The social functioning of patients with pharmacoresistant depressions

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The article deals with the study results concerning the social adaptation and life quality of patients with pharmacoresistant depressive states. The most successful social functioning was established in patients with melancholy syndrome. The patients with worried depression syndrome assessed the social adaptation social adaptation higher than life quality. The patients with apathetic depressive syndrome emphasized a higher life quality than social adaptation. The patients with pharmacoresistant depressions within the scope of schizoaffective disorder expressed an apparent dissonance between values of social adaptation and life quality. In patients with depressive states within the scope of organic lesion of brain and within the scope of affective disorders the corresponding indicators had no significant difference.

About the authors

E. Y. Abritalin

Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov

Author for correspondence.

candidate of medical sciences, doctoral student

Russian Federation, 6G, Akademika Lebedeva street, Saint-Petersburg, 194044

N. V. Fedorov

City Polyclinic No. 60



Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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