卷 10, 编号 2 (2011)


The technology of sociologic study as a methodological basis of medical sociologic monitoring

Reshetnikov A.


The actual research methods in sociology of medicine provide an opportunity to study the processes of the formation of public opinion concerning the medical social events to receive the information both as subjective values of implemented measures and objective indicators of public health system functioning. The analysis of medical sociologic information of this kind permit to implement the operational feedback from patients (population) and other legal personalities of public health system functioning. This approach permits to make a decision on specific managerial tasks, to evaluate their effectiveness and ultimately to develop new medical sociologic technologies enhancing the effectiveness of innovations in public health.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):3-10
pages 3-10 views

The analysis of approaches to the notion "health" in foreign sociology

Izutkin D.


The article deals with the approaches to the content of notion health elaborated in foreign sociology. In general, two main directions are distinguished: objective and subjective. The objective direction considers health from normative point of view focusing mainly on the biological foundation of this phenomenon. The subjective direction examines the issue of health from axiological position in the hierarchy of universal human values. The critical assessment of these directions is provided in framework of general trends of foreign sociologic thought.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):10-14
pages 10-14 views

The formation of social role of physician-pedagogue in the system of continuous postgraduate training based on the materials of the empirical study 2006-2010

Shurupova R.


The data of sociologic empirical study (2006-2010) was used to monitor the need in formation of the social role of physician-pedagogue. The study included such aspects of physician-pedagogues as the support and regulation of new possibilities, the provision of alternatives in realization of social and professional potential, the adaptation to sociologic pedagogic innovations.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):14-22
pages 14-22 views

The main directions of functioning of the State regional clinical diagnostic center of Novosibirsk in the context of public health modernization

Bravve Y., Fedorova T., Peskov S., Velichkina N., Maslennikov A.


The State regional clinical diagnostic center of Novosibirsk is a unique institution incorporated into the structure of public health system of Novosibirskaya oblast due to both its hardware-based and instrumental potential and the level of background and skills of medical personnel. The center provides also an opportunity to apply a genuine methodology in assessing the quality of health of patients and early diagnostics of diseases based on a comprehensive multi-profile counseling diagnostic process. The counseling diagnostic possibilities of the diagnostic center are very significant for public health system of Novosibirskaya oblast. The active creative work of diagnostic center stuff in the main sections of the conception of development and functioning of the Center 2010-2020 in the context of modernization of health care in Novosibirskaya oblast inputs significantly into positive dynamics of target health indicators, healthy life-style formation and development of demographic potentials of Novosibirskaya oblast population.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):22-29
pages 22-29 views

The reproduction of medical scientific manpower in the conditions of higher school

Blyudnikov S., Mikhal'chenko D.


The article explains the results of the personal medical sociologic study of the model of formation of scientific potential in profession-genesis dynamics. The conclusion is made concerning the need in developing of the system of ordering scientific manpower for various directions of medicine.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):29-30
pages 29-30 views

The deontological aspects of physician's attitude to society

Saperov V.


The main social and public commitments of physicians are the healthy life-style propaganda, active involvement into pollution control and human-nature balance support, substantiation of public health laws. Besides that, physicians participate in the process of health resources allocation, support the certain balance between public and private medicine and in case of need to use possibilities of global public health.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):31-33
pages 31-33 views

The qualification self-assessment of tutors in the system of secondary professional training of stomatologists

Sorokin D.


The article presents the analysis of self-assessment of tutors in the system of postgraduate secondary professional training of stomatologists in 36 educational institutions from different regions of Russia. The study investigated the priority directions of functioning and professional results satisfaction. The assessment of personal qualification and application of actual didactic techniques was given.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):34-37
pages 34-37 views

The medical sociological study of readiness of population of the Russian Federation to the re-vaccination against AIDS/HIV infection

Reshetnikov A., Khaitov R., Efimenko S., Gudima G., Sidorovich I., Karamov E., Bogachanskaya N., Pavlov S.


In Moscow, from November 2010 to February 2011, the medical sociological study was organized to assess the readiness of population to the preventive vaccination against AIDS/HIV-infection. In the survey participated 416 respondents aged from 16 то 55 years. The majority of them expressed readiness to vaccination against AIDS/HIV-infection on conditions that the corresponding vaccine will be developed. The agreement to be vaccinated directly depends on the effectiveness of vaccine, immunity defense durability and absence of side effects and its cost.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):37-40
pages 37-40 views

The organization of monitoring of demographic situation In the region

Babintsev V., Reutova M.


The article presents the results of sociological analysis of factors of natural reproduction of regional population from the point of view of particular municipal formations (Belgorodskaya oblast as a case study). The factors most impacting the demographic situation are determined. The technique of monitoring of assessment of demographic situation on the regional level is proposed with organizational mechanism and system of indicators included.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):40-44
pages 40-44 views

The social status of patients of tuberculosis dispensary and its impact on attitude to treatment

Mordyk A., Puzyreva L., Podkopaeva T.


The article explains the impact of social status of TBC patients on their attitude to treatment. It is established that after the disease was diagnosed in patients of TBC medical institutions the level of their income decreased. As a result of this more than 50% of patients wished receive the material aid in the form of monetary funds. The social aftermaths of TBC are established in almost all TBC patients - deterioration of attitude of entourage and relatives, changes in work conditions and marital status, failure in life plans. According the sociological survey 82% of TBC patients trust their physician, though 85% wish to interrupt the hospital treatment.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):44-47
pages 44-47 views

The social functioning of patients with pharmacoresistant depressions

Abritalin E., Fedorov N.


The article deals with the study results concerning the social adaptation and life quality of patients with pharmacoresistant depressive states. The most successful social functioning was established in patients with melancholy syndrome. The patients with worried depression syndrome assessed the social adaptation social adaptation higher than life quality. The patients with apathetic depressive syndrome emphasized a higher life quality than social adaptation. The patients with pharmacoresistant depressions within the scope of schizoaffective disorder expressed an apparent dissonance between values of social adaptation and life quality. In patients with depressive states within the scope of organic lesion of brain and within the scope of affective disorders the corresponding indicators had no significant difference.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):47-51
pages 47-51 views

The reproductive potential and contraceptive behavior of women after operative delivery

Selikhova M., Grigoryan V.


The article presents the results of retrospective analysis of questionnaire data provided by 123 puerperaes after operative delivery in four obstetric hospitals of Volgograd. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the reproductive plans and characteristics of contraceptive behavior of women after cesarean section. In postnatal unit, professionally trained specialist conversed with puerperaes on issues of contraception.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):52-54
pages 52-54 views

The interest of students to the healthy life-style issues

Ivanova L.


The labor achievements depend on both the professional training of personnel and health status of specialists. The need in information concerning healthy life-style is one of the indicators of attitude to health. The article analyses the results of students' poll carried out in 8 cities of Russia. The interest of respondents to various aspects of healthy life-style is analyzed. The impact of different factors (gender differences, health self-assessment, etc.) on cognitive activity in this area is considered. The opinions of students of first and last courses concerning the first medical aid provision are compared to investigate the impact of university education on the ability to implement this kind of care.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):54-57
pages 54-57 views

The analysis of organization of medical support of citizen training to military service

Kuz'min S.


The article presents the results of analysis of medical support of citizen training to military service in Orenburgskaya oblast. The means to enhance the medical care of persons of pre-induction and induction age residing in this region are substantiated.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):57-59
pages 57-59 views

The study of life quality of patients with toxic (mercurial) encephalopathy of professional genesis

D'yakovich M., Kazakova P., Solov'eva I.


The article presents the results of dynamic medical sociological survey applied to a sample of patients with toxic (mercurial) encephalopathy of professional genesis. It is demonstrated that the decrease of patients' life quality is due to both psychoneurological disorders and inability to provide their compensation by satisfactory mechanisms of psychological functioning. The frustration, intrapersonal conflict in certain life areas and desadaptative behavior concerning disease are also present.

Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(2):60-63
pages 60-63 views
