problems are identified that impede the effective assimilation of the Russian language. Empirical analysis, based on the methods of practical observation and comparison of the level of foreign students’ language skills, allows us to identify the conditions for successful education of foreign students in Russian universities and some “difficulties”, overcoming which helps stimulate the learning process. The special role of the teacher of Russian as a foreign language is determined. As an illustrative example, a brief description of the preparation of a practical excursion is given, which allows foreign students to immerse themselves in a foreign culture. In conclusion it is concluded that a culturally oriented approach is one of the main ones in teaching foreign students the Russian language, as it forms foreigners’ respect for a foreign culture and contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):354-358
pages 354-358 views

Formation of critical thinking components in cadets in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language

Savina I.S.


Introduction. One of the tasks of modern education is the formation of the competencies of the «Systemic and Critical Thinking» group. Theoretical analysis. The article reveals the meaning of the concept of critical thinking, highlights its components and substantiates the significance of the development of this thinking in the cadets of the preparatory course, since it is during this period that the skills of working with scientific literature written in Russian are laid. Empirical analysis. These methods and techniques of working with didactic material based on the texts of the disciplines of the professional cycle made it possible to increase not only interest in learning the Russian language, but also to prepare students for the analytical reading of textbooks, which contributes to the development of critical thinking. Conclusion. The article presents arguments proving the importance of the development of critical thinking in military personnel, since the study of scientific and methodological literature led to the conclusion that, first of all, grammatical skills are formed in the process of learning a language as a foreign one. Examples of tasks that form and develop the components of critical thinking are given, the methods used in the process of studying Russian as a foreign language are briefly substantiated, the purpose and objectives of studying this discipline are indicated. The article is advisory in nature, and its relevance is justified by the requirements of the educational standard of the specialty “Flight Operation and Application of Aviation Complexes”.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Philosophy, psychology, pedagogy. 2023;23(3):359-364
pages 359-364 views

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