On orthogonal projections of Nöbeling spaces




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Suppose that $0\le k<\infty$. We prove that there is a dense open subset of the Grassmann space$\operatorname{Gr}(2k+1,m)$ such that the orthogonal projection of the standard Nöbeling space$N^m_k$ (which lies in $\mathbb R^m$ for sufficiently large $m$) to every $(2k+1)$-dimensional planein this subset is $k$-soft and possesses the strong $k$-universal property with respect to Polish spaces.Every such orthogonal projection is a natural counterpart of the standard Nöbeling space for the category of maps.


Sergei Ageev

Belarusian State University

Email: ageev_sergei@inbox.ru
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Professor


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