Experience with the use of collagen materials in surgical dentistry

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The article presents comparative data from a clinical study on the healing of jaw bone wounds in patients with various dental diseases. Postoperative deficiency in healing after surgery took place under a blood clot, in the presence of a modern optimizer for bone regeneration, based on type 1 xenocollagen, as well as its combination with autologous blood products. A comparison of the treatment results when filling the bone defects after removing the extracted teeth is shown; filling cavities after cystectomy, including with resection of the apex of the root, and filling the material with alveoli to prevent post-extraction atrophy. The article presents generalized data on the use of xenocollagen type 1 and clinical cases. The combined use of platelet-rich fibrin with collagen biomaterials makes the use of type 1 xenocollagen in the form of crumbs in clinical practice more convenient. The plasticity and higher rate of solidification of such a graft allow it to be used in bone cavities of any size, and for all types of dental procedures.

About the authors

Maksim I. Muzikin

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Limited Liability Company Dr. Levin's Dentistry

Author for correspondence.
Email: MuzikinM@gmail.com


Russian Federation, 194044, Saint Petersburg; 197341, Saint Petersburg

D. Y. Mishchuk

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Limited Liability Company Dr. Levin's Dentistry

Email: MuzikinM@gmail.com
Russian Federation, 194044, Saint Petersburg; 197341, Saint Petersburg

S. A. Levin

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Limited Liability Company Dr. Levin's Dentistry

Email: MuzikinM@gmail.com
Russian Federation, 194044, Saint Petersburg; 197341, Saint Petersburg

A. K. Iordanishvili

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Limited Liability Company Dr. Levin's Dentistry

Email: MuzikinM@gmail.com
Russian Federation, 194044, Saint Petersburg; 197341, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Performed surgical interventions in the control group (healing under a blood clot).

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3. Fig. 2. Performed surgical interventions in the first group of the study (collagen material in powder form).

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4. Fig. 3. Performed surgical interventions in the second group of the study (collagen material in the form of powder in combination with PRF).

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5. Fig. 4. The material that is in the round for 10 minutes capacity.

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6. Fig. 5. Scheme of filling the bone defect with collagen biomaterial after tooth extraction. 1 - tooth to be removed; 2 - a defect formed after tooth extraction (post-extraction socket); 3 - filling the wound with powder mixed with I-PRF to the level of bone peaks; 4 - placing a clot of A-PRF, a hemostatic sponge or a barrier membrane over the material for isolation; 5 - the imposition of guide seams.

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7. Fig. 6. Postoperative wound healing. a - elimination of material; b - epithelialization of the material during healing without complications.

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8. Fig. 7. Application of collagen material mixed with saline. a - bone defect after removal of the impacted tooth; b - filling the bone defect with material; c - blind seam postoperative wound; d - oral cavity 3 months after surgery; e - X-ray after 3 months after surgery.

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9. Fig. 8. Application of collagen material in powder form with I-PRF. a - mixing of xenocollagen with non-thickened platelet-rich fibrin; b - type of finished implantation material; c - filling the bone defect with material; d - type of material in the bone defect.

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10. Fig. 9. Application of collagen material mixed with saline, during resection apex of the root. a - CT scan - bone rarefaction focus tissues in the area of the tooth apex 2.1; stages of the operation: b - bone defect; c - the material is mixed with saline; r - the defect is filled with material; d - suture; e - control radiograph 6 months after surgery; g - oral cavity 6 months after surgery.

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