卷 17, 编号 2 (2015)


Zaltrap® (aflibertsept) stanet dostupnym v Rossiyskoy Federatsii dlya lecheniya patsientov s metastaticheskim kolorektal'nym rakom

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Москва, 1 июля 2015 г. «Санофи» выводит на рынок России новый антиангиогенный препарат Залтрап® (афлиберцепт) для лечения пациентов с метастатическим колоректальным раком (мКРР). Залтрап® - первый препарат в своем классе, достоверно увеличивающий общую выживаемость больных при применении в комбинации с химиотерапевтическим режимом FOLFIRI, после прогрессирования опухоли на оксалиплатинсодержащей терапии. Залтрап® станет доступен российским пациентам в IV квартале 2015 г.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):5-6
pages 5-6 views

Preparat Gaziva® stanet dostupen‌‌ dlya terapii patsientov s khronicheskim limfotsitarnym leykozom

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Новый препарат компании «Рош» Газива® (обинутузумаб) для терапии ранее не леченных пациентов станет доступен на российском рынке с сентября 2015 г.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):7
pages 7 views

Liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma

Khubutiya M., Novruzbekov M., Olisov O., Galankina I., Zimina L.


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most frequent cancer, usually develops in cirrhotic liver. Liver transplantation (LT) is potentially curative treatment for HCC. A total of 50 patients with HCC underwent LT. Patients were divided and compared according to Milan criteria. Differences between pre - and post-operative assessment were evaluated. Overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were compared between groups. Patients within MC had a significant better 1-, 3- and 5-year survival than a control group: 100, 100, 87,5% vs. 58, 41 and 27% for DFS and 100, 100, 87,5% vs. 76,9, 45 and 29,5% for OS.Conclusion: long-term results in patients with HCC after LT is excellent if tumor characteristics are within the Milan criteria.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: The 2015 asco News

Arkhiri P.


Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) were discussed within the framework of educational sections, as well as within the discussions holding on special communications after oral and poster papers, at the 2015 American Society of Clinical Oncology ASCO Annual Meeting in June, in Chicago.The most interesting studies were devoted to estimating efficiency and the optimal duration of imatinib adjuvant therapy in patients at high risk for disease progression and finding effective new drugs to treat patients with GISTs, which had resistance to traditional tyrosine kinase inhibitors.In the section of estimating efficiency of imatinib adjuvant therapy the most interesting studies were presented by H.Joensuu, - the second planned analysis of the randomized SSGXVIII/AIO trial, and C.Raut - the results of non-randomized 3-year patients observation study (PERSIST-5) concerning the efficiency of imatinib adjuvant treatment during 5 years in patients with high-risk disease development. In the second section of most interest was the oral report of the J.-Y.Blay - the results of multicenter randomized study - PAZOGIST, phase II, associated with the efficacy of pazopanib, as well as the study of Ping Chi devoted to estimating efficiency of the combination of MEK inhibitors (binimetinib) and KIT (imatinib) and M.Heinrich devoted to estimating efficiency of ponatinib in patients with GISTs, which had resistance to traditional tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Intrahepatic cholangiocellular carcinoma (review)

Zharikov Y., Shevchenko T., Zhao A.


Cholangiocellular carcinoma (CCA) is a rare disease. In average it is 3% of all malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Intrahepatic type (iCCA) represents from 5 to 10% of the CCA. The chronic inflammation plays an important role in pathogenesis of CCA, against the background of what there is an activation of various cellular signaling pathways leading to disruption of cell proliferation of cholangiocytes. The majority of patients with iCCA develop symptoms only at an advanced stage of disease. Surgical treatment at an early stage is curative in improving the prognosis of these patients. Certainly, knowledge of changes at the molecular genetic level in patients with iCCA will improve the methods of examination of these patients, that elevate the diagnosis and treatment results.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):18-25
pages 18-25 views

Neurofibromatosis type 1 syndrome associated with gastrointestinal stromal tumor

Abukhaidar O., Filonenko D., Arkhiri P., Meshcheriakov A., Nered S., Stilidi I.


Neurofibromatosis type 1 - NF1 (Recklinghausen's disease) is one of the most common hereditary tumor syndromes. The disease is caused by mutations in the NF1 gene, which is the tumor suppressor gene and the outcome of these mutations is the rapid uncontrolled growth of cells, as well as the high possibility of malignant tumors development, including gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). NF-1- associated GISTs are characterized by wild type for c-KIT and PDGFR-α mutations (WT-wild type) and as a rule have poor tyrosine kinase inhibitors treatment response, clinically occur asymptomatically, and characterize by low mitotic activity and better prognosis. The frequency of intraabdominal NF1 is 5-25%. Not more than 5% of all cases of intraabdominal NF1 have symptoms, which greatly affect the frequency of their determination. The most frequent clinical symptoms of the GISTs associated with NF1 are gastrointestinal bleeding and duodenal ileus. This article describes the clinical characteristics of GISTs in patient with NF1 who have been underwent gastro-pancreaticoduodenal resection, because of duodenal GISTs. The described case study confirms the high efficiency of surgical treatment and better prognosis in patients with duodenal GISTs associated with neuroendocrine tumor and NF1.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):26-29
pages 26-29 views

The role and assessment of morphological regression after neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients

Frank G., Ilatovskaia M., Andreeva I., Zavalishina L.


Breast cancer neoadjuvant treatment response gives a unique opportunity to assess the therapy effectiveness only a few months after the therapy was initiated. In many neoadjuvant trials, patients achieving a pathologic complete response, showed a better long-term outcome, indicating pathologic complete response as a strong prognostic marker. However, there are some discrepancies in pathologic complete response assessment, thus standardization is needed. The review addresses the important issues regarding pathologic complete response assessment.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Brain metastases in her2-positive breast cancer: new opportunities for systemic therapy

Artamonova E., Manziuk L.


This article dials with the new opportunities for the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer with the involvement of the central nervous system (CNS). In CEREBEL study was shown that trastuzumab was not inferior to lapatinib concerning the reduction the incidence of brain metastases and had statistically significant progression-free survival advantages. The new strategy of the 1st-line therapy in disseminated HER2-positive breast cancer is to apply dual receptor blockade using two monoclonal antibodies (trastuzumab + pertuzumab) in combination with taxanes. This approach has been highly effective, even in the patients with the involvement of the CNS: the addition of pertuzumab into the combination of trastuzumab + docetaxel has increased the median time to development of CNS metastases as first site of disease progression from 11,9 to 15 months, and median overall survival - from 26,3 to 34,4 months. On the progression of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer after usage of trastuzumab and taxanes, the advantage of new drug - T-DM1 was proven over the combination of lapatinib and capecitabin, even in the patients with brain metastases: the advantage of median overall survival in these patients was reached 13,9 months.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):35-39
pages 35-39 views

Stereotactic biopsy of breast lesions under x-ray control

Manikhas G., Safronova O., Khudjakova T., Barabanova L., Punanova N.


Despite the extensive experience gained over the past decade, in some cases, the interpretation of detected by mammography changes is difficult. The ability to perform stereotactic biopsy of breast lesions under X-ray control is one of the important factors of successful out - patient management of specialized oncology institution. More than 15-year experience performing stereotactic biopsy of breast lesions under X-ray control is presented in this article.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Efficacy and safety of extimia® (empegfilgrastim): results of a double-blind controlled phase iii study in patients with diagnosis «breast cancer» receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy

Krivorotko P., Burdaeva O., Nechaeva M., Frolova M., Kopp M., Abrosimova A., Ivanov R.


Objectives: to compare safety and efficacy of a single dose of empegfilgrastim and daily dosing of filgrastim for prevention of neutropenia in patients receiving AT (docetaxel 75 mg/m2 + doxorubicin 50 mg/m2). Methods. 135 patients with breast cancer were randomly assigned at a ratio of 1:1:1 to receive either single s.c. injection of empegfilgrastim at doses of 6 mg or 7.5 mg, or daily s.c. injections of filgrastim at a dose of 5 mcg/kg (until ANC≥10×109/L), 24 h after chemotherapy. The primary efficacy endpoint was the duration of grade 4 neutropenia (ANC<0.5×109/L) during the first chemotherapy cycle.Results. Mean duration of grade 4 neutropenia was significantly shorter in both groups of empegfilgrastim compared to filgrastim group: 0.905 d (6 mg), 0.791 d (7,5 mg) and 1,725 d, correspondingly. Mean difference in duration of grade 4 neutropenia between filgrastim and empegfilgrastim 7.5 mg groups was -0.934 d (95% CI -1.504 to -0.364 days); p<0.05. During the next 3 cycles of chemotherapy mean duration of grade 4 neutropenia was also significantly shorter in both groups of empegfilgrastim. A statistically significant difference when comparing the rate of severe neutropenia during the study between both groups of empegfilgrastim (6 mg - 95.24%, 7.5 mg - 79.07%) and filgrastim (100.0%) was not observed (p>0.05). Febrile neutropenia was reported in 2.38% (6 mg), 6.98% (7.5 mg) and 5.00% (filgrastim) of patients. Results of this study indicate non-inferior efficacy of empegfilgrastim compared to filgrastim, efficacy parameters were preferable in the group of 7.5 mg empegfilgrastim.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):45-52
pages 45-52 views

The illustration of the successful mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells using plerixafor and pegfilgrastim in the patient with non-hodgkin's lymphoma

Motalkina M., Kulyova S., Alexeev S., Zuzgin I., Filatova L., Zhabina A., Zverkova A., Ishmatova I., Rjazankina A., Artemyeva A., Semiglazova T.


In our clinical example, we studied the possibility of early treatment intensification, through the use of a new combination pegfilgrastim and plerixafor as a regime of mobilization. Within 4 days (after a single injection pegfilgrastim 6 mg in D1) we observed a gradual increase in the content of CD34+-cells in peripheral blood, but only after injection plerixafor (D4) at a rate of 0.24 mg/kg, we were able to initiate the apheresis procedure. Number of collected CD34+-cells was 14,9106 that is more than adequate for a quick and stable hematopoietic recovery after a course HDC and timely recovery of the cellular composition of the blood of this patient (D10) indicated the quality of hematopoietic assembled material. Thus, the combination pegfilgrastim and plerixafor - a simple and effective way to mobilize hematopoietic stem cells in peripheral blood.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):54-56
pages 54-56 views

Malignant giant cell tumor of soft tissues (clinical case)

Vashenko L., Todorov S., Ausheva T., Bakulina S., Kechedzieva E., Babieva S.


Clinical case shows hard-relapsing course, which are characterized by malignant giant cell tumor of soft tissues, even if you have a low potential for malignancy and in the absence of distant metastasis.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Dental prevention of complications of chemotherapy hematologic diseases in children

Lutskaya I., Andreyeva V., Zinovenko O.


One of the side effects of chemotherapy is a deprivation of the mucous membrane. The most pronounced changes in mucous membrane are detected in the treatment of hematologic diseases. Most often determined oral candidiasis, herpetic stomatitis and mucositis. It begin with pathologic processes opacities of the epithelium with subsequent erosional or the formation of ulcers. They are so painful that the patients refuse the primary treatment (chemotherapy). Keeping the optimal oral hygiene can prevent the development of severe complications.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):61-66
pages 61-66 views

Treatment of severe nosocomial infections: doripenem - a new carbapenems antibiotic

Petukhova I., Dmitrieva N.


Doripenem is a new carbapenems antibiotic and takes an important place in the treatment of severe nosocomial infections, as well as in case of infections caused by multi-drug resistant microorganisms; and can be used for the treatment of complicated intraabdominal infection, complicated urinary tract infections (including bacteraemia), nosocomial pneumonia, including ventilator-associated pneumonia. The review presents the data of international studies concerning the determining the susceptibility of microorganisms to doripenem in vitro, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter and others, the results of pharmacokinetic and clinical studies with the drug. We discuss the approaches to overcome the microorganism resistance using prolonged infusion of doripenem, as well as antibiotic tolerance and pharmacoeconomic data.
Journal of Modern Oncology. 2015;17(2):67-73
pages 67-73 views
