The use of non-medicamental methods for the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis

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We undertook a study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of peloid therapy with the use of salt-saturated silted therapeutic peloid from the lake Marmyshenskoye for the combined treatment of the patients, presenting with chronic pyelonephritis. We have analysed the results of the treatment of 48 patients. It was shown that the introduction of peloid therapy with the application of silted therapeutic peloid from the lake Marmyshenskoye in the combined treatment of the patients, presenting with chronic pyelonephritis more effectively than the standard treatment suppresses the inflammatory process due to the favourable influence on the urine microbial spectrum, decrease of leukocyturia level, acceleration of the recovery of homeostasis, activation of humoral immunity, and prevention of further chronization of the process.

About the authors

A. I Neimark

Altai State Medical University

Department of Urology and nephrology

A. P Sul’dina

Altai State Medical University

Department of Urology and nephrology


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