Strategies of psychological influence of online groomer on the minor victim in the situation of online sexual harassment

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Introduction. The article is devoted to the socio-psychological phenomenon of psychological influence of online groomer on the victim in the situation of online sexual harassment. Theoretical analysis. In general, online sexual harassment refers to unwanted messages that include verbal and photo-visual information of sexual nature. It is noted that the concept of online sexual grooming is identified with this phenomenon. Empirical analysis. In the study, respondents (N=170) answered an anonymous questionnaire about online sexual grooming they had experienced when they were underage. In most cases, online groomers are adults, aware of the victim’s age, focusing mostly on the girls aged 10–12 (35.9% of cases) and 13–15 years old (44.1% of cases). Conclusion. The most significant strategies of psychological influence on the victim of online grooming include the use of flattery and compliments, as well as manipulation of such psychological features of the target of harassment as curiosity and lack of understanding of correct behavior patterns. Sexual online groomers predominantly target minors between the ages of 10 and 15. It is typical for these victims to conceal from their parents the facts of their abuse by groomers.

About the authors

Konstantin A. Kiselev

Saratov State University

83, Astrakhanskaya str., Saratov, 410002, Russia


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