The cradle of Russian balneotherapeutics

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This paper is designed to commemorate the 150 th anniversary of the foundation of the first Russian Balneological Society (RBS) in the city of Pyatigorsk. The authors describe the main stages of the development and activities of RBS, and the main achievements in the field of balneotherapeutics and health resort business including creation of the first Russian balneotherapeutic periodical (“Zapiski RBO” [Proceedings of RBS]), setting up the first balneological museum in this country, the role and participation of RBS in the early balneological congresses held in 1898, 1903, and 1915, establishment of the RBS library, etc. RBS activities in the field of balneotherapeutics had a marked influence on the development of health resort business not only in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region but also in all other spa and health resorts of this country; in greatly contributed to the development of Russian and world balneology. The Russian Balneological Society initiated the foundation of the First Russian Institute of Balneotherapeutics.

About the authors

N. V Efimenko

Federal state budgetary institution “Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency

A. N Glukhov

Federal state budgetary institution “Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics”, Russian Federal Medico-Biological Agency



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