The effectiveness of the combined application of structural resonance therapy and polychromatic polarized light in the patients presenting with lichen ruber planus

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The further improvement of the technologies for the treatment of the patients presenting with lichen ruber planus (LRP) is a topical medical and social problem the importance of which arises from the high prevalence and the ever-increasing incidence of this disease that have doubled during the recent decades. Its occurrence among other dermatoses varies from 2.1% to 2.4%. Despite the advent of the new methods of therapy for this condition the pathological process in the majority of the patients remains of a very torpid character and difficult to treat. Hence, the necessity of developing the new approaches including the methods based on the application of the physiotherapeutic techniques. Methods. The present study involved 25 patients at the age from 31 to 64 years presenting with various clinical forms of lichen ruber planus. Ten patients suffered from the classical form of this pathology, 8 had the erythematous form, its clinical picture in 7 patients was dominated by hypertrophic changes (the hypertrophic form of LRP). The primary exacerbation was documented in 10 (40%) patients, 15 (60%) had the chronic disease of more than 2 months in duration in the absence of stable remission. The patients were given the combined treatment including the use of structural resonance therapy and the local application of the polychromatic polarized light. Results. The combined treatment with the use of structural resonance therapy and polarized polychromatic light in the patients presenting with lichen ruber planus had the well-apparent therapeutic effect on all the clinical symptoms of the disease and contributed to the relief of itching regardless of the severity and the clinical form of pathology. It is concluded that the high therapeutic efficiency of the proposed method is due to the marked immunomodulatory effect on the initially altered characteristics of congenital immunity as demonstrated by the normalization of the expression of TLR-defensin-2 receptors in the skin.

About the authors

R. N Levshin

Elets Skin and Venereal Diseases Dispensary

Elets, Russia

L. S Kruglova

Moscow Research and Practical Centre of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology, Moscow Health Department

117497, Moscow

Natal’ya B. Korchazhkina

Federal state budgetary institution of continuous professional education “Central State Medical Academy”, General Management Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation

dr. med. sc., professor, deputy director of the Central Medical Directorate, General Management Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation; head of Department of Restorative Medicine, Physical Exercise Therapy, Balneotherapy and Physiotherapy 103132, Москва


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