
Outcomes of extracorporeal partial nephrectomy in patients with malignant tumors: a retrospective and prospective study
Matveev V., Volkova M., Sinitsyna O., Kuznetsov K., Perlin D.
Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of an incomplete cytoreduction application in combination with systemic therapy and systemic therapy as mono-therapy in patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinomas
Borisov P., Orlova R., Shkolnik M., Karlov P.
Renal involvement in children with non-Hodgkin lymphomas
Valiev T., Panferova T., Koshechkina N., Zakharova E., Mikhailova E., Kaminskaya I.
Targetnaya terapiya rasprostranennogo raka pochki: problema vybora preparata na primere mul'tikinaznykh ingibitorov
Matveev V.
Neksavar® (sorafenib)v lechenii rasprostranennogo pochechno-kletochnogo raka
Podregul'skiy K.
Press-reliz Novaya era v lechenii raka pochki
Initial treatment for adults with advanced kidney cancer (renal cell carcinoma) [Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review]
Melnikov V.
Targetnaya terapiya raka pochki
Alekseev B., Shegay P.
Effect of transfused donor and autoerythrocytes on the oncological outcomes of surgical treatment in patients with renal cell carcinoma with tumor-related venous thrombosis: observational study
Volkova M., Feoktistov P., Begaliev A., Shin A., Matveev V., Prikhodchenko A.
Znachenie odnomomentnykh operatsiy pri kostnykh metastazakh raka pochki s intrakranial'nym rasprostraneniem
Karakhan V., Matveev B., Fu R., Aleshin V., Krat V.
Clinical prognostic factors of bilateral synchronous renal cancer
Komarov M., Matveev V., Volkova M., Komarov I., Ridin V.
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