The main clinical symptoms in patients with posterior vaginal wall prolapse and modern non-drug technologies for its relief

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Background. Rectocele is one of the leading causes of abnormal position and dysfunction of the pelvic floor and rectum.

Objective: to develop and scientifically substantiate the use of a rehabilitation complex, including general magnetotherapy, electromyostimulation with biofeedback in combination with fractional microablative CO2 laser therapy in patients of different age groups with rectocele after surgery.

Methods. The article presents the results of treatment of 100 women with rectocele, who were divided into main and control groups, within each group, depending on their age, they were divided into 2 subgroups: women of childbearing age were included in subgroup A, and women of peri- and menopausal age were included in subgroup B. Patients of the main group in the early postoperative period after plastic surgery for rectocele (from 1 day) were given a course of General magnetotherapy and in the late postoperative period (one month after the operation) a set of measures was performed, consisting of a course of electromyostimulation with biological connection of the pelvic floor muscles 2 intravaginal procedures of fractional microablative CO2 laser therapy at intervals of 4–5 weeks. Patients of the control group after surgical treatment of rectocele in the late postoperative period received symptomatic therapy, including painkillers and spasmolytics and a set of Kegel exercises.

Results. Significant improvements in postoperative treatment were observed in patients of the main group: pelvic pain and periodic pain in the lower abdomen and lower back disappeared in 100% of cases; the main complaints related to violation of rectal emptying and urination were preserved in no more than 5–7% of cases, sexual complaints — in 5%; in 95% of cases, general, vegetative and pre-climacteric complaints disappeared.

Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, it is shown that under the influence of the developed rehabilitation complex, regardless of age, there was a highly reliable dynamics of all complaints due to the influence of physical factors included in it on various pathogenetic links in the development of the disease.

About the authors

Vitaly A. Epifanov

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov


MD, Professor

Russian Federation, 20/1, Delegatskaya street, Moscow, 127473

Valery Y. Illarionov

Central State Medical Academy of Department of Presidential Affairs


MD, Professor

Russian Federation, Marshala Timoshenko str.,19, Moscow, Russia, 121359

Ekaterina N. Zhumanova

Central State Medical Academy of Department of Presidential Affairs; Clinical Hospital 1 of MEDSI Group of Companies Joint-Stock Company

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3016-4172


Russian Federation, Marshala Timoshenko str.,19, Moscow, Russia, 121359; Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Characteristics of complaints associated with the affected organ (vagina), in the initial state in patients with rectocele

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3. Fig. 2. Dynamics of complaints of a general, vegetative and premenopausal nature in patients with rectocele under the influence of various methods of treatment

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