The use of laser therapy in children with allergic rhinitis complicated by exudative otitis media

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Background. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis, which is an intermittent or permanent inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by exposure to allergens, reaches 35%, according to different authors. Currently, this pathology is often complicated by exudative otitis media, especially in young children.

Aim: to develop and justify the feasibility of using laser phoresis of sodium deoxyribonucleate for the treatment of exudative otitis media in children with allergic rhinitis.

Methods. A clinical examination, a clinical blood test, rhinoscopy and otoscopy, as well as rhinocytogram, tympanometry (impedance audiometer Heinemann Titan) were performed. In diagnostics of allergic rhinitis, methods of a multifaceted otorhinolaryngological and allergological examination of the patient were used, as well as immunological tests (determination of the level of IgE and allergen-specific antibodies in the blood serum), and skin allergological tests. The examination was conducted before and after the course of treatment, as well as after 6 and 12 months.

Results. With drug laser phoresis of sodium deoxyribonucleate administered endonasally and endourally, a stable result was obtained in restoring the drainage functions of the pharyngotympanic tube and reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis in preschool children and primary school children. Hearing is objectively improved in patients, and the conductive component is stopped, there is no fluid in the middle ear, sleep improves, the sense of smell is restored, physical performance increases, and children’s fatigue decreases in doing sports. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of treatment in two groups showed the best results in the group of children receiving laser therapy using sodium desoxyribonucleate from medicinal non-woven textiles for up to 1 year. Repeated treatment with exacerbation of exudative otitis media was necessary to 40% of children in the control group, 12% of children after a course of laser therapy, and only one patient after a course of laser phoresis of sodium deoxyribonucleate.

Conclusion. The use of laser radiation reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, and the allergic component.

About the authors

A. G. Khrykova

Yaroslavl’ State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Yaroslavl’


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