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Objective. Stratify the risk of sudden cardiac death in the military, depending on the findings of the medical examination of cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders. Materials and methods. An analysis of medical documents of 254 servicemen, recognized by the military medical commission (therapeutic) profile of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, that are limited to fit and not fit for military service, was conducted. Based on the classification of the risk of sudden cardiac death, proposed by R. Fogoros, the stratified military personnel were assessed for the risk of sudden cardiac death, based on the cardiac arrhythmias. Results of the study. According to the results of the work, it is shown that every third serviceman, recognized by the military medical commission as being limited to fit or not fit for military service, was recognized as such because of his cardiac arrhythmias and conduction. Only 13.2% of military personnel with cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders had a structurally normal heart. 51.8% of the surveyed military personnel with cardiac arrhythmias and conduction had a low risk of sudden death, 42.2% had an average risk of sudden cardiac death, and 6% had a high risk. Conclusion. The system of medical examination of servicemen based on the results of the survey allows stratification of military personnel in the risk of sudden cardiac death and, subject to this, make a legally meaningful decision on its category of fitness for military service (4 tables, bibliography: 8 refs).

About the authors

Sergei V Voronin

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

Vadim V Tyrenko

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

Dmitry V Cherkashin

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry

Sergei G Bologov

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry


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Copyright (c) 2017 Voronin S.V., Tyrenko V.V., Cherkashin D.V., Bologov S.G.

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