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The article presents the analysis of impact of research competence on the process of professional self-realization of practical physicians. The personal self-perception of physician from positioning of oneself as active subject of cognition, opened to new experience and ready for getting out of available scope of knowledge is considered as an indicator of availability and developness of research competence at the stage of post-graduate stage of profession genesis. The article presents a complex of qualities of subject needed to successful self-realization in profession in conditions of modern medicine. The questionnaire survey was applied to assess through physicians the process of receiving and application of experience of research activities in university and also of the course of professional self-realization. The questionnaire emphasized such research skills as scientific informational, methodological, theoretical, empirical, written speech and communicative speech ones. The testing was applied to compare self-rating of physicians in the area of research skills and real research knowledge and skills. The results testify an inadequate attention to development of research competence at pre- and post-graduation work stages of professional genesis. The cohort of young specialists is considered as a most perspective one for working in this direction in state structures.

About the authors

V. S Krasovsky

The Federal state budget educational institution of higher education «The Astrakhan state medical university» of Minzdrav of Russia

ассистент кафедры биологии Астраханского ГМУ, врач-невролог 414000 Astrakhan, Russia


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