Vol 17, No 6 (2018)

Healthcare organization

Modern approaches on the efficacy monitoring on different stages of the treatment and rehabilitation in children

Samoilova I.G., Voitenkov V.B., Marchenko N.V.


In our work we share our experience of the efficacy monitoring on different stages of the treatment and rehabilitation process in children with the nervous system infections. Our center is Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. We demonstrate that these diagnostic modalities may and have to be implemented in this population on all stages of the disease. These approaches let to diagnose and monitor the efficacy of the treatment, including rehabilitation. Also these methods may be used as a prognostic tool in children with nervous system infections and its sequelae.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):300-304
pages 300-304 views

Original studies

Experience of application of the method of high-intensity focused electromagnetic therapy in the complex treatment of stress urine continuity in women

Kolgaeva D.I., Koneva E.S., Shapovalenko T.V., Zhumanova E.N., Lyadov K.V., Kotenko K.V.


Background. The article presents the results of applying the method of high-intensity focused electromagnetic therapy in the complex treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women.

Aim. To study and scientifically use the method of high-intensity focused electromagnetic therapy in the complex treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Research Objective: To study the effect of high-intensity focused electromagnetic therapy on the manifestations of urinary incontinence by assessing the ability of urinary retention (by the number of absorbent pads used) and quality of life according to the questionnaire of the International Council of Urinary Incontinence (ICIQ-SF) in women with stress urinary incontinence.

Methods. The study included 40 women whose average age was 53.6 ± 4.8 years with stress incontinence; the disease duration was 5.6 ± 1.1 years, which were divided into 2 groups comparable by clinical and functional characteristics, the main — 20 patients who underwent a course of WIFEM therapy, consisting of 6−7 procedures, which were carried out 2−3 once a week, the duration of each procedure was 28 minutes and the control ― 20 patients who underwent a course of exercises according to Kegel, daily, for a course of

20 lessons.

Results. As a result of the study, it was shown that high-intensity focused electromagnetic therapy has a pronounced myostimulating effect on the pelvic floor muscles in women with stress urinary incontinence, which helps to strengthen control over urinary retention, a significant reduction and even complete disappearance of symptoms of urinary incontinence, and an increase in the psycho-emotional background and quality of life in general, as evidenced by a test to determine the amount of absorbent pads used and questionnaire data and for urinary incontinence (ICIQ-SF).

Conclusion. High-intensity focused electromagnetic therapy has a pronounced myostimulating effect on the pelvic floor muscles in women with stress urinary incontinence, which contributes to increased control over urinary retention, a significant decrease or even complete disappearance of symptoms of incontinence, as well as an increase in psycho-emotional background and quality of life in general.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):305-311
pages 305-311 views

Experience of dynamic magnetotherapy in neuroreabilitation of patients in intermediate period of light traumatic brain injury

Avanesyan A.M., Molyavchikova O.V.


Background. The high prevalence of minor craniocerebral injuries, a decrease in the labor activity of the victims, and disappointing data from long-term forecasts give the problem an important medical and social significance.

Aim. Is to develop a method of sanatorium and spa treatment of patients with the consequences of light traumatic brain injury (LTBI) using radono- and dynamic magnetotherapy.

Methods. Under supervision there were 150 patients in the intermediate period of LTBI at the age of 18 to 55 years old who were included in 3 randomized groups of 50 people in each: the 1st main group (MG1) was prescribed radon baths and magnetotherapy suboccipital; the 2nd MG was prescribed radon baths and magnetic therapy transcranially; the control group (CG) had only radon baths.

Results. The patients of the MG2 had an improvement in brain biolectrogenesis in the form of a statistically significant (p < 0.01) increase in the number of patients with dominant (alpha) rhythm, with diffuse-flattened type of EEG, a decrease in the number of EEG with conditional epileptiform phenomena and diffuse slow wave activity.

There has been detected a statistically significant (p < 0.01) increase in the number of patients with high functional activity of the cerebral cortex; whereas the analysis of EEG data among the patients of MG1 showed a statistically little efficacy in using radon baths and MT of cervical spine for bioelectric brain activity, which was clearly correlated with the physical and mental components of quality of life.

Conclusion. The analysis of the studied data makes it possible to speak about the inclusion of running magnetic field transcranially and suboccipital in the process of neuroreabilitation of patients in the intermediate period of LTBI as a control factor that provides a targeted distribution of the flow of general afferent effects on tropical brain structures.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):312-316
pages 312-316 views

Application of modern non-medicine technologies to improve the state of the mucous vagina in patients of different age groups after plastic surgery for the rectocele

Zhumanova E.N., Lyadov K.V., Kotenko K.V.


Background. The specific weight of genital prolapse among gynecological nosologies in Russia in the departments of operative gynecology ranges from 28 to 38.9% and in the structure of planned indications for surgical treatment ranks third after benign tumors and endometriosis.

Aim. Development and implementation of new comprehensive rehabilitation programs for women with II−III degree rectocele after surgical treatment.

Methods. The article presents the treatment data for 100 women of different age groups with II−III degree rectocele who, in the early postoperative period after plastic surgery for rectocell, used to improve the condition of the vaginal mucosa with general magnetotherapy, electromyostimulation with biological connection of the pelvic floor muscles, a special complex of physiotherapy exercises and intravaginal procedures of fractional microablative carbon dioxide laser therapy. The patients were divided into 2 groups comparable in terms of clinical and functional characteristics; within each group, depending on age, they were divided into

2 subgroups: women of childbearing age were included in subgroup A, and peri- and menopausal women were included in subgroup B. To assess the condition of the vaginal mucosa and maturity of the vaginal epithelium after surgery in patients included in the study, a pH-metry of the vaginal discharge was performed and the Vaginal Health Index was determined.

Results. As a result of the studies, it was found that a more pronounced therapeutic effect was obtained with the use of the complex, which includes a course of general magnetotherapy from the first day after surgery, as well as a month after surgery, a course of electromyostimulation with biological connection of the pelvic floor muscles and a special complex of physiotherapy exercises and 2 intravaginal procedures of fractional microablative carbon dioxide laser therapy.

Conclusion. The obtained results indicate a pronounced therapeutic effect of the complex, which includes a course of General magnetotherapy from the first day after surgery, a course of electromyostimulation with biological connection of pelvic floor muscles and a special complex of physical therapy, as well as 2 intravaginal procedures of fractionation microablative therapy with a carbon dioxide laser 1 month after surgery..

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):317-323
pages 317-323 views

The analysis of clinical and functional status of patients wich acute coronary syndrome after percutaneous coronari interventions at the stationary of rehabilitation

Smirnova I.N., Antipova I.I., Titskaya E.V., Zaitsev A.A., Barabash L.V., Tonkoshkurovа A.V., Zaripova T.N., Korshunov D.V.


Background. Assessment of the compensatory capabilities of the body of patients after cardiac surgery at the stationary stage of rehabilitation is of significant scientific and practical interest from the point of view of individualization of rehabilitation therapy for such patients.

Aim. The analysis of clinical and functional status of patients with acute coronary syndrome after percutaneous coronary interventions at the stationary stage of rehabilitation was carried out.

Methods. The algorithm for a comprehensive assessment of health status included general clinical research methods, clinical and somatotypic status; assessment of the degree of stress of adaptive compensatory-adaptive reactions, the state of immunity and physical performance; biochemical research methods in blood serum; six-minute walk test; psychological research methods.

Results. There are revealed signs of violations on the part of carbohydrate, lipid metabolism, antioxidant protection, increase of immune system reactivity, reduction of reserve capabilities of non-specific protective mechanisms, reduction of parameters of full-fledged socio-psychological functioning, which should be taken into account in the preparation of individual rehabilitation programs.

Conclusion. The revealed relationship between integral leukocyte indices and a number of clinical and functional indicators allows us to recommend their use for analyzing the state of adaptive processes in the body and assessing the rehabilitation potential in patients with acute coronary syndrome after cardiac surgery.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):324-331
pages 324-331 views

The main clinical symptoms in patients with posterior vaginal wall prolapse and modern non-drug technologies for its relief

Epifanov V.A., Illarionov V.Y., Zhumanova E.N.


Background. Rectocele is one of the leading causes of abnormal position and dysfunction of the pelvic floor and rectum.

Objective: to develop and scientifically substantiate the use of a rehabilitation complex, including general magnetotherapy, electromyostimulation with biofeedback in combination with fractional microablative CO2 laser therapy in patients of different age groups with rectocele after surgery.

Methods. The article presents the results of treatment of 100 women with rectocele, who were divided into main and control groups, within each group, depending on their age, they were divided into 2 subgroups: women of childbearing age were included in subgroup A, and women of peri- and menopausal age were included in subgroup B. Patients of the main group in the early postoperative period after plastic surgery for rectocele (from 1 day) were given a course of General magnetotherapy and in the late postoperative period (one month after the operation) a set of measures was performed, consisting of a course of electromyostimulation with biological connection of the pelvic floor muscles 2 intravaginal procedures of fractional microablative CO2 laser therapy at intervals of 4–5 weeks. Patients of the control group after surgical treatment of rectocele in the late postoperative period received symptomatic therapy, including painkillers and spasmolytics and a set of Kegel exercises.

Results. Significant improvements in postoperative treatment were observed in patients of the main group: pelvic pain and periodic pain in the lower abdomen and lower back disappeared in 100% of cases; the main complaints related to violation of rectal emptying and urination were preserved in no more than 5–7% of cases, sexual complaints — in 5%; in 95% of cases, general, vegetative and pre-climacteric complaints disappeared.

Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, it is shown that under the influence of the developed rehabilitation complex, regardless of age, there was a highly reliable dynamics of all complaints due to the influence of physical factors included in it on various pathogenetic links in the development of the disease.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):332-338
pages 332-338 views


Features of influence of physical loads on increasing reserve opportunities of functioning of bodies and systems in persons of different ages (literature review)

Korchazhkina N.B., Mikhailova A.A., Petrova M.S.


The article presents the data of scientific research on the characteristics of the effect of physical activity on various body systems and depending on age.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):339-345
pages 339-345 views

Pathogenetic background to the use of fractional microablative co2 laser as a method of restorative treatment in patients after surgical correction of rectocel (literature review)

Zhumanova E.N.


The literature review presents the data of clinical and experimental research of Russian and foreign scientists of recent decades on the use of fractional microablative CO2 laser in clinical medicine and the rationale for its use as a method of rehabilitation treatment in patients after surgical correction of rectocele.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):346-351
pages 346-351 views

Clinical Guidelines

Reflexotherapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents. Educational and methodological guide

Vasilenko A.M., Tikhonova T.G.


The training manual is based on many years of experience in the practical application of reflexotherapy in outpatient settings. The article presents a structural analysis of diseases of children and adolescents receiving treatment in the reflexology room of a children’s polyclinic, which revealed a high level of pathology of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue and a steady growth trend of this group of diseases. Pathogenetic justifications, indications and contraindications for the use of reflexotherapy in Pediatrics and in diseases of the musculoskeletal system in particular are given. Principal therapeutic approaches and treatment regimens for patients with obstetric hand paralysis, spastic torticollis, migraine, Perthes’ disease and traumatic limb injuries are considered. Recommendations on the organization of outpatient use of reflexotherapy in Pediatrics, the methods used and their instrumental support are formulated. The training manual is intended for doctors who specialize in reflexology, already practicing reflexologists, orthopedic traumatologists and physiotherapists.

Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2018;17(6):352-377
pages 352-377 views

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