卷 20, 编号 6 (2016)


Clinical and morphological features of pathological tooth mineralization

Zlatoustova O., Vasilev S., Rudyy A.


Goal. The study of morphology, location and composition of the mineral deposits in the specimens of deposits on teeth at various stages of their damage by mineral compounds. Materials and methods. Samples for the study - supragingival and subgingival stones obtained from 6 patients (two samples obtained at professional mechanical tooth cleaning and four samples obtained at the removal of affected teeth). The morphology and localization of mineral deposits in a form ofodontolith was investigated by means of the electron microscopy. The elemental composition was studied by X-ray microanalysis. Results. The key differences in the initial, intermediate and final stages ofpathological mineralization were revealed. The initial stages of subgingival dental mineralization are characterized by the formation of solitary mineral spherical particles in the organic plaque. The size of the mineral particles at this stage varies from 100 nm to 1 micron. The later stages of subgingival mineralization are characterized by the alignment ofspherical particles in the filaments and sticking them in the bunches, still in an organic plaque. The size of the particles themselves at this stage is a little bit larger than at the initial stages and varies from 0.4 to 2 micrometers. The stage of well developed dental deposits at root of the tooth features the massive mineral agglomerates up to several hundred micrometers in size. At the root and at the crown of the teeth the agglomerations of bacteria in the organic plaque were found. Areas of bacterial aggregation occupy more than 50% of the total tooth surface affected by mineral compounds. The main morphological differences of supragingival and subgingival mineralization as well as differences in their elemental composition were revealed. Conclusion. Summarizing these results, it can be argued that the process of pathological mineralization is initiated in the organic dental plaque at the root and the crown of the tooth to form the mineral particle of 100 nm in size. The data obtained may be useful in describing the mechanism of biomineral formation of deposits in the human body.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):292-300
pages 292-300 views

Histochemical characteristics of reparative dentinogenesis of the tooth pulp

Sirak S., Shchetinin E., Kobylkina T., Adamchik A., Sirak A., Vafiadi M.


The role of C-kit-positive cells in the pulp of the tooth to optimize reparative dentinogenesis in biological methods of treatment of pulpitis in experimental animals were studied. In vivo 80 tooth of the lower jaw of sheep received a model of acute pulpitis with subsequent amputation of the vital pulp. Use as a biological method of treatment of tissue-engineered constructs composed of collagen sponge, hydrogel PuraMatrix/3DM and ectomesenchymal stem cells has allowed to better protect the pulp from infection, to optimize the inflammatory process with the activation of proliferation and acceleration of formation of dentinal bridge.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):301-304
pages 301-304 views

Pathophysiological and histological changes in the vasculature of the dental pulp devitalization

Sirak A., Shchetinin E., Sirak S., Vafiadi M., Adamchik A., Kobylkina T.


The article discusses issues concerning the study of pathophysiological reactions of the vasculature of the dental pulp devitalization with her. It is established that the violation of microcirculation and morphological changes of the pulp in the devitalization occurs by the growth of sclerotic changes in the vessels. When devitalisation using paraformaldehyde the most pronounced changes are observed in capillary, arteriolar and precapillary levels of the microcirculation. When devitalisation using myskovskogo anhydride destruction of the microvasculature assumes the character of an irreversible process by the end of the first day, culminating on the third day total necrosis of the vascular network of the pulp of the tooth.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):305-308
pages 305-308 views

Characteristics of relationship to disease in adult patients with chewing-speech apparatus pathology

Iordanishvili A., Serikov A., Lobeyko V., Soldatova L., Muzykin M., Guk V., Kerimkhanov K.


The work is done on the basis of the survey 144 (100 men and 44 women) ranging in age from 22 to 85 years, suffering from various diseases of the maxillofacial region. We studied the relation to disease adult patients of different age groups with various chronic diseases of the organs and tissues of the chewing-the vocal apparatus: the pathology of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and masticatory muscles, malocclusion, chronic generalized periodontitis, complications ofdental implants and diseases of the salivary glands, accompanied by the syndrome of "dry mouth". To determine the type of relationship of the patient to the disease used clinical test methodology TOBOL (type of attitude to the disease), which implemented clinical-psychological typology of the relationship of the patient to the disease. The methodology provides the possibility of defining one of the 12 types of responses that can be diagnosed by the test: sensitive, anxious, hypochondriac, melancholic, apathetic, neurotic, egocentric, paranoid, anosognosic, dysphoric, alopaticos and harmonious. They are all allocated into 3 three blocks: semiadaptive, intrapsychic-and interpsychic non-adaptive-non-adaptive. It is established that patients with pathology of the TMJ, masticatory muscles, as well as persons young and middle age with chronic generalized periodontitis had high levels in block 1, and their psychosocial adaptation is not disturbed significantly. Patients of older age groups suffering from periodontitis, as well as young people with malocclusion and patients with pathology of the salivary glands, accompanied by the syndrome of "dry mouth", have high values in unit 2, which is characterized by intrapsychic orientation of personal response to the disease causing violations of social adaptation of patients. Persons of all age groups who have received complications of dental implants, have high values in the block 3, which is characterized interesanta the direction of personal response to the disease causing also a violation of social adaptation ofpatients. 2-m and 3-m type of relationship ofpatients with dental pathology to the disease to obtain a positive therapeutic effect and successful rehabilitation should be involved in planning treatment and rehabilitation (provided psychotropic, psychotherapeutic intervention) clinical pharmacist or therapist.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):309-314
pages 309-314 views

Sialogogues signs of change the major salivary glands in patients with sjogren's syndrome

Kozlova M., Repin I., Smyslenova M., Selivanova E.


Relevance. The prevalence of Sjogren’s syndrome (SS) varies from 0.1 to 3.3% in the General population. Despite the fact that the treatment school must conduct primarily a rheumatologist, that the dentist, in particular, dental surgeon, depends on accurate and timely diagnosis of the disease. Often in the diagnosis of nonneoplastic diseases of the major salivary glands (BUJ) ispolzuyutsya ultrasonography (us), however standard research methodology is not sufficiently informative, in particular in relation to the initial stage of the disease. The purpose of this study was - the increase of efficiency of diagnostics of school through the use of an improved method of sialogogue with contrast excretory ducts BUJ saline solution. Material and methods. The study included 40 patients with NL. To assess the secretory function of the salivary glands was performed salumeria. Evaluated biochemical parameters, specific to school, in the peripheral blood. As radiological methods of investigation used native ultrasound, ultrasound with contrast and traditional sialography. Results. Patients of the 1st group the data of biochemical analysis ofperipheral blood about the presence of the initial stage n and autoimmune thyroiditis, ifsialography pronounced changes in the ductal tree is not revealed when the native sialagogue visualized parotid gland (PG) with smooth, clear contours, normal echogenicity and main excretory duct. When filled with saline noted the clear contouring of the duct until the acini; the terminal divisions of the excretory ducts was determined cysto- and anulowanie expansion. Patients of the 2nd group biochemical analysis of peripheral blood revealed the presence of clinically expressed stage school with the accession of autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland, according to sialography identified multiple depot of contrast size of 1-3 mm, according to native ultrasound, increased PG were visualized with smooth clear contours, the echogenicity of the parenchyma of the gland was reduced, with heterogeneous echostructure, with the presence of multiple small, more hypoechogenic areas in diffuse parenchymal part. After infusion of saline was possible to visualize the course of the ducts 2-4 orders of magnitude, their tortuosity, confirmed the connection between the channels and revealed hypoechoic areas in the parenchymal part of the parotid gland that have proven their cystic nature. Patients in the comparison group with native echography visualized parotid gland with smooth, clear contours, echogenicity regular, not advanced duct. Thus, the execution ofSJ vnutrimatocny ultrasound with introduction of saline solution allows to evaluate the structure of the studied gland: to trace the course of the system of ducts, to identify the communication duct with hypoechoic areas in the parenchyma of the LF, which is especially important in patients with syndrome or Sjogren disease. Diagnostic specificity for contrast sialogogue was 100,0%, sensitivity - of 90,9%, accuracy - of 97,5%, a positive predictive value - of 96,7%, negative -100%. Conclusions. An improved method of sialogogue the breast ducts with saline revealed a communication with the excretory ducts of the hypoechoic areas in the parenchyma of the salivary glands. Quantification of markers n and the presence of autoimmune destruction of the thyroid gland revealed significant differences in patients with primary and secondary school stages expressed in healthy people. Contrast sialagogue high resolution has high diagnostic specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, predictive value positive and negative results. The proposed method can be used for screening and identification of SSH in patients with thyroid disorders, Allergy to iodine-containing medications and in pregnancy.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):314-319
pages 314-319 views

Justification of the choice of the drug for temporary canal filling in the treatment of destructive forms of chronic periodontitis

Koshel' I., Adamchik A., Kobylkina T.


The choice ofa technique and meansfor treatment ofdestructive forms of periodontitis remain actual in therapeutic stomatology. Possibilities of bacteriological diagnostics allow to choose and use purposefully antibacterial preparations at treatment of chronic apical periodontitis with a minimum of complications and the maximum clinical effect. In work the closest results of treatment of patients with chronic apical periodontitis.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):320-323
pages 320-323 views

Dynamics of antimicrobial protein lactoferrin in oral fluid during pregnancy in women with dental caries

Lomova A., Prokhodnaya V., Bykov I.


The work purpose-to define the pathogenetic significance of changes in antimicrobial protection of the oral cavity in dynamics of pregnancy for the development and course of dental caries. Materials and methods. In the clinical group and 35 pregnant women with dental caries consistently across all three trimeter ELISA determined the concentration in the oral fluid of lactoferrin antimicrobial peptide, and then identified a causal relationship between the level of peptides and dental caries. Results. In patients with physiological pregnancy in the absence ofdental diseases the content of lactoferrin oralfluid compared to healthy donors (1,06±0,08 μg/ml) above, and sequentially increases from I (2,31±0,11 μg/ml) to II (2,79±0,13 μg/ml) and III (3,11±0.24 mcg/ml) trimesters. Pregnant women suffering from dental caries compared to the control group in the level of lactoferrin oral fluid was higher by 27,6 37,4; 19,2% (p < 0,001) in I, II and III trimester respectively. Conclusion: the Level of antimicrobial peptide lactoferrin in saliva was increased in the presence of dental caries and depending on the time of gestational period.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):324-327
pages 324-327 views

The criteria of quality of dental care provided on outpatient conditions

Butova V., Gvetadze R., Bychkov V.


The development of dental care quality criteria should be based on Legal and Regulatory basis and the characteristics that determine quality. There is a need to address not only the health and social problems of quality criteria, but also legal, organizational, ethical and economic issues that may allow to balance patient’s satisfaction of dental care with the imperatives of quality of services provided on the profile of "Dentistry". Medical service is considered to be provided efficiently by a Medical Organization when the Medical Staff has performed all that is prescribed and planned, but the improvement of health may never ensure.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):327-331
pages 327-331 views

Epidemiology of malignant tumors of organs and tissues of the mouth in the Moscow region for the period 2011-2015

Kryazhinova I., Nikitin A., Sadovskiy V., Olesov E., Novosemtseva T.


The article presents the results of the analysis of statistical indicators of cancer incidence in the Moscow region (MO) in the period from 2011 to 2015 provides data on the prevalence of stages of malignant tumors of the mouth and lip areas MO.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):332-337
pages 332-337 views

An efficiency of using antioxidants in the complex therapy of chronic generalized parodontitis of high and average degree of severity on the background of continuous stress at employees of ministry of internal affairs (MIA)

Maskurova Y., Gayvoronskaya T., Uvarova A.


Using antioxidants in treatment of patients with generalized parodontitis of high and average degree of severity is a more effective method of treatment in comparison with the traditional one. On the basis of clinico-roentgenologic research the conclusion was made that this technique is rational, perspective and reguires further introduction and supplementation to traditional therapy.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):337-340
pages 337-340 views

Application of hyaluronic acid preparations for patients with a chronic generalized periodontal disease

Tarasenko S., Kulaga O.


The article provides an overview of modern remedies containing hyaluronic acid and used for the patients with chronic generalized periodontitis treatment. The hyaluronic acid features were studied, as well as the composition and properties of several drugs based on this substance, used in various stages for patients with chronic generalized periodontitis treatment.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):340-343
pages 340-343 views

Gileva Ol'ga Sergeevna

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Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(6):344-344
pages 344-344 views
