Histochemical characteristics of reparative dentinogenesis of the tooth pulp

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The role of C-kit-positive cells in the pulp of the tooth to optimize reparative dentinogenesis in biological methods of treatment of pulpitis in experimental animals were studied. In vivo 80 tooth of the lower jaw of sheep received a model of acute pulpitis with subsequent amputation of the vital pulp. Use as a biological method of treatment of tissue-engineered constructs composed of collagen sponge, hydrogel PuraMatrix/3DM and ectomesenchymal stem cells has allowed to better protect the pulp from infection, to optimize the inflammatory process with the activation of proliferation and acceleration of formation of dentinal bridge.

About the authors

Sergey Vladimirovich Sirak

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

Email: sergejsirak@yandex.ru
Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, head. the Department of stomatology of the Stavropol state medical University 355017, Stavropol

E. V Shchetinin

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

355017, Stavropol

T. L Kobylkina

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

355017, Stavropol

A. A Adamchik

Kuban State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

350063, Krasnodar

A. G Sirak

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

355017, Stavropol

M. Yu Vafiadi

Stavropol State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

355017, Stavropol


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