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The article presents the results of sociological survey in questionnaire form applied to visitors of municipal and private stomatological polyclinics in Kaluga. The study was organized to analyze satisfaction of population with quality of stomatological care. The issues of detection and ranking of factors in a highest degree impacting evaluation of quality of stomatological care were covered. The analysis of differences in valuation of private and municipal systems of stomatological care was implemented. The sampling included 748 visitors of stomatological polyclinics of Kaluga. The implemented sociological questionnaire made it possible to evaluate quality of stomatological care and satisfaction of consumers of medical services. The sociological survey facilitated to reveal factors in a highest degree impacting evaluation of quality of stomatological care. On the whole, 84.6% of respondents expressed satisfaction with medical service in stomatological polyclinics, 5.5% expressed dissatisfaction and 9.9% find difficulty in replying.

About the authors

O. V Karpova

The "Pro-Denta-Luxe"

248001 Kaluga, Russia

M. A Tatarnikov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

199911, Moscow, Russia


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