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Vol 82, No 2 (2023)

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The Formation of the Novel: Literature Vs. Theory of Literature

Popova I.L.


The article deals with the problems of novel theory formation and the preface as a special form of genre theorizing. The purpose of the study is to problematize the discursive repertoire of novel theory in the stage of formation. The novel as a genre, that remained beyond the subject of poetics for a long time, was theorized in the rhetorical tradition, not only in scholarly treatises, but also in prefaces explaining what a novel is, how and by what laws it is arranged, what history it has and what examples it follows. It can be said that novel theory in its genesis ripened close to the literary text, without breaking the umbilical cord common with it. And even when framed in the form of a separate essay, it had appeared next to or along with the novel. “Treatise on the Origin of Novels, or Romances” / “Traité de l’origine des Romans” (1670) P.-D. Huet / Pierre-Daniel Huet (1630–1721), that regulated the theory and history of the genre and determined the algorithms of its research until the end of the 19th century, treatise was originally published as a scholarly preface in a letter form to the friend and author of the novel “Zaida. Spanish Story”: “Letter from Monsieur Huet to Monsieur de Segrais. On the Origin of Novels”/ “Lettre de Monsieur Huet, à Monsieur de Segrais. De l’origin des romans”. So Huet created not only the novel theory, but also a new locus of theory, widely used in European and Russian literature during the formation of the national novel.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):5-14
pages 5-14 views

On the Special Function of Adverbs in the Structure of an Utterance (the Role of the Secondary Predicate)

Norman B.Y.


The object of the article is the processes of inner speech (in the understanding of L.S. Vygotsky), during which the future utterance is formed. One such process is syntactic structure compression. In particular, of interest are polypropositive utterances in which adverbs play the role of a secondary predicate. Examples from Russian fiction are analyzed (from I. Shmelev to A. Bitov), in which a complicated meaning is hidden behind the syntactic structure of a simple sentence. It is concluded that adverbs with the meaning of physiological or mental sensations, moral assessment, compliance with a cultural norm, etc. are most inclined to the function of a secondary predicate. However, the different word-formation background of such adverb leads to its ambivalence and, in accordance with this, to different interpretations of the proposition behind it. In general, the ability to “pack” a whole proposition into one word makes the adverb a full-fledged participant in the processes of speech activity.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):15-21
pages 15-21 views

About the Creation of a Russian-Language Ontology for Digital Humanities

Antopolskii A.B.


It is proposed to develop a Russian-language ontology for digital humanities as part of the infrastructure of this discipline, which receives organizational registration both in the world and in Russia. The main foreign sources for such an ontology are described. It also describes the Russian projects of recent years in the field of conceptual composition of linguistics and philology in general, which are advisable to use. The formation of the conceptual model of ontology is briefly described. As a technological basis, the Ontolex-Lemon project model is proposed on the platform of a Semantic Network and linguistic linked open data. The necessity of collaboration of various specialists and organizations is emphasized.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):22-32
pages 22-32 views

O. Mandelstam’s Poem “The Strawˮ: A Linguistic Commentary

Moskvin V.P.


As our analysis has showed, the figurative outline of O. Mandelstam’s poem “The Straw” is an expanded intertextual allusion to E. Poe’s story “Ligeia”, largely obscured by a number of semantic transfers to the point of tightness. The identification of the precedent supports of this allusion contributes to a more complete understanding of this text; facts are given in the light of which the name Ligeia might be considered as meaningful; the anacyclicity of the structure of the poem has been clarified. The indicated intertextual background of Mandelstam’s poem casts certain doubt on the euphonic interpretations belonging to: 1) M.L. Gasparov, who believes that when searching for a rhyme, the name Serafita came to the word ubita ‘killed,’ which “led to a string of romantic names”, in particular the name Ligeia; 2) V.V. Musatov, who believes that “it’s not a woman, but the sound of her name, which vibrates, creating a feeling of blissfulness, and from this vibration arises a new series of names: Lenore, Solominka ‘Straw’, Ligeia, Seraphita”. Mandelstam’s poem “The Straw” is written in a high lyrical style. High style is incompatible: 1) with vulgarisms and rude vernacular; 2) with the category of the comic. Factor (1) casts certain doubt on the hint postulated by G. Freudin to the “vulgar expression of erotic content”, which, according to his interpretation, lies at the heart of the Mandelstam’s poem; factor (2) – N.I. Khardzhiev’s supposed connection of this poem with V. Khlebnikov’s comic grotesque “The error of death” and V.V. Ivanov’s alleged connection of the lyrical name the heroines of Mandelstam’s text with a straw, through which the Lady Death in the specified play by Khlebnikov drank cherry juice.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):33-51
pages 33-51 views

On Emotionally Colored Speech of Internet Users

Potapova R.K., Potapov V.V.


The switch from the traditional epistolary style of information exchange between people to the ultra-high-speed Internet communication had a great impact not only on the intellectual component of the communicants, but primarily on the formation of the emotional state of the latter, as well as the formation of the cognitive-emotional perception of the world around. This factor was of particular importance not only for the formation of the psyche of young communicants, but also for changing the holistic picture of the world, where the emotional and modal components of communication play an important role for the formation of the personalities of the representatives of the modern young generation.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):52-62
pages 52-62 views

Epic Word: O.-Icel. hǫll ‘hall, dwelling’ in the Elder Edda

Toporova T.V.


Multicomponent analysis of O.-Icel. hǫll ‘hall, dwelling’ in the Scandinavian epic – “The Elder Edda&8j1; – is intended to explain the principles of distribution of this lexeme and its derivatives. Statistical methods are used, taking into account the frequency of use, grammatical, describing its case paradigm, morphological, determining the types of combination of components of the composite in derivatives, syntactic, establishing relevant functions, etymological, capable of actualization in certain situations, mythological, characterizing the attraction to certain mythologems, motifs, plots or myths, poetic (alliterations, sound repetitions, anagrams) and extralinguistic, indicating a connection with the “world of things”. It can be stated that O.-isl. hǫll was used to nominate the underworld (O.-Icel.val-hǫll ‘the hall of the slain’), intended for those who died on the battlefield, and then, after association with the sky, where the dwellings of the gods, originally localized on earth, were transferred, acquired features of an ideal space, paradise, the symbol of which was the banquet hall.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):63-71
pages 63-71 views

A. F. Labzin is the Author of “The Lamentations of Jeremiah, Translated into Verse”: The Experience of Attribution

Korovin V.L.


This article is about “The Lamentations of Jeremiah, translated into verse”, published without a signature in the magazine “Evening Dawn” (1782). We prove that the author of this work was A.F. Labzin (1766–1826), an influential writer in the reign of Alexander I, translator of European mystics and publisher of the magazine “Zion Bulletin”, who participated in the activities of the Russian Bible Society. This Paraphrase of The Lamentations of Jeremiah is one of the first works of Labzin and the most voluminous of those written in verse, and in the history of Russian literature this is one of the first complete paraphrase of an entire (albeit small) Biblical book.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):72-76
pages 72-76 views

Book Sources of the Text of Ivan Bunin’s Early Works

Morozov S.N.


This article presents the first attempt to shed light on an important source study issue: the degree of Ivan Bunin’s participation in the preparation of book editions of his early works of 1887–1902. In the light of the work on the first academic Complete Works and Letters of Ivan Bunin, it is necessary to investigate this problem in its own right in order to determine which editions are ‘authorial’ and thus can be considered sources for the textual work with the writer’s early works, and which editions are not. Drawing on all the known evidence (correspondence, publishing contracts and agreements, biographical data of the writer), we have examined in detail the history of the publication of several books by Bunin (poetry and prose collections). The degree of N. D. Teleshov’s participation in the preparation for the publication of two books by Bunin was estimated (proofreading and signing the book into print). Non-author’s book editions of Bunin’s works, to which the author had no relation whatsoever, have been identified (therefore, they cannot be sources for the scholarly (critical) publication of the writer’s works).
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):77-85
pages 77-85 views

Two “Liberations of Tolstoy”: I. A. Bunin and A. L. Ivanchenko on Death and Creativity

Dubakov L.V.


The article correlates the book, or essay by I. Bunin “The Liberation of Tolstoy” (1937) with the essay by A. Ivanchenko “The Liberation of Tolstoy” (2005). The author’s literary and religious intentions (of all three writers), the features of the created image of Leo Tolstoy in both essays, the themes and problems of Tolstoy’s creative work and his religious and philosophical journalism, perceived in a certain way by Bunin and Ivanchenko, the specifics of the narrative are in the center of consideration. The key problem that both authors are concerned with is the liberation of Tolstoy. Bunin sees it as liberation from death, Ivanchenko – as liberation from the personality immersed in samsara. In both “Tolstoy’s Liberations”, the authors, speaking of the great writer, express their own ideas about the meaning of life and about the nature and purpose of the writer’s craft. Bunin stands on a specific “Christian-Buddhist” position, approaching Tolstoy in his desire for “Buddhist dissolution” and at the same time fearing him, striving for the fullness of sensual existence. Ivanchenko as a Buddhist sees in Tolstoy someone who intuitively approached Buddhist teaching and his practice of final self-liberation. Bunin’s polyphonic text about Tolstoy, which forms the space and the process of reflection, turns out to be Ivanchenko’s monologue of the author, logically building a thought from beginning to end and eliminating the bustle and vanity of worldly life with ironic headings. The article also draws on other texts by A. Ivanchenko, in which he refers to the image of L. Tolstoy. In the cycle of literary and philosophical essays “Homo Mysticus. The Sunstroke Sutras” and in LiveJournal, in the records of the “Verbarium” account, he understands Tolstoy as a model of a writer who goes from words to silence, from external creativity to existential creativity.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):86-91
pages 86-91 views

A Typology of “Small” Evenutalities: Discontinuatives and Verbal Diminutives

Makarchuk I.V.


This article looks at two types of verbal derivations with a meaning of a lesser situation, which we have named discontinuatives and verbal diminutives. We show that these two types are of different diachronic origin: the former comes from verbal pluractionality, and the latter comes from nominal diminutives. We describe aspectual properties of the derivations and show how differences in distribution can be explained by the origin of the derivations.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):92-103
pages 92-103 views

On the Study of I.A. Krylov’s Fables in China

Pei J.


I.A. Krylov’s fables have been popular in China for a long time; they are often translated and published; new translations are constantly appearing, but research papers on his fables in China are not very numerous, yet. The first of them appeared in 1957, and at present, there are about 90 publications (not all of them are scholarly). Our article describes the history of Krylov’s study in China, names the most significant and interesting publications, examines various aspects of the study and popularization of his work in the studies by Chinese authors, notes trends characteristic of different periods associated with changes in politics and ideology, as well as with the development of humanities and literature in China.
Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):104-109
pages 104-109 views


[Review:] Klyaus, V. L. Russian Folklore on the Hills of Manchuria. Studies, Texts, Comments. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2022. 816 p. (Folklore Heritage. Vol. 1) [In Russ.]

Zabiyako A.P., Zhang R.


Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):110-115
pages 110-115 views

[Review:] George A. Veligorsky. The “Estate Text” and the National Cultural Code: Russian-British Literary Relations of the 19th – Early 21st Century. Ex. ed. V. A. Andreeva. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2022. 416 p. (Series “Russian Estate in a Global Context”, Issue 7) [In Russ.]

Gumerova A.L., Sergeeva V.


Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(2):116-119
pages 116-119 views

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