Dynamics of antimicrobial protein lactoferrin in oral fluid during pregnancy in women with dental caries

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The work purpose-to define the pathogenetic significance of changes in antimicrobial protection of the oral cavity in dynamics of pregnancy for the development and course of dental caries. Materials and methods. In the clinical group and 35 pregnant women with dental caries consistently across all three trimeter ELISA determined the concentration in the oral fluid of lactoferrin antimicrobial peptide, and then identified a causal relationship between the level of peptides and dental caries. Results. In patients with physiological pregnancy in the absence ofdental diseases the content of lactoferrin oralfluid compared to healthy donors (1,06±0,08 μg/ml) above, and sequentially increases from I (2,31±0,11 μg/ml) to II (2,79±0,13 μg/ml) and III (3,11±0.24 mcg/ml) trimesters. Pregnant women suffering from dental caries compared to the control group in the level of lactoferrin oral fluid was higher by 27,6 37,4; 19,2% (p < 0,001) in I, II and III trimester respectively. Conclusion: the Level of antimicrobial peptide lactoferrin in saliva was increased in the presence of dental caries and depending on the time of gestational period.

About the authors

Anastasiya Sergeevna Lomova

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation; Krasnodar State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

Email: lanart@inbox.ru
344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

V. A Prokhodnaya

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation; Krasnodar State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

I. M Bykov

Rostov State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation; Krasnodar State Medical University, Health Ministry of Russian Federation

344022, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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