Vol 18, No 6 (2019)

Original studies

The effect of electrical stimulation by bipolar-pulse microcurrents on regeneration processes in experiment and clinic

Lazarenko N.N., Shemshuk M.I., Gerasimenko M.Y., Tigay Z.G.


Objective. The purpose of this study is to study the effect of electrical stimulation by bipolar-pulsed microcurrents: in an experiment on lymphatic drainage of a marker from the mesentery of mice and in the clinic on patients with hypertrophic scars in the face.

Materials and methods. In the experiment, the rate of resorption of the marker from the mesentery of mice (n = 10) receiving the “placebo” procedure and mice (n = 10) receiving the course of electrical stimulation with bipolar-pulsed microcurrents were measured under a light microscope. In addition, the clinic observed patients aged 18 to 60 years (n = 100), with hypertrophic scars in the face area that arose for various reasons. Of these, the 1st (control) group of patients (n = 10) received only one standard drug therapy, and the 2nd (main) group (n = 90) additionally received electrical stimulation with bipolar-pulsed microcurrents in the face area.

Results. The experiment showed that the rate of resolution of the marker in the mesentery of the intestines of mice after a course of electrical stimulation was greater than in mice treated with the placebo procedure. In a clinical study in patients in the 2nd (main) group after a course of electrical stimulation, on the background of drug therapy, better results were achieved on the Vancouver Scar Scale and in a shorter time period than in patients in the 1st (control) group who received drug therapy . The greater effectiveness of the results in patients in the 2nd (main) group was confirmed by the data of statistical regression analysis.

Conclusions. The results of this experiment showed that electrical stimulation by bipolar-pulsed microcurrents accelerates lymphatic drainage in the mesentery of the intestines of mice. In a clinical study, the use of electrical stimulation with bipolar-pulsed microcurrents in patients with hypertrophic scars in the face region in the 2nd group showed high efficiency and the transition of hypertrophic scars to normotrophic ones in earlier periods.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):360-366
pages 360-366 views

Experience in the application of non-invasive neuromodulation in the angioneurology

Voropaev A.A., Ivanova G.E., Nikolaeva T.V.


The electromagnetic field is a fundamental factor of objective reality, when exposed to the brain causes the appearance and development of a complex of functional changes that help in the study of the properties of the nervous system itself. Non-invasive neuromodulation is a therapeutic exogenous effect on various parts of the nervous system (mainly vegetative) with the help of electromagnetic physical (electric, magnetic) factors in the course of drug therapy in accordance with the standards of care specifically for each nosological form. The article discusses the role of interhemispheric asymmetry in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular diseases and effectiveness of the method of transcranial electrostimulation with feedback in the form of electroencephalography using the apparatus TATOS in the rehabilitation of patients with cerebrovascular pathology, including early recovery period of ischemic stroke

Purpose: to identify clinical and neurophysiological features in patients with cerebrovascular pathology during transcranial electrotherapy with feedback.

Material and methods. Total 105 patients with vascular pathology of the brain were studied, including 35 patients after ischemic stroke in the early recovery period with mild or moderate neurological symptoms, 70 patients with chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. The average age is 56 ± 3.6 years old. A comprehensive clinical, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging study was conducted. The course of non-invasive neuromodulation was performed against the background of medical treatment in accordance with the medical standards with the use of a pulse generator TETOS with feedback in the form of electroencephalography.

Results. The study of the parameters of neurodynamic interhemispheric asymmetry showed that in patients who underwent onmc in the left middle cerebral artery basin, the localization of the ischemic lesion in the right middle cerebral artery basin was observed in the form of an increase in the interhemispheric coherence of the main electro-encephalographical rhythms with a predominance of slow-wave activity. After a course of non-invasive neuromodulation, the majority of patients in the main group noted an improvement in their well-being: headaches, dizziness, irritability, anxiety and anxiety, tension, significantly improved emotional state, and sleep normalized. The study of parameters of dynamic interhemispheric asymmetry has shown that when conducting transcranial electrotherapy with feedback in patients who have undergone stroke, depending on the localization, its decrease is noted, as well as normalization of the distribution of alpha rhythm in zones, depending on the localization of the focus.

Conclusions. The overall assessment of the effect of treatment in the whole group revealed a clear prevalence of positive results when using TАTOS-therapy.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):367-373
pages 367-373 views

Influence of the breathing methods of the heated oxygen-helium mixture on the indicators of variability of the heart rhythm and functions of external respiration in military servers with chronic obstructive

Bobkina N.V., Lyadov M.V., Gerasimenko M.Y.


The purpose of the research was to study the effectiveness of using heated oxygen-helium mixture in the medical rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis.

Material and methods. The study included 68 patients aged 32 to 56 years (43.7 ± 4.1 years). The first group (n = 33) contained of practically healthy volunteers and the second group (n = 35) of patients with a verified diagnosis: chronic obstructive bronchitis, moderate to moderate degree of obstruction, the duration of the disease ranged from 2 to 16 years (5.4 ± 1.4). In both groups, heated oxygen-helium mixture was used (the temperature of the mixture in the mask was 50°С). Patients of the second group 30 minutes before inhalation of the heated oxygen-helium mixture used short or long-acting bronchodilators. The study was carried out before the start of therapy, after 5, 10 procedures. Estimated indicators of heart rate variability and respiratory function.

Results and conclusion. The use of heated oxygen-helium mixture allowed to increase the activity of the parasympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system and reduce the tone of the sympathetic department, normalize the functioning of the body’s regulatory systems. The research data showed an increase in SDNN, RMSSD, a decrease in LF/HF wave power, and a decrease in the centralization index. After the 5th breathing procedure of the heated oxygen-helium mixture, the second group showed an increase in external respiration function by an average of 16%, and after a full course, by 20%, which indicates an improvement in pulmonary ventilation and a decrease in the degree of obstructive disorders.

The use of heated oxygen-helium mixture is a promising method that does not give complications, can reduce the severity of obstructive syndrome, helps to restore the body’s adaptive systems, and can be used as one of the methods in the comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):374-378
pages 374-378 views

The method of combined use of enzyme therapy and carboxytherapy in the correction of complications after injection of polylactic acid in cosmetology

Aksenenko I.P.


Objective. To study the effectiveness of the combined method, including the course of colladizine diadynamophoresis 1000 KE (collagenase units) in combination with injection carboxytherapy in the correction of complications that occurred when superficial administration of polylactic acid into the skin.

Material and methods. Under observation were 38 women of 32 to 39 years old with a complication after the introduction of a filler based on polylactic acid with localization in the abdomen. Three groups were identified that received a course of carboxytherapy, a course of collagenase diadynamophoresis, and their combination.

Results. The use of the combined course of Collizin diadynamophoresis with injection carboxytherapy provides a pronounced analgesic effect, improves microcirculation, stabilizes the psycho-emotional state and gives a pronounced effect of reducing the thickness of the dermis and increasing the density coefficient of the dermis, which is probably associated with a decrease in intradermal edema, which occurs as a reaction to superficially introduced filler. In addition, this combined technique significantly accelerates the biodegradation of the surface-injected filler and affects pathological fibrosis around polylactic acid.

Conclusions. The combined use of collizine diadynamophoresis and injection carboxytherapy locally on the lesion sites with complications such as surface administration of a filler based on polylactic acid is a highly effective treatment method, which is confirmed by the relief of clinical symptoms and an increase in the quality of life of patients.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):379-385
pages 379-385 views

A new combined method for treating involutive changes in the periorbital region

Khaliullin R.I.


Objective. To solve the problem of correction of involutive changes in the periorbital region, it is necessary to approach from the position of a multidisciplinary approach, since a wide range of problems that need to be solved is possible in this localization. Laser therapy methods have been the standard for correcting age-related changes for many years. However, many questions of combined methods remain open, so the search and development of the most effective protocols for their use is an urgent task of modern medicine.

Purpose of the study. Based on the study of the results of clinical efficacy and taking into account the indicators of quality characteristics of the skin, as well as microcirculation, to develop a combined method for correcting involutive skin changes in the periorbital region in young and middle-aged patients using fractional Nd:YAG and CO2 laser in combination with lower transconjunctival blepharoplasty.

Material and methods. The study involved 108 patients with involutive changes in the skin of the lower eyelid. Depending on the method of treatment, patients were divided into groups. Special methods were used in the study: the study of qualitative characteristics of the skin (cutometry, TEVA-metry, corneometry), microcirculatory processes using laser flowmetry.

Results. The effectiveness of the developed combined method is based on a pronounced positive effect on the active and passive mechanisms of hemodynamics at all levels of the microcirculatory bed, which is confirmed by an increase in the integral indicator of MC by 45.92% against 26.35% and 5.77% in the comparison groups, while the coefficient of variation of the indicator of MC increased by 33.02% against 24.19% and 6.46% after applying the components of the method. The use of the combined treatment method leads to the restoration of skin quality characteristics: the moisture index increased by 27% (p < 0.05) compared to 14.1%, 7.8% in groups 1 and 2, respectively, the transepidermal water loss index decreased by 47% (p < 0.05) (compared to 35%, 12.7% in groups 1 and 2, respectively), the ua/Uf elasticity index increased by 23.2% (p < 0.05) (compared to 18.4%, 16.4% in groups 1 and 2, respectively).

Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted research it can be concluded that the developed combined method of treatment is highly effective.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):386-391
pages 386-391 views

Non-drug technologies in the prevention of arterial hypertension in civil aviation dispatchers

Korolev D.V., Yamerskov V.V.


Purpose. In recent decades, there has been an increased interest in the study of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in civil aviation dispatchers, for whom professional stress is one of the leading risk factors in the formation of arterial hypertension in the workplace.

Material and methods. The article presents the survey data of 120 civil aviation dispatchers, who, in order to reduce the prevention of the development of arterial hypertension, underwent a complex of combined color-light-and psycho-correctional music therapy.

Conclusion. As a result of the study, it was proved that the combined color-light therapy technology and psycho-correctional music therapy have a pronounced vasocorrecting effect, which is confirmed by a decrease in systolic and diastolic pressure and heart rate to the level of healthy individuals in the studied contingent of air traffic controllers.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):392-395
pages 392-395 views


Justification for use of selenium-modified mineral water in medical rehabilitation of patients who underwent colon surgery due to malignant tumor (overview)

Uzdenov M.B.


The article presents the justification for the use of selenium-modified low-mineralized mineral water of Chapaevsk deposit (the Karachay-Cherkess Republic), modified by selenium. It describes its effect on the state of hormonal and immune status, antioxidant system in malignant diseases of digestive organs, prevention of complications, reduction of dose of used medicines, improvement of quality of life of this category of patients.

Conclusion. It is noted that the use of selenium-modified low-mineralized mineral water expands and complements the possibilities of rehabilitation and rehabilitation assistance to patients who have undergone operations on the large intestine in case of malignant neoplasms.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):396-400
pages 396-400 views

Justification of the complex application of physical therapy methods in the treatment of visual analyzer diseases

Dragon A.K., Korchazhkina N.B., Katsnelson V.V.


The article presents the data of clinical and experimental scientific studies of Russian scientists on the use of physiotherapy methods in clinical practice in various metabolic-dystrophic and degenerative diseases of the eye and the auxiliary apparatus and modern approaches to the formation of programs for the complex and combined use of natural and preformed factors for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the visual analyzer.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):401-407
pages 401-407 views

Effectiveness of early rehabilitation techniques in programs of accelerated recovery of patients after surgical interventions

Korchazhkina N.B., Mikhailova A.A., Kovalev S.A., Portnov V.V., Rzhevsky V.S.


The article presents the data of scientific research on the effectiveness of the combined use of early rehabilitation methods to improve the results of accelerated recovery after surgery with early activation of the patient.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):408-411
pages 408-411 views

Clinical Guidelines

Magnetotherapy in clinical practice

Maksimov A.V., Kiryanova V.V.


This article discusses mechanisms of physiological and therapeutic effects of magnetic fields, characteristics of magnetic fields effect on main functional and regulatory systems of the human body, as well as therapeutic techniques, indications and contraindications for therapeutic use, fundamentals of physics, and biophysics of magnetism. It also presents modern magnetic therapy devices, equipment, and methods of performing medical procedures.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2019;18(6):412-426
pages 412-426 views

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