Labor theory of the origin of the language: Friedrich Engels, Ludwig Noiré, Nikolai Marr


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The article is devoted to the analysis of three conceptions of glottogenesis, which are combined into one direction, that is the theory of the labor origin of the language. The purpose of the author is to prove the relevance of this theory for modern science. The concept of Friedrich Engels on the role of labor in the process of anthropogenesis and the tool conception of the origin of the language of Ludwig Noiré were developed around the same time, however, if the first became widely known much later, then the second remained little known. These two versions of the principle of the labor origin of the language had a strong influence on the formation of “New doctrine of language” of Nikolai Marr. An important part of this conception was the complex and controversial concept of the origin of the language. It was based on the hypothesis of the era of manual language and on the hypothesis of the decisive role of tools in the formation of sound language and logical thinking. The main drawback of the conception of Nikolai Marr was its inconsistency due to the fact that the scientist, without any evidence, introduced into his theory the principles of “labor-magic activity” and the four primary elements of language (SAL, BER, JON, ROŠ). According to the author of the article, all three conceptions, taken both separately and together, in their unity have not lost interest and relevance not only for modern linguistics, but also for socio-political science in general. 

Sobre autores

Alexey Nikandrov

Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosova

ORCID ID: 0009-0002-8885-2752
Russian Federation, 27 Lomonosovsky avenue, building 4 (Shuvalovsky academic building), 119192 Moscow


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