卷 15, 编号 2 (2016)


The application of narrow-band (311 nm) phototherapy of chronic dermatoses in the children

Turbovskaya S., Kruglova L., Korchazhkina N.


The data concerning the application of narrow-band phototherapy at a wave-length of 311 nm for the treatment of the children suffering from chronic dermatoses are presented. The indications for the use of this method and the relevant technical procedures are described with special reference to their safety and effectiveness. It is concluded that phototherapy with the use of narrow-band ultraviolet radiation with a wave-length of 311 nm provides the optimal (in terms of effectiveness and tolerability) tool for the treatment of the children presenting with chronic dermatoses.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):60-65
pages 60-65 views

The effectiveness of the combined application of structural resonance therapy and polychromatic polarized light in the patients presenting with lichen ruber planus

Levshin R., Kruglova L., Korchazhkina N.


The further improvement of the technologies for the treatment of the patients presenting with lichen ruber planus (LRP) is a topical medical and social problem the importance of which arises from the high prevalence and the ever-increasing incidence of this disease that have doubled during the recent decades. Its occurrence among other dermatoses varies from 2.1% to 2.4%. Despite the advent of the new methods of therapy for this condition the pathological process in the majority of the patients remains of a very torpid character and difficult to treat. Hence, the necessity of developing the new approaches including the methods based on the application of the physiotherapeutic techniques. Methods. The present study involved 25 patients at the age from 31 to 64 years presenting with various clinical forms of lichen ruber planus. Ten patients suffered from the classical form of this pathology, 8 had the erythematous form, its clinical picture in 7 patients was dominated by hypertrophic changes (the hypertrophic form of LRP). The primary exacerbation was documented in 10 (40%) patients, 15 (60%) had the chronic disease of more than 2 months in duration in the absence of stable remission. The patients were given the combined treatment including the use of structural resonance therapy and the local application of the polychromatic polarized light. Results. The combined treatment with the use of structural resonance therapy and polarized polychromatic light in the patients presenting with lichen ruber planus had the well-apparent therapeutic effect on all the clinical symptoms of the disease and contributed to the relief of itching regardless of the severity and the clinical form of pathology. It is concluded that the high therapeutic efficiency of the proposed method is due to the marked immunomodulatory effect on the initially altered characteristics of congenital immunity as demonstrated by the normalization of the expression of TLR-defensin-2 receptors in the skin.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):66-70
pages 66-70 views

Low-intensity ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation exerts the antioxidative action under the acute stress conditions

Chuyan E., Ravaeva M., Biryukova E.


The objective of the present work was to estimate the level of free radical oxidation from the amount of the thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-active products formed in the reaction between malonic dialdehyde (MDA) and 2-thiobarbituric acid in blood serum and homogenate of the liver and heart tissues of the animals under conditions of acute stress and the post-stress application of low-intensity ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF- EMR). It is shown that stress induced by long swimming led to a significant increase in the amount of TBA-active products in comparison with that in the unstressed animals. Three applications of EHF-EMR after the stress caused by long swimming resulted in the suppression of lipid peroxidation and exerted the stress-protective effect. Moreover, the non-uniform accumulation of TBA-active products in blood serum, heart and liver of the animals was observed. The two latter tissues were found to contain the largest amounts of these products while serum contained them in the smallest quantities. This difference in the accumulation of TBA-active products in various tissues was significant which gives evidence of marked tissue specificity of the organization of the antioxidant complex in the rats. Both, the stress and its combination with the action of low-intensity ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation result in the predominance of lipid peroxidation in the heart tissue of the studied animals.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):71-75
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The application of the transcerebral physical methods for the treatment of obesity in the children

Bolotova N., Rajgorodskij Y., Posokhova N.


The authors report an example of the treatment of 80 children at the age from 14 to 18 years presenting with grade II and III obesity to illustrate the effectiveness of transcerebral application of physiotherapeutic techniques. The treatment consisted of the combination of transcerebral bitemporal magnetic therapy with transcerebral electrical stimulation applied to the fronto-mastoid region with the use of the domestic "AMO-ATOS-E" apparatus. An original assessment scale was proposed for scoring the hunger sensation and evaluating its reduction under effect of the transcerebral physiotherapeutic treatment (TCPT). It has been shown that the body weight gain index (BWGI) decreased by 31.4% under the influence of the transcerebral physiotherapeutic treatment in comparison with 14.2% in the placebo-treated control children. The reduction of hunger sensation and the normalization of the metabolic processes occurred in association with the restoration of brain bioelectrogenesis and the cytokine profile as an indicator of inflammation; moreover, these changes were accompanied by the improvement of the hormonal levels.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):75-81
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The spa-and-health resort-based treatment and rehabilitation of the patients presenting with erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum in the phase of subsiding exacerbation

Kaisinova A., Efimenko N.


The objective of the present study was to substantiate the application of low-mineralized mineral waters in the combination with anti-ulcer medications (ultop, amoxicillin, clarithromycin) and radon baths for the treatment of erosive and ulcerative legions of the oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum associated with long-standing psychoemotional tension in the phase of subsiding exacerbation. It has been shown that the most efficient approach to the treatment of these pathologies is the introduction of radon baths (with a radon concentration of 1,5 kBq/l) into the program of spa-and-health resort-based treatment. The beneficial effect of such therapy is attributable to the strong sedative, analgesic, and immune-modulatory action of alpha-therapy. This conclusion is confirmed by the regression of pain syndrome, the improvement of immune resistance and psychoemotional status, the intensification of the reparative processes in gastroduodenal mucous membrane.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):82-86
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Dynamic electroneurostimulation as a component of the combined spa-and-health resort-based treatment of the patients presenting with irritated bowel syndrome and constipation

Efimenko N., Kazaryan T., Khapaeva F., Chalaya E.


Aim. The objective of the present study was to develop and scientifically substantiate the application of the methods for the targeted non-pharmacological correction of the psychosomatic disorders in the patients presenting with irritated bowel syndrome (IBS) at the stage of their spa-and health resort-based treatment. Materials and methods. A total of 80 patients suffering from irritated bowel syndrome were examined and treated with the use of low-mineralized drinking mineral water, carbo-mineral baths, and dynamic electrical neurostimulation (DENS). The clinical, laboratory, and functional studies carried out in the combination with psychological tests involved all the patients before and after the spa-and health resort-based treatment. Results. The proposed technology for the spa-and health resort-based treatment of irritated bowel syndrome has been shown to produce a clinically beneficial effect due to the mutually potentiating analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vegetocorrective, and antispasmodic actions of drinking mineral water and dynamic electrical neurostimulation. Such combination of therapeutic factors contributes to the regression of pain and the reduction of the symptoms of constipation syndrome, improves the functional state of the large intestine, normalizes the adaptive-regulatory processes, activities of the autonomic nervous system, and the psycho-emotional status of the patients. It is concluded that the overall effectiveness of the spa-and health resort-based treatment reached in the present study increased by 18%.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):86-91
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Ankylosing spondylitis: the new approaches to the restorative treatment

Kulikov A., Tabiev V.


This study included 82 patients presenting with ankylosing spondylitis randomly divided into 2 groups depending on the type of therapy. The patients of the main group were treated with the use of the balneotherapeutic, physiotherapeutic, and whole body cryotherapeutic procedures. The patients of the control group received a similar combined treatment by balneotherapy and physiotherapy without application of the whole body cryotherapy. The analysis of the data obtained revealed the higher clinical efficiency of the combined treatment with the use of whole body cryotherapy. The main aspects of the corrective action of the whole body cryotherapy were elucidated and characterized, such as a decrease in the activity of an ankylosing spondylitis, reduction of the severity of limited spinal mobility syndrome, and improvement of the quality of the patient’s life. It is concluded that the application of whole body cryotherapy increases the anti-inflammatory effect of the combination of physical therapeutic factors and is followed by a statistically significant positive dynamics of indicators of backbone mobility. Moreover, it enhances the quality of life index in the patients receiving the combined treatment, improves clinical and functional status in the majority of them. These beneficial effects persisted for at least 5-6 months after the treatment. The results of the study give reason to recommend the application of the whole body cryotherapy to the patients presenting with ankylosing spondylitis for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of therapeutic and rehabilitative measures.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):91-96
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The use of the physical therapy methods for the rehabilitation of the patients presenting with cancer pathology

Kruglova L., Shatokhina E., Kotenko K., Korchazhkina I.


The treatment of the patients presenting with cancer pathology remains a serious challenge for clinicians, and rehabilitation of these patients is a topical problem of modern medicine. The application of therapeutic physical factors for the purpose of rehabilitation is known to promote acceleration of the recovery processes. The overview of the literature data concerning this issue gave evidence of synergy between effects of physiotherapy and other treatment modalities. The successful efficient and safe applications of low-intensity laser radiation, magnetic fields, and electrical myostimulation after radical surgery of the tumours of the brain, mammary glands, and larynx are reported.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):97-101
pages 97-101 views

The state and dynamics of the manpower resources for physiotherapy in Saint Petersburg

Melnitskaya I., Kiryanova V., Shapiro K.


Physiotherapy as an occupation is included in the Russian Classification of Occupations RC 010-2014, which has been harmonized with the International Standard Classification of Occupations 2008 (ISCO-08). These classifications provide the basis for the analysis of the resource of specialists practicing physiotherapy in Saint-Petersburg, which may be helpful for the purposes of comparison. The objective of the present study was to analyze the dynamics of the indicators that characterize the availability of specialists in physiotherapy per capita as well as the staffing level over the period from 2012 to 2014. The relevant figures were found to exceed the statistical average data for the Russian Federation. In 2014, the physiotherapists/population ratio was estimated at 0,83 ± 0,04 per 10 000 population and the nurses/population ratio at 3,13 ± 0,08 per 10 000. On the whole, a negative trend in the dynamics ofthe staffing level of specialists in physiotherapy has been documented. Investigations into the age profile of the health providers gave evidence of the ageing of specialists engaged in the field of physiotherapy. Specifically, it was shown that over half of the facility-based staff are already more than 50 years of age. It is concluded that special attention should be given to personnel deficiency in the field of physiotherapy (especially as far as the nurses are concerned) if the quality and accessibility of physiotherapeutic care is to be improved.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):102-107
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The educational course “Organization of the combined rehabilitation of dizziness problems"

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2016;15(2):109-112
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