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Vol 82, No 1 (2023)

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The “High Disease”: Clinic and Literature (Russian Literature of the 1st Half of the 19th Century and Medicine)

Kotelnikov V.A.


The article examines cases of psychopathy, which occurred among Russian writers of the 1st half of the 19th century, in particular K.N. Batyushkov and P.Ya. Chaadaev, and the connection of the disease with their literary activity. The material from the history of Russian psychiatry is involved. At the same time, the development of the theme of insanity in the literature of this period, as well as in the early poetry of B.L. Pasternak, is studied in detail. The romantic nature and sources of such development in the works of V.F. Odoevsky, the influence of E.T.A. Hoffman’s creativity are revealed. The romantic personification of the theme of madness is shown in N.A. Polevoy’s novels “The Bliss of Madness”, “Emma” and in N.F. Pavlov’s novella “Masquerade”. The philosophical and ethical interpretation of the theme is noted in the poems of E.A. Boratynsky and F.I. Tyutchev, in the novels of A.I. Herzen “Doctor Krupov”, “Damaged”.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):5-16
pages 5-16 views

On How “Individual Speech Systemˮ and “the Language Systemˮ Relate in Lev Shcherba’s Conception

Fedosyuk M.Y.


The article discusses the relationship between the concepts of “individual speech systems” and “language system” in the linguistic conception of Lev Shcherba. As shown by Shcherba, the most important resource that ensures human speech activity is not an abstract knowledge of the language system, but the language material, which is the totality of everything spoken and understood in a certain specific situation in one or another era of life of a given social group. To the extent that language material is reflected in the memory of each individual speaker, it forms individual speech systems that provide each person with the ability to receive and produce speech. Considered in its entirety, the linguistic material creates the basis for describing language systems, i.e., for compiling dictionaries and grammars of a given language. Individual speech systems are a psychological phenomenon; therefore, the content of these systems’ units includes, on the one hand, sets of sensory images aroused in the minds of individual native speakers by these units, and on the other hand, the knowledge of these speakers about the designated objects. As for language systems, then, according to Shcherba, these are verbal descriptions of language, and therefore the description of content of elements of language systems should be predominantly verbal. The article shows that any attempts to describe the language system on the basis of all existing language material are unattainable in practice. Usually dictionaries and grammars are compiled on the basis of limited number of uses of language units that reflects the individual speech systems of a certain number of native speakers. When compiling explanatory dictionaries, this circumstance causes the appearance of not quite correct interpretations of words, due to the insufficient amount of language material used or errors made in its generalization.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):17-23
pages 17-23 views

On the Semantic Typology of Adjective Derivation in the Tungus-Manchu Languages

Pimenova N.B.


The article deals with parameters for the study of adjectival derivation from the point of view of semantic typology. The bases of semantic typology of word formation and classification of derived adjectives are considered. It is shown that the parameters of “Eurocentric” standard classifications are shifted towards formal-content samples (derivative formant ~ formant value). The Tungus-Manchu languages demonstrate a possible system in which a significant role has the correlation between a (specialized) formant with a general meaning of ʻpropertyʼ and a limited semantic class of derivational bases. Of particular typological interest are the principles of semantic selection of derivational bases. In the Tungus-Manchu languages, there is a peculiar specialization of suffixes on bases with “perceptual” features (ʻcolorʼ, ʻtasteʼ, ʻsmellʼ, etc.), as well as on other core semantic types of adjectives. The distribution of individual characteristics of the Tungus-Manchu word formation within the language subgroup and against the areal background is traced.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):24-36
pages 24-36 views

“...To Confess with Each Other in a Letter...ˮ: Family Correspondence in the Understanding of Young I. V. Kireevsky

Kuzmina M.D.


The article is devoted to the study of the family correspondence of I.V. Kireevsky in 1830, the period of his stay in Germany. As the study showed, at that time he, in contrast to the attitude towards “buffoonery” prevailing in epistolary communication, affirmed the priority of a confessional letter. On the one hand, this was due to the epistolary traditions of his family (established, in particular, in the correspondence of A.P. Elagina with V.A. Zhukovsky), on the other hand, very trusting relationships in his family; finally, thirdly, his personal ideas about correspondence and the needs of the soul. At the same time, Kireevsky did not return to the traditions of sentimental confessional correspondence of the second half of the 18th – early 19th centuries. He rethought these traditions in the context of the current romantic trends of the 1830s. Under his pen, the letter acquired the utmost confidence, with outward restraint. The kinship of the souls of the family members affirmed by the young epistolographer and, consequently, the ultimate convergence, up to the identity of the addresser and the addressee, entailed the ultimate reduction of verbal epistolary outpourings (excessive and helpless to express the innermost meanings known to the participants in the correspondence), the merging of the genre features of the letter and diary; finally, a rethinking of the genre of travel writing.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):37-50
pages 37-50 views

The Image of Christ the Beloved and the Problems of Subjectivity in the Women’s Lyrics of the Silver Age

Kuznetsova E.V.


The article analyzes the individual author’s incarnations of the image of Christ in the poetry of Z. Gippius, M. Lokhvitskaya, E. Dmitrieva (Cherubina de Gabriak), A. Herzyk, E. Kuzmina-Karavaeva and A. Barkova. Falling in love with Christ is colored in the women’s lyrics of the Silver Age with erotic tones, and his divine beauty becomes the subject of poetic description. The appeal to this image is closely connected with the problems of subjectivity and the search for a new author’s identity, which characterize women’s lyrics of the turn of the 19th–beginning 20th centuries. By reconstructing traditional ideas about femininity, female authors also destroy traditional ideas about love lyrics, about the “other” in relation to whom they define their “I”: Christ is put in place of the Romantic ideal lover. Submission to him does not deprive the female author of subjectivity, but on the contrary – allows one to prove the right to creativity. This is evidenced by the motive of the choice of the lyrical heroines of these authors. Implicitly, they relate themselves to such holy chosen ones as St. Teresa of Avila or St. Catherine of Siena, who became famous both as “beloved”, earthly “spouses” of Christ, and as writers, having gained the right to speak in the masculine culture of the late Middle Ages.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):51-66
pages 51-66 views

Color Metaphor in Jacques Prévert’s Works

Kulagina O.A.


The article examines the stylistic and semantic features of color metaphors present in the texts of the famous French poet Jacques Prévert. The main method of this study is the linguo-stylistic and linguo-culturological analysis of the text: this method will allow us to identify both the specific, authorial connotations possessed by color meanings in the works of Prévert, and elements of the meanings traditionally attributed to them in European culture. We put under analysis poetic and prose works from the collections "Choses et autres" ("Things and others", 1972), "Fatras" ("Jumble", 1966), "Grand Bal du Printemps" ("Big Spring Ball", 1951), "Histoires et d’autres histoires" ("Stories and more stories", 1946), "La cinquième saison" ("The Fifth Season", 1984), "La pluie et le beau temps" ("Rain and Bucket", 1955), "Paroles" ("Words", 1946) and "Soleil de nuit" ("Night Sun", 1980). Particular attention is paid to combinations of color metaphors with other sensory metaphors, primarily sound metaphors. The study results in a conclusion that Jacques Prévert used stylistic and semantic specificity of metaphors based on a particular color designation within specific contexts.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):67-78
pages 67-78 views

Ivan S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” in the USA: First Impressions

Tyunuaeva O.


The article considers the first translation of Ivan S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons&8j1; into English, made by the American diplomat Eugene Schuyler and published in the USA in 1867. The Preface reported that the translation was made from the original language, but there are reasons to doubt this. The article presents the opinions of American critics on this issue. In response to their reproaches, Schuyler admitted that he sometimes referred to the French translation published in 1863, but considered this acceptable, since it was carried out by Turgenev himself (together with Louis Viardot). A comparison of some fragments of the two translations allows us to conclude that Schuyler addressed the French version of the novel more often than the Russian one. This is also indicated by the transliteration of proper names, the tracing of some turns and the complete identity of the notes with the French version. Another problem raised in the article concerns the issue of the reception of “Fathers and Sons&8j1; in Schuyler’s translation by his compatriots. After the “Sketches of a Hunter” (a.k.a. “A Sportsman’s Sketches”), which were successful in the United States due to the relevance of the topic of slavery (serfdom) at that time, American readers expected to see urgent problems again in Turgenev’s new work. However, instead, what they thought was just a well-made text appeared before them. American critics appreciated the artistic merits of “Fathers and Sons”, but the realities of Russian life and the complex of problems set forth by the novel turned out to be quite alien to the American audience and did not strike a chord with them.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):79-86
pages 79-86 views

Two English Translations of Alexander Pushkin’s “A History of Pugachev”

Aleksandrova K.S.


The article considers English translations of Alexander Pushkin’s “A History of Pugachev”. The English attention to the historical work of the Russian poet seems rather belated: translators turned to the text when the majority of Pushkin’s writings had appeared to be translated. The complete text of the “History” was translated into English twice – by Earl Sampson and Paul Debrezceny. Both translations were first published in 1983 and later republished (we know of two reprints of Debrezceny’s work and one of Sampson’s), which speaks for the popularity of the “History” with the English-speaking audience of the time. This article provides general information about both translations, compares and contrasts them, highlighting stylistically noteworthy passages, notes some inaccuracies springing from the lack of knowledge of the cultural nuances (e.g., topographical and historical details, names). Apart from factual distortions contained in both translations (which is unfortunate, since Pushkin approached his “History of Pugachev” as scholarly), these works are quite praiseworthy: they offer brilliantly rendered passages, attempting to convey the features of Pushkin’s style. As for the differences between two English texts, they seem to be prompted by targeting different audiences. Debrezceny’s main strategy seems to be domestication, while Sampson is prone to foreignization. Both use translational commentaries with additional information for English readers; however, Debrezceny did not retain Pushkin’s system of notes, while Sampson's commentaries are more extensive and detailed.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):87-93
pages 87-93 views

Towards a Typology of Diachronic Sources of Adversative Markers

Stepanyants M.G.


This paper is dedicated to the diachronic sources of adversative markers in the world’s languages. It presents a typological classification of meanings from which the linguistic units that have the meanings ‘but’, ‘however’, ‘nevertheless’ or ‘whereas’ (the meanings ‘но’, ‘однако’) have apparently developed. The classification includes the following sources, which are absent from the previous classifications that we have consulted (or need refinement): hesitant substitution (‘rather, more like’), focalization (‘exactly’), invariable outcome (‘be that as it may’), absence of a hindrance (‘without hindrance’), and also such discourse functions as repetition (‘again’), transition (‘anyway, now’) and continuity (‘next’). The distinction between four semantic types of adversative coordination (concessive, substitutive, oppositive and argumentative) that we make allows us to show the processes of grammaticalization in more detail. We sum up the apparent semantic shifts by putting them onto a semantic map. Our observations are based on the established examples of diachronic semantic shifts, etymological data, and instances of synchronic polysemy.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):94-101
pages 94-101 views

Jubilees of Scholars

“Archive is the Only Way Towards the History of Literature…”: Marking the Jubilee of Natalia V. Kornienko

Moskovskaya D.S., Papkova E.A.


The article highlights the main milestones of the scholarly activity of Natalia Vasilyevna Kornienko, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who presently celebrates her jubilee and is greeted by the national academic community. The works of N.V. Kornienko, dedicated to the creative heritage of A. Platonov, M. Sholokhov, K. Fedin, Vs. Ivanov, have updated and streamlined the source database for the research of Soviet writers. The critical editions prepared by N.V. Kornienko are valued for their in-depth exploration of historical and literary material and thorough reliance on the documentary sources and archives. Such publications reveal the desire for unbiased research, the ability to consider material within two contrasting cultural streams (metropolis and emigration), which unite in the literature of the era, the contemplation of literary phenomena and processes against a broad socio-cultural background, pairing them with the corresponding phenomena and processes in other fields of creativity, primarily in social and philosophical thought. An outstanding scholar, she harmoniously combines devoted commitment to academic service with professorial skills, creating workspace friendly for everyone from young students to mature specialists in the field, so that all feel needed and involved in the great cause of preserving Russian culture.

Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka. 2023;82(1):102-109
pages 102-109 views

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