The study of life quality of patients with toxic (mercurial) encephalopathy of professional genesis

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The article presents the results of dynamic medical sociological survey applied to a sample of patients with toxic (mercurial) encephalopathy of professional genesis. It is demonstrated that the decrease of patients' life quality is due to both psychoneurological disorders and inability to provide their compensation by satisfactory mechanisms of psychological functioning. The frustration, intrapersonal conflict in certain life areas and desadaptative behavior concerning disease are also present.

About the authors

M. P. D'yakovich

Angarsk branch of East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher

Russian Federation, Angarsk

P. V. Kazakova


medical psychologist

Russian Federation

I. Y. Solov'eva

Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise in the Irkutsk Region



Russian Federation, Irkutsk Region


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