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Vol 82, No 4 (2023)

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“Clavdophora”: Prishvin and Two Platonovs

Varlamov A.N.


. Mikhail Prishvin and Andrei Platonov are usually discussed as like-minded writers, proponents of Russian “cosmism”; however, during their lifetime, there existed a complex relationship between the two writers, and polemics arose between them more than once. Their debate was not limited to the literary plane; it expanded to include issues of environmental management and public good. Thus, Platonov very critically assessed Prishvin’s novella “Zhuravlinaya rodina” (“The Crane Homeland”) both as a writer and as a knowledgeable landscape ecologist. Yet another irritating coincidence, which added fuel to the annoyance, was the fact that Andrei Platonov’s literary “twin” – Alexey Platonov – happened to contribute his novella “Makar – karaiuschaya ruka” (“Makar-the-Punishing-Hand”) to the very same issue of the “Novy Mir” journal that contained “The Crane Homeland”. The present article examines in detail the hidden, but at the same time very cutting remarks by Andrei Platonov aimed against Prishvin and the literary group “Pass” – the remarks, which found their way into the posthumously published preface to his chronicle “Vprok” (“For the future”). The article ventures to account for such a stance.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):5-10
pages 5-10 views

The “Gorky” Hoax by Boris Sadovskoy

Izumrudov J.А.


The contextual analysis of Gorky’s letter to Sadovskoy (included in his memoir “Gorky in Nizhny”), which assessed the addressee’s poem “Ivan the Terrible”, made it possible to establish that this was a hoax. At the same time, additional arguments are proposed to prove the hypothesis put forward by I.N. Sukhikh that the letter by A.P. Chekhov to Sadovskoy published by the latter was also a hoax. It has been established that Chekhov’s letter and Sadovskoy’s article “L.A. May” from his collection of critical prose “Russian Kamena” served as sources for writing the “Gorky” letter. For his polemical purposes, Sadovskoy constructed the logic of Gorky’s letter in such a way that it produced a historical anachronism in Gorky’s assessments of the reign of the Tsar Ivan the Terrible: with his pre-revolutionary judgments, projected at the time of their publication, Gorky, as it seems, supported Stalin’s position on Ivan the Terrible and the oprichnina and, moreover, predicted it for decades. It is substantiated that the thesis about the ballads of Alexey Tolstoy, cited in Gorky’s letter, is associated primarily with Sadovskoy’s self-reflection, who always acknowledged his involvement with the artistic searches of this poet. In the aesthetic system of Gorky, the work of A.K. Tolstoy occupied an insignificant place, and the appeal to him in the literary disputes of the proletarian classic was not typical.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):11-24
pages 11-24 views

Dynamics of Narrative Motives in Dostoevsky’s and Mamleev’s Novels

Bogdanova O.A.


The article traces the intertextual recoding of the iconic motifs of F.M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment” (1866) in two conceptual novels by Yu.V. Mamleev “Wings of Horror” (1993) and “Wandering Time” (2000). In the process of analysis, the plot-forming role of the motive of voluptuousness in the works of Dostoevsky and Mamleev is revealed and its antinomic mystical-metaphysical modification is emphasized, as well as the semiotics of this motive in the ideological and compositional whole of these novels are compared. It is established that in “Wandering Time” the ideological murderers Raskolnikov and Poseev are divorced and converge through double recoding, the logic of which is due to the difference in the artistic and metaphysical views of both writers. The dynamics of such end-to-end images-symbols as “louse”, old woman (old man), “axe” is also studied in a comparative way. As a result, in comparison with previous studies, the framework of the “Dostoevsky code” in the novelistics of the founder of “metaphysical realism” is expanded and a number of its components gets comprehension. It becomes obvious that the reception of Dostoevsky by Mamleev consciously uses a segment of the language of Russian culture, of which Dostoevsky’s motives, images, symbols and concepts, as well as the meta-text that has arisen around them, to produce new meanings relevant, according to the writer of the turn of the 20th–21st centuries, spiritual and aesthetic trends of our modernity. The relevance of the article lies in the expansion of the analysis of Dostoevsky’s reception in the literature of the turn of the 20th–21st centuries. Scholarly novelty lies in the priority attraction of new material (Mamleev’s novelistics) and the hypothesis about the antinomic character of the motif of mystical voluptuousness. The conclusions of the article are obtained taking into account the scholarly context on the issues under study and call for further discussion.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):25-34
pages 25-34 views

Altering Nature (Speculations over Elizaveta Konshina’s Draft Papers)

Akhmetshin R.B.


The present article deals with the works of Elizaveta Konshina who studied Anton Chekhov’s notes and Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s manuscripts in 1920–1930. First and foremost, these are the bibliographical documents of 1910–1920 that build up a clear picture of Konshina’s researches in literature studies and her lifelong interest in textual criticism, in decoding draft papers, publishing letters and speculating over the structure of complete collections of works of Russian writers. These notecards show quite distinctly her interest in the issues of rhythm and structure of a prosaic text. Secondly, step by step Konshina’s draft notes reconstruct Dostoyevsky’s manuscripts of “Demons” and “The Brothers Karamazov”. Dostoyevsky’s manuscripts have long been studied and have been published many times but Konshina’s draft notes have never been looked into in this respect. Her papers are classic examples of textual decoding in terms of accuracy and completeness and help to reconstruct distinctive features of Dostoyevsky’s writing style even in his rough drafts as far as his poetics is concerned. The article focuses on the very process of developing working topics by Konshina who used to hold them long in her keeping and wouldn’t hurry to publish her books and articles.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):35-42
pages 35-42 views

M. N. Muravyov and D. I. Khvostov: The Problem of Success at the Court of Catherine II

Ivinskij A.D.


The article is devoted to the analysis of literary relations between M.N. Muravyov and D.I. Khvostov. It is based on materials held by the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian State Library, the Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum and the Manuscript Department of the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. These materials have not yet attracted the attention of researchers. In the paper we publish and comment Muravyov’s poem “To Dmitry Ivanovich Khvostov&8j1; and 13 letters to Khvostov. The new data shows that Muravyov played the role of an “intermediary&8j1; between the authorities and the Khvostov, and, consequently, participated in the formation of the cultural policy of Empress Catherine II.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):43-54
pages 43-54 views

V Nikuda (“To Nоwhere”): From Poeticism to the Element of Everyday Language

Fufaeva I.V.


The article deals with the results of a study of the history of the emergence and functioning of the Russian idiom в никуда “to nowhere”, which is a substantiated pronominal adverb of place никуда (“nowhere” or “anywhere” in different contexts) with the preposition of direction в (“to”). The idiom в никуда “to nowhere” is part of the expressive means of various styles of the modern Russian language, including colloquial speech and journalism, and the expressiveness of this idiom is due to the unusual, “irregularity” of its construction, which, in principle, is not typical for Russian speech. The analysis of the National Corpus of the Russian Language (NRC) showed that the idiom в никуда “to nowhere” is as stable as poeticism. In modern Russian, it is much more frequent in the poetic subcorpus of the NRC than in other subcorpora. The unit under study can be found in the works of poets of all directions, including such well-known ones as Brodskiy, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Slutskiy, Heinrich Sapgir, Boris Ryzhiy, etc. Further, for the first time among the texts of the corpus, the described unit is found in the work of the symbolist poet Ivan Rukavishnikov, written no later than 1910. At the same time, in the first decades of its existence, unlike today, the unit в никуда “to nowhere” is found exclusively in poetic contexts and only from the late 1930s penetrates into everyday and journalistic discourses. The study was carried out using such methods as corpus analysis, the method of calculating the overall frequency of a lexeme, which in this case was applied to an idiom, and the source study method. The material was NRC data and Google.books collections. The history of the idiom в никуда “to nowhere” demonstrates the mechanism of the penetration of poeticisms into the national language.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):55-62
pages 55-62 views

The Works of Charles Sorel in the Context of the Debate on “Vraisemblance” in the French Aesthetics of the 17th Century

Ermilova K.E.


The article analyzes the peculiarities of understanding the most important category of verisimilitude (vraisemblance) for the French aesthetics of the 17th century from the point of view of the French writer Charles Sorel, author of the “La vraye histoire comique de Francion” (1623–1633). Sorel attaches great importance to the category of verisimilitude, even to the point that he makes “vraisemblance” the main one for building the evolutionary system of the novel genre. In this case, in order to properly understand his creative and aesthetic views, it seems necessary to determine what exactly he understands by verisimilitude. Considering two fundamental aspects of the category of verisimilitude of the 17th century – rhetorical and mimetic – we analyze the particularities in the understanding of the category of verisimilitude by Sorel. Sorel rejects everything that concerns the rhetorical aspect of verisimilitude, that is, he denies everything that concerns the moralizing attitude of the work, focusing on the mimetic aspect, that is, on the proper embodiment of reality in a work of fiction. Nevertheless, despite the apparent similarity of Sorel’s position with the concept of mimesis, when analyzing his works, we see that his views are so different from the generally accepted model, allowing researchers to talk not about mimesis, but about Sorel’s counter-mimesis. This position anticipated the specifics of the literature of libertinage of the 18th century and the laws of realism in the literature of the 19th century.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):63-69
pages 63-69 views

Common-Root Words: Between Synonymy and Paronymy

Yakunina D.V.


The article discusses the relationship between the concepts of synonymy and paronymy, as well as the functioning in the language of prefixal verbal paronyms. The definition of paronyms as common-rooted words with different affixes, which are regularly misused in speech as synonyms, is clarified. Some verbs on the synchronic level may be considered as synonyms or as paronyms, depending on the focus of the speaker’s or listener’s attention. As for the diachronic aspect of language study, there are processes of synonymization of common-root prefixal verbs, associated mainly with hypo-hyperonymic relations between lexical units. The possibility of synonymous use of common-root words is determined by the proximity of prefixes’ meanings, neutralization of the context and the norm’s inattention to changes in usage. The norm can either leave unnoticed the appearance of a new way of expressing linguistic meaning, or mark the changes in dictionaries, fixing the word as a synonym. Sometimes it can also insist on the preservation of paronymic distinctions even when there are already no such distinctions in usage. Thus, the paronyms remain the common-rooted words, which, mixing in speech usage, draw the norm’s attention to themselves.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):70-81
pages 70-81 views

Phasal Polarity: Violated Expectations or Contrast?

Volkov O.S.


In the present paper I make several observations on the semantics of Russian particle uzhe and alike. I suggest that contrastivity effect is central to its semantics. Crosslinguistically, such particles tend to develop into perfect markers in the course of grammaticalization process. I argue that it is exactly the presence of contrastive meaning in the semantics of such particles that favours this type of grammaticalization. The paper splits into two parts. The first part provides the semantic analysis of Russian particle uzhe. In the second part I show how the same type of analysis is applicable to the semantics of iamitive particles in the languages of the wold.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):82-90
pages 82-90 views

Synesthetic Word Combinations in a Parallel Multilingual Corpus

Iaroshenko P.V.


The article focuses on synesthetic word combinations, defined by the author as a phrase, in which both words have a sensory semantic component and refer to different perceptual modalities (for example, “green echo&8j1; refers to vision and hearing). A parallel multilingual corpus has been designed to become the material for the study. The corpus includes the novel “Lolita&8j1; by V. Nabokov in English – the original language of the novel – (1955), and its translations into Russian (1967) and French (1959, 2001). The study aims to classify sensory lexical units, which form synesthetic word combinations, and to quantify the size of each class presented in the corpus. The study reveals that the frequency, with which semantic components refer to sensory modalities, tend to differ. Another conclusion to be drawn is that a stable collocability between semantic components referring to certain sensory modalities can be observed. Thus, the analysis of synesthetic word combinations shows that the following senses appear to be most frequently manifested in sensory lexical units: vision (35%), touch (29%), hearing (22%). The words with the components of taste (8%) and smell (6%) are the least frequent. As for collocability, in the original text the vision-hearing combination is revealed to be most frequent, while in the translated version most sensory collocations tend to include vision-touch components. Collocations whose components refer to vision-olfaction and olfaction-hearing appeared to be least numerous.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):91-99
pages 91-99 views


[Review:] Savkina, I. Paths, Crossroads and Dead Ends of Russian Female Literature. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2023, 472 p. (“Gender Studies” Series) [In Russ.]

Zuseva-Özkan V.B.


Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):100-102
pages 100-102 views

[Review:] Vishnevskaja, G. M., Levina, T. V. Phonetic Rhapsody (A Brief Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Biographies of Phoneticians). Moscow: Izdatelskij dom Akademii Estestvoznanija Publ., 2021. 296 p. [In Russ.]

Makarov Y.Y.


Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):103-109
pages 103-109 views


An International Scholarly Conference “Russian Colloquial Speech of the Beginning of the 21st Century” (The Fourteenth Shmelev Readings)

Pestova A.R.


Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(4):110-118
pages 110-118 views

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