The role of service of insurance representatives in protection of rights and interests of patients




The assessment of activity of service of insurance representatives organized within the framework of functioning of medical insurance organizations of St. Petersburg proved its high effectiveness. The analysis of structure of causes of addressing of citizen to insurance representatives demonstrated that more often patients have complaints about unsatisfactory conditions of medical care provision re lated to poor organization of hospital functioning. The second cause is to receive counseling support related to issues of mandatory medical insurance. The questionnaire survey of 5542 patients was carried out. The results demonstrated that in spite of availability of policy of mandatory medical insurance 23% of patients were obliged to use personal funds to pay hospital treatment. The content of service of insurance representatives has no need in special financial costs and requires further development and enhancement.


V. Yuriyev

The St. Petersburg state pediatric academy

д-р мед. наук, зав. каф. 194100 St. Petersburg, Russia

V. Kupriyanova

The St. Petersburg state pediatric academy

аспирант 194100 St. Petersburg, Russia


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