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Vol 21, No 6 (2022)

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Original studies

Compression microvibration: Experience of using the method for the physiotherapeutic treatment of cellulite

Kardashova Z.Z., Ratnikova N.O., Vasilenko I.A., Fomicheva A.A.


BACKGROUND: Cellulite treatment and figure correction are among the most demanded requests in aesthetic medicine centers, which determines the high social and medical and economic significance of the problem, stimulates the active use of modern medical technologies.

AIM: evaluation of the effectiveness of the non-invasive method of compression microvibration in the treatment of cellulite in women of peri- and postmenopausal age.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A single center prospective cohort study was conducted in which 27 female volunteers with mild to moderate gynoid lipodystrophy took part. All participants completed the Endospheres Therapy course according to the standard protocol: 12 procedures for 60 minutes twice a week using the Endospheres Therapy Body compression microvibration apparatus. Before and after the completion of the course of procedures, anthropometric parameters (linear and weight dimensions of the body) were measured, fat, lean, active cellular and skeletal muscle mass, specific basal metabolism, total and extracellular fluid, bioimpedance phase angle were evaluated using bioimpedancemetry. To obtain a subjective assessment of the effectiveness and quality of the procedures received, all participants underwent anonymous testing.

RESULTS: Under observation were 27 women, who made up 3 clinical groups of 9 women each in accordance with age criteria: group 1 ― before menopause (age 40–49 years); group 2 ― menopause (50–59 years) and group 3 ― postmenopause (60–69 years). After the Endospheres Therapy course, the mean group body mass index values did not change, however, a weight loss of 3.4–7.4 kg, a decrease in waist and hips by 2.2–3.0–2.5 cm, 4.1–5.3–6.3 cm in the respective age groups. In the first group of participants, the fat mass index decreased by 16.4% (p <0.005), active cell mass increased by almost 15% (p <0.005), skeletal muscle mass ― by 13% (p >0.005), the specific basic metabolism ― by 10% (p <0.005), the value of phase angle after the course Endospheres Therapy increased statistically significantly by 16% (p <0.05). In other age groups, bioimpedance measurements were similar, but less pronounced. After the procedures, in some cases, study participants reported a slight tingling/squeezing sensation, slight muscle soreness, reminiscent of the state after exercise, and temporary slight redness of the skin.

CONCLUSION: The results obtained allow us to state the effectiveness and safety of the use of Endospheres Therapy in the treatment of cellulite, as a pathogenetically substantiated method of physiotherapy that affects the improvement of the skin condition, the transformation of the fat component, the increase in cell metabolism, muscle tone, stimulation of lymphatic drainage and tissue trophism.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2022;21(6):391-400
pages 391-400 views

Personalized method of treatment of patients with complications after contouring of the nasolacrimal sulcus

Aksenenko I.P.


BACKGROUND: Contouring of the nasolacrimal sulcus area is becoming an increasingly popular procedure due to the rapid onset of a pronounced aesthetic result, however, in recent years there has been an increase in the pool of complications both in the early and late post-injection recovery period. At the same time, there are no differentiated approaches to the choice of physiotherapy techniques and their combinations depending on the genetic profile of the patient and the clinical and functional picture of the complication.

AIM: to develop and evaluate the use of personalized physiotherapy in patients with complications after the introduction of fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid, taking into account their genetic predisposition.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The analyzed data of the study of 47 patients, average age 35.7±10.2, with a diagnosis of "L57.4 Senile atrophy (lethargy) of the skin", who received late complications (local edema, filler contouring, sensitivity change at the filler injection site) after the introduction of a filler based on stabilized hyaluronic acid in the nasolabial furrow area. All patients underwent genetic testing on the Cosmetology panel before the start of treatment. There were 3 groups that received longidase diadinamophoresis, injection carboxytherapy of the nasolacrimal sulcus area or a combination of the above techniques.

RESULTS: When using a combined course of longidase diadinamophoresis and injection carboxytherapy, there was a significant decrease in clinical manifestations in the form of conturation, local edema and neuropathy, the psychoemotional state of patients stabilized. In addition, the therapeutic complex significantly accelerated the biodegradation of the filler and has a restructuring effect on the skin of the nasolacrimal furrow, reducing the thickness of the dermis. increasing the density coefficient of the dermis and accelerating the biodegradation of the superficially injected compared to other study groups.

CONCLUSION: The personalized combined use of the method, including a course of longidase diadinamophoresis and injectable carboxytherapy for the correction of complications of contouring of the nasolacrimal sulcus area with fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid in the form of local edema, neuropathy and filler contouring, is a highly effective treatment method, which is confirmed by the relief of clinical symptoms, acceleration of biodegradation of the drug and improvement of the quality of life of patients.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2022;21(6):401-408
pages 401-408 views

Effect of pulsed magnetic therapy and moderate exercise on the course of postmenopausal osteoporosis

Byalovsky Y.Y., Ivanov A.V., Rakitina I.S.


BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis is a common musculoskeletal disease with significant complications that can become a global public health problem and a major cause of death and morbidity.

AIM: The present study aimed to determine the effect of pulsed magnetotherapy, aerobic exercise, and a combination of both methods on postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The randomized clinical trial included 45 patients with osteoporosis aged 60 to 65 years who had menopause at least 6 months ago and had been sedentary for at least 6 months. Patients were randomly divided into 3 equal groups. Group A (magnetic therapy group): received standard treatment (bisphosphonates, calcium and vitamin D) in addition to pulsed magnetic therapy in the hip area for 12 weeks (3 sessions per week). Group B (exercise group): received conventional treatment plus moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 12 weeks (3 sessions per week). Group C (combined magnetic therapy and exercise therapy group): received standard medical treatment plus pulsed magnetic therapy and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 12 weeks (3 sessions per week). Bone mineral density was assessed in three groups at baseline by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and after 12 weeks of treatment.

RESULTS: The results showed that intragroup analysis revealed a statistically significant increase (p <0.05) in bone mineral density in the 3 study groups. Comparison of the results among the 3 tested groups revealed a significant increase (p <0.05) in mean post-test bone mineral density values in group C compared to group A and group B. There was no significant statistical difference in mean bone mineral density between the two groups A and B after testing.

CONCLUSION: The combination of pulsed magnetotherapy and moderate-intensity aerobic exercise showed a significant improvement in hip bone mineral density compared with either method alone.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2022;21(6):409-418
pages 409-418 views

The role of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in the formation of hypertrophic skin scars with the use of a pulsed dye laser and Fermencol phonophoresis

Ismailyan K.V., Nagornev S.N., Kruglova L.S., Frolkov V.K.


BACKGROUND: An imbalance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) expression and tissue inhibitors of MMP is considered as a possible mechanism for impaired collagen synthesis and degradation, which leads to the development of hypertrophic scars. The use of a vascular laser, in particular a pulsed dye laser, leads to coagulation of the vascular locus that feeds the hypertrophic skin scar, resulting in a decrease in extracellular matrix synthesis. The use of collagenase phonophoresis increases the effectiveness of laser therapy due to the destruction of the extracellular matrix.

AIM: To study the role of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in the pathogenesis of immature hypertrophic skin scars and to evaluate the dynamics of enzymes during the combined use of a pulsed dye laser and Fermenkol phonophoresis.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was performed with the participation of 125 patients aged 22 to 55 years with immature (up to 6 months) hypertrophic skin scars. All patients were divided into 4 groups according to the simple fixed randomization procedure. The first group (control, n=32) received course local compression therapy using silicone plates for 2 months. The second group (main group I, n=31) underwent two courses of Fermencol phonophoresis (5 daily procedures lasting 10 minutes each with a break of 3–4 weeks). The third group (main group II, n=31) underwent two pulsed dye laser procedures with an interval of 4 weeks. The fourth group (main III, n=31) received complex treatment, which included a combination of two pulsed dye laser procedures and two cycles of Fermenkol phonophoresis. The study of the clinical condition of patients was carried out according to the modified Vancouver scar scale (VSS). The content of MMP and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 in blood serum was determined by enzyme immunoassay. Patients were examined twice: before the start and 2 weeks after the end of the course of treatment. To form a sample of reference values of MMPs and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), a group of 20 somatically healthy individuals was used.

RESULTS: Initially reduced levels of MMP-1 and MMP-9 were found in the blood serum of patients with immature hypertrophic skin scars, with high values of TIMP-1, which allows us to consider reduced expression as an important link in the pathogenesis of the fibroproliferative process in the skin, which causes excessive deposition of extracellular matrix components. The use of pulsed dye laser in combination with Fermencol phonophoresis was accompanied by an increase in the content of MMP in the blood serum of patients with immature hypertrophic skin scars, which positively correlated with the severity of the clinical result of treatment, assessed by VSS.

CONCLUSION: A conclusion was made about the clinical and pathogenetic significance of MMPs and TIMPs in the development of fibroplastic processes, which allows us to consider these biochemical parameters as informative criteria for the effectiveness of the therapy.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2022;21(6):419-427
pages 419-427 views

A randomized trial of improving the effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontal-periodontal pathology

Kulikova N.G., Chkheidze T., Tkachenko A.S., Zhilokov Z.G.


BACKGROUND: The severity of chronic periodontitis and related dental complications (gingival pockets accompanied by bleeding gums, pain, tooth mobility, inflammation of the gums, suppuration) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are largely determined by blood sugar parameters, which indicates the importance of modeling treatment to increase efficiency and reduce risks, forming a high medical and social problem.

AIM: was to evaluate the prospects and efficacy of physiotherapeutic treatment, including intracanale laser exposure in the form of radiation with a wavelength of 810 nm in combination with transchannel galvanophoresis of copper-calcium hydroxide, in patients with type 2 diabetes with periodontal periodontitis.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The materials of a retrospective study including 89 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontal periodontitis were analyzed. Patients of the first group (Comparison I ― 17 people) received laser exposure intracanally. Patients of the second group (Comparison II ― 18 people) received galvanophoresis with copper-calcium hydroxide transcanally with an active anode. Patients of the third group (Comparison III ― 18 people) received galvanophoresis with copper-calcium hydroxide transcanally from the active Cathode. Patients of the main group (Main I ― 18 people) received complex therapy in the form of laser exposure intracanally and galvanophoresis with copper-calcium hydroxide transcanally from the active Cathode. Patients of the main group (Main II ― 18 people) received complex therapy in the form of laser exposure intracanally and galvanophoresis with copper-calcium hydroxide transcanally with an active anode. The control was carried out on patients without physiotherapeutic treatment, including long-term indicators.

RESULTS: During dental treatment, all patients with type 2 diabetes had a laboratory-confirmed blood glucose level of 7.5±1.9 mg% (p <0.05). The hygienic index of Fedorov–Volodkina ― 5.3±0.3 points. In 86.5% of patients, supra- and subgingival tartar was detected and in 35.9% of them ― the formation of periodontal pockets with bright red granulations, which required very careful treatment. It has been established that the depot-phoresis with an active cathode provides high anti-inflammatory and analgesic results with mono-exposure. In 29.4% of patients after intracanal monolaser exposure, high anti-inflammatory effects were established, which were accompanied by a decrease in the hygiene index, the index of inflammation, which was lower than after complex laser electrophoresis.

CONCLUSION: The use of depot-foresis with an active cathode provides higher anti-inflammatory and analgesic results in relation to the apex-foresis of copper-calcium hydroxide (active anode), which, in our opinion, is based on an increase in the activity of physico-chemical reactions of metabolic orientation in the alkaline environment of the oral cavity.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2022;21(6):429-436
pages 429-436 views

Predictors of effectiveness in the implementation of personalized use of therapeutic physical factors in patients with metabolic syndrome

Benkov A.A., Nagornev S.N., Mamedova S.S., Shabanova A.S.


BACKGROUND: A personalized approach to the use of therapeutic physical factors should take into account individual predictor biomarkers, which are predictive information regarding the effectiveness of the treatment, taking into account the initial state of the patient's reserve capabilities. The metabolic syndrome was defined as a model of a pathological condition characterized by reduced functional reserves. Previous studies have shown that transcranial magnetotherapy (TMT) and pulsed low-frequency exposure to an electrostatic field (INESP) have potential effectiveness in relation to the pathogenetic manifestations of the metabolic syndrome.

AIM: The purpose of the study is to determine the predictors of effectiveness in the implementation of personalized combined use of TMT and INESP in patients with metabolic syndrome.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study involved 100 patients with a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome established in accordance with clinical guidelines. All patients were divided into four groups of 25 by simple fixed randomization. The first group (control) received a placebo effect (imitation of physiotherapeutic effects with the device turned off) for 10 days of observation. Patients of the second group (comparison group 1) were exposed to a low frequency electrostatic field (INESP). The third group (comparison group 2) received transcranial magnetic therapy with a traveling magnetic field (TMT). Patients of the fourth group (main) were subjected to a combined effect of INESP and TMT. All patients before and after a course of physiotherapy underwent a comprehensive examination using functional, biochemical and hormonal methods. Statistical processing of the obtained results was carried out using the Statistica 12.6 software package using the algorithms of correlation and regression analyses.

RESULTS: The analysis performed using the multiple regression algorithm made it possible to identify a cluster of independent variables in the form of an autonomic balance index, microcirculation index, body mass index and catalase activity, determined in the initial value of patients. The high efficiency of the combined use of TMT and INESP is achieved with a probability of at least 95% in patients with metabolic syndrome, the initial state of which is characterized by a level of the autonomic balance index below 1.7 conventional units. units, tissue perfusion parameter more than 14 perf. units, BMI value below 29 c.u. units and catalase activity above 90 units. аct. The results of the verification of the constructed information model convincingly prove its adequacy and objectively confirm compliance with the stated forecast requirements.

CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the identified constellation of phenotypic patterns, which characterizes the state of the pathological process, reflects the main pathogenetic mechanisms that determine the severity of clinical and functional manifestations of metabolic syndrome. Evaluation of the initial values of the autonomic balance index, microcirculation index, body mass index and catalase activity in patients with metabolic syndrome makes it possible to predict the expected effectiveness of the course combined use of TMT and INESP.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2022;21(6):437-445
pages 437-445 views


The use of magnetic stimulation in neurogenic and psychogenic urination disorders

Borodulina I.V., Gerasimenko M.Y.


Magnetic stimulation is a type of well-known method of magnetic therapy in physiotherapy practice. In contrast to electrical stimulation, in which afferent and efferent nerve fibers are directly excited, an alternating magnetic field causes an indirect secondary depolarization of the cell membrane due to the resulting potential difference.

Magnetic stimulation for the purpose of correcting the dysfunction of the lower urinary tract symptoms has become widespread since the 90s of the XX century in the form of the method of extracorporeal magnetic stimulation and stimulation of the sacral roots S3 area.

Magnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor and the area of the sacral roots is a promising method of rehabilitation with impaired lower urinary tract symptoms function and can be considered as one of the alternative safe measures in the treatment of this category of patients, which reduces the severity of symptoms. The effectiveness of this method is manifested mainly in irritative forms of disorders caused by the neurogenic and psychogenic nature of the lesion.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2022;21(6):447-453
pages 447-453 views

Modern understanding of the application of kinesiotaping in dental surgery

Shimorskiy M.I., Korchazhkina N.B., Panin А.M., Volosova E.V.


Currently, non-drug restorative therapy is becoming more and more popular and in demand. Doctors try to minimize the pharmacological load on the body and replace drugs with physiological analogues that are not inferior to them in effectiveness.

Despite the extensive experience of using kinesiotapes after operations in other sections and areas of surgery, kinesiotaping in dentistry still remains poorly studied and, as a result, little used. There are no clear recommendations on the method of application and the duration of wearing kinesiotapes, as well as on the possibility of combining such applications with other methods of physiotherapy.

This article provides an overview of the possibility of using kinesiotaping by lymphatic drainage type after various surgical interventions in the oral cavity. This article includes publications from 2013 to 2020, which describe various methods and results of the use of kinesiotapes in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.

Based on the data of the studied literature and experience of using kinesiotaping by lymphatic drainage type after various surgical interventions in the oral cavity, it can be stated that this technique facilitates the postoperative period, reduces the severity of the pain component and has a good decongestant effect.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2022;21(6):455-460
pages 455-460 views

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