The effectiveness of phototherapy used for the treatment of the newborn infants of different age presenting with conjugational jaundice

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Introduction. The break-up of erythrocytes and hemoglobin decomposition result in the release of indirect bilirubin that is possible detect in the blood. Indirect bilirubin is lipid-soluble, penetrates into the tissues (for example, into those of the central nervous system), and exhibits the histotoxic properties. Phototherapy is one of the methods by which the influence of bilirubin in the body can be reduced. Materials and methods. The newborn infants presenting with conjugational jaundice and included in this study were divided into 2 groups depending on their age. Those comprising groups IB and IIB were treated by phototherapy while the patients in groups IA and IIA served as controls. The direct to indirect bilirubin ratio (BR) at admission and upon discharge from the clinic was calculated alongside with the growth coefficient of direct and indirect bilirubin (GC), erythrocyte index, and hemoglobin content. Results. In control children of both age groups, the blood indirect bilirubin level decreased by 12 mcmol/day in contrast to the patients treated by phototherapy in whom it fell down much more rapidly (by 19-21 mcmol/ day; p < 0.001). Dynamics of decrease of the direct bilirubin level in the children of the younger age-group was virtually identical whereas it decreased more rapidly in the patients of the elder age-group (p < 0.05). Neither erythrocyte indices nor hemoglobin content were significantly different between the children treated by phytotherapy and the controls. It is hypothesized that the serum level of indirect bilirubin in these children is a result of immaturity of the hepatic glucuronyltransferase system. Conclusion. Phototherapy is an effective method for the treatment of newborn infants of different age presenting with conjugational jaundice.

About the authors

A. I Kolotilina

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health


O. K Botvin’ev

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health

I. E Turkina

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health


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