卷 18, 编号 5 (2019)

Original studies

The conceptual basis of non-invasive neuromodulation

Voropaev A., Gerasimenko M.


Purpose. Based on the analysis of literature data and clinical studies, develop a conceptual framework for non-invasive neuromodulation based on the analysis of literature data and clinical studies, develop a conceptual framework for non-invasive neuromodulation.

Material and methods. A total 415 patients with various pathologies of the nervous system were studied. 105 patients with chronic brain ischemia 105 patients with consequences of intracranial trauma; 105 patients with dorsalgia; 105 patients with functional disorders of the nervous system (cephalgia, neurosis, menopausal disorders in women). All physical effects will be performed against the background of medical treatment in accordance with the MEA with the use of a pulse generator TETOS, a multifunctional device “Sedaton”, allowed for use in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Results. Clinical and neurophysiological study of patients (n = 415) with chronic brain ischemia, traumatic brain disease, pain syndromes, as well as functional disorders of the nervous system revealed the presence of signs of dysfunction of the limbic-reticular complex and mesodiencephalic structures of the brain according to electroencephalography et al. General pathogenesis mechanisms that determine the further direction of the disease (a tendency to chronization of the process, depletion of sanogenetic reserves), associated with the dysfunction of segmental and suprasegmental vegetative centers. The concept of non-invasive neuromodulation has been developed, which is based on a long-term study of various methods of neurostimulation in various groups of neurological patients

Conclusion. The neuromodulatory concept has defined the third (along with stimulation/activation and suppression/suppression) fundamental — modulatory approach to the treatment of diseases and injuries of the nervous system, and continues to develop dynamically along with the emergence of new technological solutions.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(5):280-285
pages 280-285 views

Сombined treatment of trophic venous ulcers

Strelkovich T., Kruglova L.


This article provides information about the combined treatment of venous trophic ulcers, using polychromatic polarized light exposure in addition to the medication. The article presents a clinical study of the effectiveness of this method in a group of 12 patients with venous trophic ulcers.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(5):286-288
pages 286-288 views

Medical rehabilitation of osteoarthrosis in the major joints and spine using combined low-frequency magnetophototherapy

Belova A., Bespalova A., Israelyan Y., Rezenova A., Ivanov A.


Study aim: To assess the clinical efficacy of the combined use of low-frequency magnetophototherapy in the medical rehabilitation of patients with osteoarthritis of the spine and major joints.

Materials and methods: A total of 160 patients with osteoarthritis of the major joints and spine were examined and received rehabilitation treatment by various methods (pharmacological therapy, low-frequency magnetophototherapy, standard physiotherapy, and sinusoidal modulated current therapy), and comparative analysis of the results were performed.

Results: The efficacy of the combined use of low-frequency magnetophototherapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the major joints and spine was proven, and a new complex of medical rehabilitation for patients with limited use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and electrotherapeutic procedures was proposed. The positive effect of low-frequency magnetophototherapy on autonomic regulation and lipid metabolism was proven.

Conclusion: The use of combined low-frequency magnetophototherapy is recommended in complex medical rehabilitation for osteoarthritis of the major joints and for spine osteoarthritis, especially in patients with contraindications to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and those who have undergone electrotherapeutic procedures.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(5):289-295
pages 289-295 views

The use of physiotherapy in medical rehabilitation programs in the early postoperative period in patients after surgical treatment of breast cancer

Gerasimenko M., Evstigneeva I., Zaitseva T., Salchak C.


The study included 70 patients in the early postoperative period (2–4 days), operated for breast cancer (breast cancer). Patients of group 1 (n = 24) underwent 10 procedures of shoulder girdle and upper limb muscle fluctuation on the side of surgery; patients of group 2 (n = 23) underwent 10 procedures of fluctuating currents and intermittent pneumocompression; and patients of group 3 (n = 23) in addition to fluctuation and intermittent pneumocompression, an expanded technique of low-frequency low-intensity magnetic therapy was performed. It has been proved that all patients have reduced postoperative edema, reduced pain, reduced the number of postoperative complications in the wound area (inflammation, infection, pain, suture divergence), shortened the duration of lymphorrhea. There is an increase in the volume and quality of movements, reduced sensitivity disorders in the upper limb. Thus, the inclusion in the medical rehabilitation program of patients who have undergone surgical treatment of breast cancer in the early postoperative period (from 2–3 days) of fluctuating currents, intermittent pneumocompression and low-frequency low-intensity magnetic therapy reduces the risk of postoperative complications and helps to reduce the recovery time.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(5):296-304
pages 296-304 views

Combined use of high-intensity focused ultrasound and fractional co2 laser effects in the correction of age-related skin changes

Aksenenko I.


Aim. To develop and evaluate the use of combined effects of high-intensity microsfocused ultrasound and fractional ablative CO2 laser at low parameters in one procedure.

Materials and methods. We observed 78 women aged 47–55 years. Patients received a procedure of focused ultrasound exposure on the face area (Amplifay protocol, 800 lines) according to the recommended energy parameters in order to correct age-related skin changes on the Ulthera system (RU FSZ 2010/06662 from 08.18.2011, acts indefinitely), in the form of monotherapy or combined with ablation fractional laser exposure on the face with Cosmopulse-2. Two groups were identified depending on the research method.

Results. The combination of focused ultrasonic exposure and fractional CO2 laser had a positive effect on the index of the dermatological index of quality of life (DIC), and was significantly better than with mono-exposure of focused ultrasound, both in the early and in the long term. The coefficient of ultrasonic density of the dermis in the main group is significantly higher than when using the monovariant use of focused ultrasound, which indicates a pronounced collagenogenesis, while the indicator of the thickness of the dermis, which reflects the state of intradermal edema, is significantly less in the study group than in the control group. This gives reason to recommend this combination of procedures, which has a synergistic effect on the aesthetic profile of the patient, and on the other hand, significantly reduces ayuschy and facilitates the recovery period, contributing to a rapid decrease in swelling and local phenomena neuropathy.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(5):305-309
pages 305-309 views

Study of the effectiveness of the combined method of acne therapy with the use of rf-microneedles and acne monotherapy with isotretinoin in standard doses

Kolcheva P., Talibova A., Gryazeva N.


Acne is one of the most common diseases of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Given the diversity of clinical forms of acne, the choice of therapy must take into account all the peculiarities of the pathological process, as well as gender, age, emotional state of the patient, comorbidities and the degree of compliance of the patient. There were 65 patients diagnosed with acne under observation. To study the morphofunctional features of the skin of patients with acne and their cytokine profile, all patients were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 patients (n = 33) were treated with low-dose combination therapy with isotretinoin followed by RF-microneedles.group 2 patients (n = 32) were treated with standard doses of isotretinoin. All patients underwent the investigation of qualitative characteristics of the skin with the help of salumerie, corneometry, pH-metry. Also, all patients had a blood sample (serum) to determine the concentration of Pro-inflammatory cytokines.

The effectiveness was assessed using the GSS dermatology index (Global Severity Ssore), the modified IgA scale (Investigator’s Global Assessment), the high-valide quality of life index DIKJ, and APSEA (Assessment of the Psychological and Social Effects of Acne). The combined assessment, taking into account clinical research methods with a sufficient degree of confidence, revealed the advantages of a combined method of moderate acne therapy with the use of low doses of isotretinoin and RF-microneedles in comparison with isotretinoin monotherapy at standard dosages.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(5):310-315
pages 310-315 views

Clinical Guidelines

Rehabilitation of patients using polarized polychromatic incoherent light

Lazarenko N., Supova M.


Currently, the advent of new drugs and nanopreparations with new mechanisms of action in the form of their modified release makes it possible to achieve high efficacy of drug therapy. However, these achievements do not make it possible to exclude drug intolerance and its effects, as well as to increase the physical activity of patients. These drawbacks can be eliminated by the use of physical influences, including low-energy physical factors at the cellular and subcellular levels of the body. In particular, these factors also include polarized polychromatic incoherent visible light and infrared radiation generated by modern “BIOPTRON” devices.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(5):316-355
pages 316-355 views
