Experience with the use of collagen materials in surgical dentistry




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The article presents comparative data from a clinical study on the healing of jaw bone wounds in patients with various dental diseases. Postoperative deficiency in healing after surgery took place under a blood clot, in the presence of a modern optimizer for bone regeneration, based on type 1 xenocollagen, as well as its combination with autologous blood products. A comparison of the treatment results when filling the bone defects after removing the extracted teeth is shown; filling cavities after cystectomy, including with resection of the apex of the root, and filling the material with alveoli to prevent post-extraction atrophy. The article presents generalized data on the use of xenocollagen type 1 and clinical cases. The combined use of platelet-rich fibrin with collagen biomaterials makes the use of type 1 xenocollagen in the form of crumbs in clinical practice more convenient. The plasticity and higher rate of solidification of such a graft allow it to be used in bone cavities of any size, and for all types of dental procedures.


Maksim Muzikin

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Limited Liability Company Dr. Levin's Dentistry

Email: MuzikinM@gmail.com


俄罗斯联邦, 194044, Saint Petersburg; 197341, Saint Petersburg

D. Mishchuk

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Limited Liability Company Dr. Levin's Dentistry

Email: MuzikinM@gmail.com
俄罗斯联邦, 194044, Saint Petersburg; 197341, Saint Petersburg

S. Levin

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Limited Liability Company Dr. Levin's Dentistry

Email: MuzikinM@gmail.com
俄罗斯联邦, 194044, Saint Petersburg; 197341, Saint Petersburg

A. Iordanishvili

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy; Limited Liability Company Dr. Levin's Dentistry

Email: MuzikinM@gmail.com
俄罗斯联邦, 194044, Saint Petersburg; 197341, Saint Petersburg


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