卷 13, 编号 3 (2014)


The concept of translational medicine in physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Ponomarenko G.


The present paper is devoted to the assessment of the possibilities for the use of the concept of translational medicine in physical and rehabilitative medicine. A detailed description of the main directions of the development of translational medicine in physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation including personalized and evidence-based medicine and physioeconomics. Prospects for the further development of translational research in physiotherapy are outlined.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):4-12
pages 4-12 views

Chronotherapy of the patients presenting with gallbladder dysfunction and dyscholia concomitant with psychovegetative disbalance

Poddubnaya O., Ugol’nikova O., Levitskaya T.


The development of effective methods for the treatment of the patients presenting with gallbladder dysfunction and dyscholias acquires special importance when these conditions occur in the combination with psychovegetative disbalance that exerts the unfavourable influence on the functional state of the bile secreting system. The use of the chronobiological approach taking into consideration the optimal time for the application of physiotherapy with modern instrumental factors makes it possible to improve parameters of the contractile function of the gallbladder, increase colloid stability of bile, normalize characteristics of the psychovegetative status, and enhance the adaptive potential of the organism. Such approach ensures the well apparent therapeutic effect in conjunction with good tolerance of the treatment.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):12-18
pages 12-18 views

Rehabilitation of the children presenting with the functional disturbances in the locomotor system as a consequence of the craniocerebral injury

Shitikov T.


The present paper concerns the main approaches to the estimation of the effectiveness of the rehabilitative measures for the children presenting with functional disturbances in the locomotor system caused by retarded conversion of the primitive locomotor reflexes in the context of the long-term consequences of the craniocerebral injury. Diagnostics of these disturbances and dynamic observation of the children treated by various methods of manual therapy were carried out with the use of X-ray techniques, cardiointervalography, pulse-oxymetry, and bulbar conjuctiva biomicroscopy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):18-22
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The new possibilities for rehabilitation of the patients presenting with cicatrical stenosis of the pharynx and trachea

Lazarenko N., Inkina A., Gerasimenko M., Pnakova I., Smirnov A.


We have proposed an original approach to the combined treatment and rehabilitation of the patients presenting with cicatrical stenosis of the рішую and trachea with the he^ of the following techniques: multichannel electrical stimulation with bipolar pulsed currents (based on the new highly efficacious 1-channel Miomodel-10 electrostimulator) and instant diagnostics by laser Doppler flowmetry. The study demonstrated the appreciable improvement of microcirculation in the treated patients that increased the effectiveness of their rehabilitation and allowed for the favourable prognosis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):23-26
pages 23-26 views

The influence of intravenous laser irradiation of the blood on the neurovegetative regulation of the organism in the puerperae following the abdominal delivery

Sheveleva G., Bykova K., Fedorova T., Puchko T., Strel'nikova E.


Thirty one puerperae at risk of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases (IID) following the abdominal delivery were divided into 2 groups for the investigation of the neurovegetative regulation of the organism by means of cardiointervalographic analysis on day 1 after surgery and on day 6 after daily intravenous laser irradiation of the blood (ILIB) or without this treatment. By way pf prophylaxis, all the women were given intravenous injections of antibiotic amoxiclav at a dose of 1.2 g 15 min before surgery. The study showed that the use of ILIB promoted normalization of the compromised compensatory and protective reactions and improved the functional reserves of the organism in 73.3% of the women which suggests the expediency of gthe inclusion of this procedure in the treatment of puerperae at risk of IID following the abdominal delivery. In the absence of ILIB, the neurovegetative regulation and the adaptive reactions recovered only in 43.7% of the cases.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):27-31
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The application of polychromatic laser speckle-stimulation for the pleoptic treatment of the children presenting with ambliopia

Matrosova J., Fabrikantov O., Raigorodsky Y.


The objective of present study was the comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the treatment of the children presenting with ambliopia with the application of polychromatic laser speckle-stimulation at different wavelengths. It was shown that the pleoptic treatment enhanced the acuity of vision in all groups of the patients. The best results were achieved in the group undergoing polychromatic laser stimulation based on the combination of the speckle light fields in the red and green wavelength range.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):32-34
pages 32-34 views

The effectiveness of phototherapy used for the treatment of the newborn infants of different age presenting with conjugational jaundice

Kolotilina A., Botvin’ev O., Turkina I.


Introduction. The break-up of erythrocytes and hemoglobin decomposition result in the release of indirect bilirubin that is possible detect in the blood. Indirect bilirubin is lipid-soluble, penetrates into the tissues (for example, into those of the central nervous system), and exhibits the histotoxic properties. Phototherapy is one of the methods by which the influence of bilirubin in the body can be reduced. Materials and methods. The newborn infants presenting with conjugational jaundice and included in this study were divided into 2 groups depending on their age. Those comprising groups IB and IIB were treated by phototherapy while the patients in groups IA and IIA served as controls. The direct to indirect bilirubin ratio (BR) at admission and upon discharge from the clinic was calculated alongside with the growth coefficient of direct and indirect bilirubin (GC), erythrocyte index, and hemoglobin content. Results. In control children of both age groups, the blood indirect bilirubin level decreased by 12 mcmol/day in contrast to the patients treated by phototherapy in whom it fell down much more rapidly (by 19-21 mcmol/ day; p < 0.001). Dynamics of decrease of the direct bilirubin level in the children of the younger age-group was virtually identical whereas it decreased more rapidly in the patients of the elder age-group (p < 0.05). Neither erythrocyte indices nor hemoglobin content were significantly different between the children treated by phytotherapy and the controls. It is hypothesized that the serum level of indirect bilirubin in these children is a result of immaturity of the hepatic glucuronyltransferase system. Conclusion. Phototherapy is an effective method for the treatment of newborn infants of different age presenting with conjugational jaundice.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):34-37
pages 34-37 views

The methods of Charcot-Marie-Tooth kinesiotherapy

Goncharova S., Shnaider N.


Congenital Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy (CCMTN) is a degenerative disease accompanied by the development of progressive muscular weakness and persistent locomotor disturbances. At present, there are no means to predict the clinical course of this pathology; suffice it to mention that some patients exhibit only minor symptoms of CCMTN across the lifespan whereas others experience serious changes leading to disability. Nevertheless, the program of efficacious abilitation may be useful in the maintenance of the acceptable quality of life (QL) in the patients presenting with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy and even its improvement by virtue of the maximum preservation of their physical and psychosocial functions. Moreover, the effective abilitation program may help to decrease to a minimum thee frequency of concomitant secondary diseases, prevent or reduce the loss of working ability, and create the conditions necessary for efficacious integration of the patients into the social life. The present article expounds the main principles of kinesiotherapy of CCMTN, up-to-date approach to the organization of remedial gymnastics, , recommendations for physical training, and a set of therapeutic physical exercises indicated for use by the patients presenting with congenital Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy. The definitions of the essence of rehabilitation and abilitation , kinesioherapy, and therapeutic physical exercises are proposed.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):38-44
pages 38-44 views

The use of non-medicamental methods for the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis

Neimark A., Sul’dina A.


We undertook a study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of peloid therapy with the use of salt-saturated silted therapeutic peloid from the lake Marmyshenskoye for the combined treatment of the patients, presenting with chronic pyelonephritis. We have analysed the results of the treatment of 48 patients. It was shown that the introduction of peloid therapy with the application of silted therapeutic peloid from the lake Marmyshenskoye in the combined treatment of the patients, presenting with chronic pyelonephritis more effectively than the standard treatment suppresses the inflammatory process due to the favourable influence on the urine microbial spectrum, decrease of leukocyturia level, acceleration of the recovery of homeostasis, activation of humoral immunity, and prevention of further chronization of the process.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):44-48
pages 44-48 views

The cradle of Russian balneotherapeutics

Efimenko N., Glukhov A.


This paper is designed to commemorate the 150 th anniversary of the foundation of the first Russian Balneological Society (RBS) in the city of Pyatigorsk. The authors describe the main stages of the development and activities of RBS, and the main achievements in the field of balneotherapeutics and health resort business including creation of the first Russian balneotherapeutic periodical (“Zapiski RBO” [Proceedings of RBS]), setting up the first balneological museum in this country, the role and participation of RBS in the early balneological congresses held in 1898, 1903, and 1915, establishment of the RBS library, etc. RBS activities in the field of balneotherapeutics had a marked influence on the development of health resort business not only in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region but also in all other spa and health resorts of this country; in greatly contributed to the development of Russian and world balneology. The Russian Balneological Society initiated the foundation of the First Russian Institute of Balneotherapeutics.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2014;13(3):49-53
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