Development of a report designer in the program-information complex “Russian State Resort Registry” for solving managerial tasks for the development of sanatorium and resort business

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The article shows the intermediate condition of sanatorium organizations, requiring change, in the field between tourism and medical institutions. The current problems of the sanatorium and resort complex are revealed. The need for real-time reporting is described, to create an industry development strategy. The absence of mechanisms for obtaining such reports was noted. The legal framework for working with the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation is presented. The mechanisms of entering data, as well as their verification in the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are explained. The basic mechanisms of increasing the significance level of data entered into the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are described. The structure of the screen form of the report designer for sanatorium and resort organizations and the structure of the screen form of the report designer for resorts (health-improving areas) are presented. The types of data aggregation in the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are described, as well as the basic types of reports and types of data filtering, for the report designer on sanatorium and resort organizations and the designer of reports on resorts (health-improving areas). The basic structure of the report construction and examples of reports in the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are presented. The results of creating a report designer in the program-information complex State Register of the Resort Fund of the Russian Federation are presented, and examples of the use of reports for meetings conducted by the Government of the Russian Federation are given. The role of operators of sanatorium and resort organizations, as well as operators of regional and federal government bodies as key links in increasing the significance level of data is noted.

About the authors

Nina S. Prilipko

National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1034-2640
SPIN-code: 4540-9590


Russian Federation, Moscow

Andrej S. Terehov

National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4988-7381
SPIN-code: 6145-9091
Russian Federation, Moscow

Pavel V. Tots

National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 6053-7758


Russian Federation, Moscow


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