The image of a woman in the conditions of modern pseudo-democratic mythology

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Introduction. The image of a woman helps to construct one’s understanding of the world, relations in society, ideas about the Other. This article is devoted to a critical analysis of the transformation of the image of a woman in a network society. Theoretical analysis. Today, the position of rejecting gender differences, which serve as one of the sources of human culture, is increasing in society. A crisis situation arises, accompanied by the loss of gender self-identification, the violation of internalization and existential frustration. In the network image of society, women are polyvariant and solve it by interpreting the actor who uses it, but a person acquires and manifests his or her generic essence only in the intuitions of the social essence, with the help of transcending. Conclusion. We come to the conclusion that the image of a woman in a network society is constructed by means of a pseudo-democratic mythologeme, which implements the illusion of freedom and leads to the full autonomy of individuals, which is the cause of alienating a person from society and thereby from himself/herself. The proposed way out of the existing gender identity crisis is by means of transcending communication, which includes signification.

About the authors

Valentina Alexandrovna Andreeva

Omsk State Technical University

St. Mira, 11, Omsk, 644050, Russia


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