卷 17, 编号 5 (2018)

Healthcare organization

Development of a report designer in the program-information complex “Russian State Resort Registry” for solving managerial tasks for the development of sanatorium and resort business

Prilipko N., Terehov A., Tots P.


The article shows the intermediate condition of sanatorium organizations, requiring change, in the field between tourism and medical institutions. The current problems of the sanatorium and resort complex are revealed. The need for real-time reporting is described, to create an industry development strategy. The absence of mechanisms for obtaining such reports was noted. The legal framework for working with the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation is presented. The mechanisms of entering data, as well as their verification in the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are explained. The basic mechanisms of increasing the significance level of data entered into the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are described. The structure of the screen form of the report designer for sanatorium and resort organizations and the structure of the screen form of the report designer for resorts (health-improving areas) are presented. The types of data aggregation in the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are described, as well as the basic types of reports and types of data filtering, for the report designer on sanatorium and resort organizations and the designer of reports on resorts (health-improving areas). The basic structure of the report construction and examples of reports in the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are presented. The results of creating a report designer in the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are presented, and examples of the use of reports for meetings conducted by the Government of the Russian Federation are given. The role of operators of sanatorium and resort organizations, as well as operators of regional and federal government bodies as key links in increasing the significance level of data is noted.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):228-232
pages 228-232 views

Original studies

Low-intensity low-frequency magnetotherapy in the early postoperative period in patients with breast cancer

Evstigneeva I., Gerasimenko M.


Background. Rehabilitation of patients after radical treatment of breast cancer is especially relevant due to the fact that successes in diagnostics and treatment of this disease in recent years have led to an increase in the life expectancy of female patients.

Aim. to compare the efficiency of various methods of low-frequency low-intensity magnetotherapy in patients operated on for breast cancer, in the early terms (2−4 days) after surgery.

Methods. Objective and instrumental examination was performed in 78 patients after radical surgical treatment of breast cancer in the early stages (2−4 days) after surgery. All patients received a course of low-frequency low-intensity magnetotherapy.

Results. When applying the extended technique (the effect on the segmental-reflex region and upper limb from the side of the surgery), patients noted an improvement in the quality of life, a decrease in swelling of the upper limb, and a decrease in pain syndrome. A decrease in the number of postoperative complications and the duration of lymphorrhea was noted.

Conclusion. Thus, the use of various methods of low-frequency low-intensity magnetotherapy is advisable to use in the early terms (2−4 days) after surgical treatment, however, the use of the advanced technique provides high function capabilities and enables to get a more pronounced and lasting clinical result.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):233-240
pages 233-240 views

The comprehensive effect of sinusoidal modulated currents and decimeter-wave therapy for neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis

Gallyamov A., Goldobina L., Minyaeva O., Valeev R., Gallyamova N.


Background. Comprehensive therapeutic techniques are becoming increasingly common in treatment of various diseases.

Aim: to study the comprehensive effect of decimeter-wave therapy, sinusoidal modulated current therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis with neurological manifestations.

Methods. The comprehensive effect of physiotherapeutic treatment in 69 patients with lumbar osteochondrosis and concomitant neurological manifestations was studied. All patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the leading neurological symptoms with reflex and radicular syndrome. Both groups received similar comprehensive physiotherapeutic treatment with sinusoidal modulated currents and decimeter waves.

Results. A comprehensive assessment of the therapeutic efficiency of treatment, taking into account clinical and paraclinical data, enabled to substantiate the positive results of treatment in 79.5% of patients with reflex syndromes and 69% with radicular syndromes.

Conclusion. The comprehensive application of sinusoidal modulated currents and decimeter wave therapy can be considered as a method of pathogenetic physiotherapy of patients with lumbar osteochondrosis with various neurological manifestations.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):241-245
pages 241-245 views

Combined use of fractional co2 laser and collagenase diadynamophoresis in correction of contour plastic surgery complications

Gerasimenko M., Alekseenko I.


Background. One of the most frequent complications of aesthetic correction methods is the problem of contouring, visualization, or local tightening of the skin at the sites of administration of the agent based on calcium hydroxyapatite, which occurs in violation of the injection technique.

Aim: to study the efficiency of the combined method including a course of diadynamophoresis of collagenase 1000 KE (collagenase units) and a fractional CO2 laser procedure in correction of a surface-injected preparation in late terms.

Methods. Clinical and instrumental examination of 24 women (average age 38.2 ± 3.5 years) was conducted. All patients complained of complications after the contour plastic surgery procedure using a preparation based on calcium hydroxyapatite, in the form of contouring of the preparation and superficial skin tightening on the face at the filler injection site.

Results. When comparing the control, main and reference groups, it was revealed that the combined use of collalysin diadynamophoresis and fractional CO2 laser at low parameters improves significantly the quality of life in terms of the adapted dermatological index. Clinical improvement was registered in all groups, but it was most significant in the main one, which correlated with the data of ultrasound examination with a 33 MHz sensor. In the main group, faster biodegradation was noted, and the volume of the surface-injected filler decreased 2.5 times after 1 month and 6 times after 2 months.

Conclusion. The combined use of collalysin diadynamophoresis and a fractional CO2 laser is an effective complex for the correction of complications after contour plastic surgery of fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):246-251
pages 246-251 views

Therapeutic and rehabilitation complex for the treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis and bruxism

Khaybullina R., Gerasimova L., Gilmutdinova L., Gerasimenko M.


Background. The article discusses modern concepts of the relationship of periodontal disease and bruxism.

Aim: to study the efficiency of the proposed therapeutic and rehabilitation complex for patients with chronic generalized periodontitis and bruxism.

Methods. 73 patients aged 30–45 years with a diagnosis of chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity and bruxism were examined. The control group consisted of 15 apparently healthy individuals of the same age to clarify the functional parameters of the norm. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed therapeutic and rehabilitation complex, clinical, Doppler flowmetric and electromyographic research methods were used.

Results. High efficiency of the therapeutic and rehabilitation complex in the treatment of chronic generalized moderate periodontitis and bruxism has been revealed. An analysis of changes in time of clinical symptoms revealed that when using this program, which includes basic therapy, laser phoresis, ozone irrigation of the gums, the intake of phyto-complex and local-mineral complexes, the use of dental pins with propolis and phytocomplex, physiotherapy exercises and fluctuorization, positive changes were pronounced. Under the influence of the course effect of therapeutic procedures, patients showed an increase in blood perfusion volume by 37.7% (p <0.05), blood flow perfusion rate by 58.2% (p <0.05) from the initial values. At the same time, a decrease by 51.82% (p <0.05) from the initial indices of bioelectric activity of the temporal muscle at rest was registered, as well as by 40.4% (p <0.05) with voluntary constriction, and a decrease in the bioelectric activity of the mastication muscle at rest by 47.4% (p <0.05), and with voluntary constriction by 35.12% (p <0.05).

Conclusion. The data obtained based on electromyography and laser Doppler flowmetry indicate that the developed treatment and rehabilitation complex is an effective method for correcting the microcirculation of periodontal vessels, the functional activity of the maxillofacial muscles.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):252-257
pages 252-257 views

The use of laser therapy in children with allergic rhinitis complicated by exudative otitis media

Khrykova A.


Background. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis, which is an intermittent or permanent inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by exposure to allergens, reaches 35%, according to different authors. Currently, this pathology is often complicated by exudative otitis media, especially in young children.

Aim: to develop and justify the feasibility of using laser phoresis of sodium deoxyribonucleate for the treatment of exudative otitis media in children with allergic rhinitis.

Methods. A clinical examination, a clinical blood test, rhinoscopy and otoscopy, as well as rhinocytogram, tympanometry (impedance audiometer Heinemann Titan) were performed. In diagnostics of allergic rhinitis, methods of a multifaceted otorhinolaryngological and allergological examination of the patient were used, as well as immunological tests (determination of the level of IgE and allergen-specific antibodies in the blood serum), and skin allergological tests. The examination was conducted before and after the course of treatment, as well as after 6 and 12 months.

Results. With drug laser phoresis of sodium deoxyribonucleate administered endonasally and endourally, a stable result was obtained in restoring the drainage functions of the pharyngotympanic tube and reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis in preschool children and primary school children. Hearing is objectively improved in patients, and the conductive component is stopped, there is no fluid in the middle ear, sleep improves, the sense of smell is restored, physical performance increases, and children’s fatigue decreases in doing sports. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of treatment in two groups showed the best results in the group of children receiving laser therapy using sodium desoxyribonucleate from medicinal non-woven textiles for up to 1 year. Repeated treatment with exacerbation of exudative otitis media was necessary to 40% of children in the control group, 12% of children after a course of laser therapy, and only one patient after a course of laser phoresis of sodium deoxyribonucleate.

Conclusion. The use of laser radiation reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, and the allergic component.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):258-262
pages 258-262 views

The experience of using iodine-bromine baths and ozone therapy at the stage of health resort treatment of patients with chronic cerebral ischemia

Cherevaschenko L., Dadova L., Kulikov N., Tereshin A., Cherevashchenko I.


Background. Treatment of chronic cerebral ischemia should be aimed both to the main etiological factor and to the pathogenetic mechanisms of cerebral ischemia and hypoxia. The action of ozone therapy is characterized with a multilateral positive effect on the main aspects of chronic cerebral ischemia pathogenesis, such as chronic cerebral hypoxia, impaired microcirculation, rheological disorders, and activation of lipid peroxidation. The use of iodine-bromine baths in chronic cerebral ischemia has been proved to be accompanied by an improvement in cerebral circulation, normalization of the brain bioelectric processes, an initially impaired condition of the autonomic nervous system, and an increase in the level of adaptive capabilities of the body.

Aim: to develop effective pathogenetically substantiated methods for the combined use of iodine-bromine baths and ozone therapy in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia to increase the effectiveness of health resort treatment.

Methods. In accordance with the tasks set in the work, 90 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia of the degree 1, who were randomized into three treatment groups, were examined and treated. Patients of the control group (n = 30) received iodine-bromine baths, patients of the comparison group (n = 30) received ozone therapy, patients of the main group (n = 30) received iodine-bromine baths and ozone therapy. Examination of patients included Doppler ultrasound, electroencephalography, rheoencephalography, сardiointervalography, lipid metabolism studies, fibrinogen content studies.

Results. As a result of treatment, the improvement of clinical symptoms and the normalization of biochemical and neurophysiological parameters were noted in patients of all treatment groups. Overall efficiency (improvement and significant improvement) was 53.3% in the control group, in the comparison group it was 63.3%, and 73.3% in the main group.

Conclusion. The authors proved the practicability of rehabilitative treatment of early forms of vascular diseases of the brain at the stage of sanatorium and resort rehabilitation, which is due to significant compensatory reserves and high plasticity of the structural and functional formations of the brain with preserved ability to develop nonspecific elements of the nervous tissue and restore reversibly damaged structures.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):263-271
pages 263-271 views

The use of magnesium-containing mineral waters for functional constipation in children and adolescents

Kulikov A., Zakharova I., Tvorogova T., Stepurina L., Elezova L.


Background. Functional constipation continues to be one of the urgent problems in the practice of a pediatrician and pediatric gastroenterologist. The frequency of constipation in children is about 25−30%. A regular, painless bowel movement with a stool of soft consistency is possible only with a whole range of measures, including the use of laxatives. The possibility of using therapeutic magnesium-containing mineral water as an osmotic laxative in children and adolescents has not been adequately addressed in the literature.

Aim: to study the effectiveness of the use of magnesium-containing mineral water in treatment and prevention of functional constipation in children and adolescents.

Methods. The design was a randomized prospective, open, comparative study. The study included 95 children and adolescents aged 10−16 years (average age 12.7 ± 0.2 years) who were receiving sanatorium therapy with a diagnosis of functional constipation. Follow-up was performed for 18 days. The patients received basic therapy in the form of a sparing-exercise regimen, therapeutic nutrition, health-improving massage, and physiotherapy exercises. The subjects were divided into 2 groups by common randomization. The group 1 consisted of 55 patients who, along with basic treatment, took therapeutic mineral magnesium-containing water. The group 2 (control) consisted of 40 pediatric patients who received only basic treatment. Patient groups were comparable by disease pattern, gender, and age. The examination included a general medical examination, filling out special questionnaires reflecting the frequency and nature of the defecation; assessment of the vegetative status and functional reserves of the body on the Health Sources hardware complex.

Results. In the study group, by the day 5 of therapy, daily defecation was achieved in 49.0% of patients; and by the end of the course of treatment, defecation regularity was registered in 89.1% of children. In the control group, the positive changes were less pronounced and amounted to 55% by the end of the treatment course (p < 0.05). When taking mineral water, the nature of the defecation changed, namely in 89.1% of patients, it became of soft consistency with free painless bowel movement. When assessed according to the Bristol scale, the defecation corresponded to the types 3 and 4 with the initial type 1. In patients who did not receive a course of mineral water, during the entire follow-up period, no significant changes in the nature of defecation were detected, while the type 3 was noted in only 18% of patients by the end of the course of treatment. When taking mineral water, most patients of the main group developed a persistent reflex to morning defecation after ingestion of mineral water.

Conclusion. Studies have shown that magnesium-containing mineral water is an effective, safe and easy to use means of correcting functional constipation in children and can be used both in outpatient practice and in sanatorium treatment.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):272-278
pages 272-278 views

The therapeutic effect of a person staying in a salt mine due to the low background level of atomic radiation

Harisov G., Zavorotny A.


The therapeutic effect of people staying in salt mines is currently explained by the fact that people inhale salt spray particulates. Based on an experimental study, the article proves that this therapeutic effect is the result of super-low levels of atomic radiation in the space of salt mines.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):279-283
pages 279-283 views

Pharmacopuncture in common pathological conditions. Part 2

Agasarov L., Gerasimenko M., Konchugova T., Maryanovsky A., Dobryshev V., Vasilyeva E., Safiullina G., Tardov M., Tyan V., Boldin A., Bokova I., Dashina T., Chigarev A.


In the previous issue (2018, No.4) of the journal, the first part of the clinical recommendations was published, which outlined general provisions on the structure and content of the document. The second part provides an algorithm for the use of pharmacopuncture for various categories of patients with different pathological conditions associated with dorsopathies.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(5):284-296
pages 284-296 views
