
Application of natural astaxanthin for tissue healing in the oral cavity when using immediat prosthesis. Clinical case
Samoylova M., Kosyreva T., Anurova A., Voropaeva E., Zhilenkova O., Matveevskaya N., Zatevalov A.
Analog-digital workflow for complex rehabilitation of severe maxillary atrophy with zygomatic implants: a clinical case
Dibirov T., Drobyshev A., Gvetadze R., Kharazyan E., Arutyunov S.
Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of prosthodontic treatment using the original immediate denture design and traditional methods
Guskov A., Mashutin S., Saidov A., Izmaylov D., Otnelchenko P., Stalmakova A.
Influence of anatomical changes in implant-supported crowns of maxillary central incisors on the functional state
Merzhoeva K., Murashov M., Voronov I.
Experimental comparison of screw loosening of full zirconia crowns supported by straight implants, straight implants with angled abutments, and angled implants with different platform inclinations: An in vitro study
Merzhoeva K., Murashov M., Voronov I.
Clinical effectiveness of comprehensive evaluation of soft tissue inflammation during preparation and treatment by dental implantation: A case report
Gus’kov A., Nikiforov A., Oleynikov A., Gadzhiev A.
Cone-beam computed tomography evaluation of the possibility of fabrication of screw-retained implant crowns on maxillary central incisors
Merzhoeva K., Murashov M., Voronov I.
Options to optimize the orthopedic treatment protocol to prevent inflammatory complications at the immediate prosthetic stage in patients after multiple teeth extraction
Gus'kov A., Guyter O., Oleynikov A., Osman A.
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