
Genetic markers associated with resistance to radioiodine therapy in thyroid cancer patients: Prospective cohort study
Denisenko N., Shuev G., Mukhamadiev R., Perfilieva O., Kazakov R., Kachanova A., Milyutina O., Konenkova O., Ryzhkin S., Ivashchenko D., Bure I., Kirienko S., Zhmaeva E., Mirzaev K., Ametov A., Poddubnaya I., Sychev D.
Znachenie luchevoy terapii v lechenii generalizovannykh nekhodzhkinskikh limfom (IV stadiya)
Kharchenko V., Pan'shin G., Sotnikov V., Datsenko P., Smol'tsova N., Nikolaeva E.
The potential use of oncolytic viruses in breast cancer: historical aspects and future prospects (literature review)
Morozov D., Kolyadina I., Poddubnaya I., Chumakov P., Ilinskaya G., Bokhian V., Sopova M.
The evolution of views on the possibilities of drug therapy in overcoming acquired resistance not associated with Т790М mutation to anti-EGFR drugs in non-small cell lung cancer
Karabina E., Lubchenko L., Garunov A.
New possibilities in the treatment of EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer patients after the progression on a 1st and 2nd generation EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Laktionov K., Reutova E., Nelyubina L., Pitkevich M., Okruzhnova M., Ardzinba M., Yudin D., Demidova I., Zaretsky A.
Clinical case long-term care of the patient with mCRPC
Zaborskiy I., Karjakin O.
The role of cytokines in the chemotherapy of malignant tumors:the practice of cytokines Refnot® and Ingaron® administration in advanced cancer with multiple metastases
Bryuzgin V., Platinskij L.
Retseptor faktora rosta fibroblastov 1-go tipa kak mishen' tselenapravlennoy terapii pochechno-kletochnogo raka
Timofeev I.
Vliyanie endokhirurgicheskogo vmeshatel'stva na protivoopukholevuyu rezistentnost' organizma
Sletina S., Komarov I.
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