The conceptual basis of non-invasive neuromodulation

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Purpose. Based on the analysis of literature data and clinical studies, develop a conceptual framework for non-invasive neuromodulation based on the analysis of literature data and clinical studies, develop a conceptual framework for non-invasive neuromodulation.

Material and methods. A total 415 patients with various pathologies of the nervous system were studied. 105 patients with chronic brain ischemia 105 patients with consequences of intracranial trauma; 105 patients with dorsalgia; 105 patients with functional disorders of the nervous system (cephalgia, neurosis, menopausal disorders in women). All physical effects will be performed against the background of medical treatment in accordance with the MEA with the use of a pulse generator TETOS, a multifunctional device “Sedaton”, allowed for use in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Results. Clinical and neurophysiological study of patients (n = 415) with chronic brain ischemia, traumatic brain disease, pain syndromes, as well as functional disorders of the nervous system revealed the presence of signs of dysfunction of the limbic-reticular complex and mesodiencephalic structures of the brain according to electroencephalography et al. General pathogenesis mechanisms that determine the further direction of the disease (a tendency to chronization of the process, depletion of sanogenetic reserves), associated with the dysfunction of segmental and suprasegmental vegetative centers. The concept of non-invasive neuromodulation has been developed, which is based on a long-term study of various methods of neurostimulation in various groups of neurological patients

Conclusion. The neuromodulatory concept has defined the third (along with stimulation/activation and suppression/suppression) fundamental — modulatory approach to the treatment of diseases and injuries of the nervous system, and continues to develop dynamically along with the emergence of new technological solutions.

About the authors

Alexey A. Voropaev

National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0944-8234
SPIN-code: 4646-4268


Russian Federation, Moscow

Marina Yu. Gerasimenko

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1741-7246
SPIN-code: 7625-6452

DSc, Professor

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Electrode device for the implementation of non-invasive neuromodulation

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3. Fig. 2. Conceptual foundations of non-invasive neuromodulation. CSEMT - craniospinal electromagnetotherapy; TPP - transcranial electrical stimulation; rTMS - rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation; tDCS - transcranial direct current stimulation; CMT - sinusoidal modulated currents; MT - magnetotherapy, EHF - therapy with extremely high frequency currents.

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4. Fig. 3. Neural network modeling - the basis of machine learning devices for non-invasive neuromodulation

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