The exact domain of univalence on the class of holomorphic maps of a disc into itself with an interior and a boundary fixed points

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We consider the problem of identifying domains of univalence on classes ofholomorphic maps of the unit disc into itself. In 1926 E. Landau found the exactvalue of the radius of the disc of univalence on the class of such maps with a givenvalue of the derivative at an interior fixed point. In 2017 V. V. Goryainovdiscovered the existence of univalence domains on classes of holomorphic maps of theunit disc into itself with an interior and a boundary fixed points, with a restriction on the value of the angular derivative at the boundary fixed point. However, the question of finding unimprovable domains of univalence remained open. Inthis paper, this extremal problem is solved completely: we find an exact univalencedomain on the indicated class of holomorphic maps of the disc into itself.This result is a strengthening of Landau's theorem for functions of the correspondingclass.

About the authors

Aleksei Petrovich Solodov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics; Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics

Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Associate professor


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