Low-intensity ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation exerts the antioxidative action under the acute stress conditions

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The objective of the present work was to estimate the level of free radical oxidation from the amount of the thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-active products formed in the reaction between malonic dialdehyde (MDA) and 2-thiobarbituric acid in blood serum and homogenate of the liver and heart tissues of the animals under conditions of acute stress and the post-stress application of low-intensity ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF- EMR). It is shown that stress induced by long swimming led to a significant increase in the amount of TBA-active products in comparison with that in the unstressed animals. Three applications of EHF-EMR after the stress caused by long swimming resulted in the suppression of lipid peroxidation and exerted the stress-protective effect. Moreover, the non-uniform accumulation of TBA-active products in blood serum, heart and liver of the animals was observed. The two latter tissues were found to contain the largest amounts of these products while serum contained them in the smallest quantities. This difference in the accumulation of TBA-active products in various tissues was significant which gives evidence of marked tissue specificity of the organization of the antioxidant complex in the rats. Both, the stress and its combination with the action of low-intensity ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation result in the predominance of lipid peroxidation in the heart tissue of the studied animals.

About the authors

E. N Chuyan

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Simferopol, 295007, Crimea, Russian Federation

Marina Y. Ravaeva

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Email: mravaeva@ukr.net
cand. biol. sci., assistant professor, Dpt. of Human and Animal Physiology and Biophysics, Tavrian Academy (structural division) Simferopol, 295007, Crimea, Russian Federation

E. A Biryukova

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Simferopol, 295007, Crimea, Russian Federation


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