Rehabilitation of patients using polarized polychromatic incoherent light

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Currently, the advent of new drugs and nanopreparations with new mechanisms of action in the form of their modified release makes it possible to achieve high efficacy of drug therapy. However, these achievements do not make it possible to exclude drug intolerance and its effects, as well as to increase the physical activity of patients. These drawbacks can be eliminated by the use of physical influences, including low-energy physical factors at the cellular and subcellular levels of the body. In particular, these factors also include polarized polychromatic incoherent visible light and infrared radiation generated by modern “BIOPTRON” devices.

About the authors

Nina N. Lazarenko

Peoples Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 3211-0443


Russian Federation, Moscow

Marina V. Supova

Peoples Friendship University of Russia

SPIN-code: 5388-5945


Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Finsen Niels Ryberg (1860-1904)

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3. Fig. 2. Phototherapy procedure. Archival photography

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4. Fig. 3. Appearance of devices of the "Bioptron" system: a - "Bioptron 2"; b - Bioptron MedAll; c - "Bioptron Pro 1" with table and floor stands

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5. Fig. 4. Light filters for the device "Bioptron MedOll"

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6. Fig. 5. Direction of evanescent waves to the skin surface

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7. Fig. 6. Direction of evanescent waves arising around the vessels

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8. Fig. 7. Decrease of the inflammatory element on the skin of the face in case of acne from the beginning of the course and in the course of treatment of PPS from the apparatus "Bioptron-Compact III": a - before treatment; b - after the 1st procedure; c - after the 5th procedure; d - after a course of treatment

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9. Fig. 8. Scheme of transmission of pain stimulus to the central nervous system

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10. Fig. 9. Microbial biofilms (in the form of white thin filaments). Photo from open sources

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11. Fig. 10. Exposure to light on bacteria. Photo from open sources

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12. Fig. 11. Installation of a light filter in the "Bioptron" apparatus

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13. Fig. 12. The use of phototherapy in the pool. Photo from open sources.

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14. Fig. 13. Scheme of phototherapy for underwater traction. Photo from open sources

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15. Fig. 14. Dynamics of the incidence of breast cancer in the Russian Federation for 2010–2016.

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16. Fig. 15. Scheme of phototherapy after mastectomy

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17. Fig. 16. Indicators of the incidence of pancreatic cancer in the Russian Federation for 2010–2016.

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18. Fig. 17. Scheme of phototherapy for pancreatic cancer

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19. Fig. 18. Scheme of over-venous exposure to blue light in the area of the cubital fossa

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20. Fig. 19. Dynamics of the incidence of coronary heart disease in the Russian Federation for 2010–2016.

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21. Fig. 20. Scheme of a complex method of treatment of patients after coronary artery bypass grafting

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22. Fig. 21. Dynamics of the incidence of cerebrovascular diseases in the Russian Federation for 2010–2016.

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23. Fig. 22. Scheme of light therapy in the carotid artery

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24. Fig. 23. Scheme of light therapy in the temporal region

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25. Fig. 24. Scheme of light therapy with green light on the projection of the eyes

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26. Fig. 25. Dynamics of the incidence of diseases of the genitourinary system in the population of the Russian Federation in 2010–2016.

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27. Fig. 26. Areas of exposure to light in the treatment of patients with urolithiasis

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28. Fig. 27. Scheme of phototherapy in the projection of the kidneys

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29. Fig. 28. Scheme of chromotherapy along the branches of the facial nerve

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30. Fig. 29. Scheme of the light therapy procedure for neuropathy of the radial nerve

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31. Fig. 30. Red light treatment regimen for neuropathy of the peroneal nerve

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32. Fig. 31. Scheme of light therapy in conjunction with aerosol "Oxy-spray" for patients with neuroborreliosis

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33. Fig. 32. Scheme of the procedure for phototherapy with blue monochromatic polarized incoherent light

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34. Fig. 33. Scheme of the blue light procedure in the projection of the carotid arteries

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35. Fig. 34. Scheme of treatment with violet light for patients with neuroses

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36. Fig. 35. Scheme of the light therapy procedure for the prevention of lactostasis

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37. Fig. 36. Scheme of light therapy for vasomotor rhinitis in pregnant women

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38. Fig. 37. Scheme of light therapy in pregnant women with carpal tunnel syndrome

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39. Fig. 38. Phototherapy scheme for patients with endometriosis

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40. Fig. 39. The dynamics of venous (a) and urological complications (b) in pregnant women in the Russian Federation in 2010–2016.

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41. Fig. 40. Dynamics of complications during pregnancy, childbirth and in the postpartum period in the Russian Federation for 2010–2016.

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42. Fig. 41. Scheme of light therapy in the area of the solar plexus

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43. Fig. 42. Dynamics of the incidence of diabetes mellitus in pregnant women in the Russian Federation for 2010–2017.

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44. Fig. 43. Scheme of phototherapy in gravidar preparation of pregnant women with diabetes mellitus. Photo from open sources

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45. Fig. 44. Dynamics of the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus per 100 thousand population in the Russian Federation for 2010–2016.

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46. Fig. 45. The scheme of light therapy in patients with diabetic distal angiopathy

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47. Fig. 46. Chromotherapy scheme for patients with diabetic polyneuropathy

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48. Fig. 47. The dynamics of the incidence of tuberculosis in the world for 2010–2016.

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49. Fig. 48. The number of dispensary patients with tuberculosis in the Russian Federation in 2017 (in terms of 100 thousand population)

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50. Fig. 49. Scheme of the phototherapy procedure. Photo from open sources

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51. Fig. 50. Scheme of the phototherapy procedure in patients with tuberculosis

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52. Fig. 51. Scheme of light therapy in the area of the leg fracture

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53. Fig. 52. Scheme of phototherapy in the area of the lesion

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54. Fig. 53. Scheme of exposure to light on the fracture area of the lower jaw

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55. Fig. 54. Scheme of the light therapy procedure for the temporomandibular joint area

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56. Fig. 55. Scheme of the light therapy procedure for the ankle joint

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57. Fig. 56. Scheme of light therapy in the area of the knee joints.

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58. Fig. 57. Scheme of the light therapy procedure after hip joint replacement

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59. Fig. 58. Scheme of light irradiation of the abscess area

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60. Fig. 59. The scheme of phototherapy in patients after cholecystectomy

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61. Fig. 60. Dynamics of the incidence of some infectious diseases in the Russian Federation for 2010–2016.

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62. Fig. 61. Areas of exposure to light therapy for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infection

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