
Experience in the Development and Implementation of Modernized Designs of Sliding Bearings of Turbine Generator Units
Novkunskii A., Novkunskii A., Pak V.
Modeling the Control Systems of Gas-Turbines to Ensure Their Reliable Parallel Operation in the UPS of Russia
Vinogradov A., Gerasimov A., Kozlov A., Smirnov A.
Model Studies of Load Shedding for Steam Turbines with Different Regulator Valve Control Schemes
Tureckov A., Nowoselov V.
Analysis of the Phase Transition Zone Location in the Flow Section of the PGU-450T Steam Turbine During Various Modes of Operation
Lebedeva A., Berezinets P., Tkhabisimov A.
Effectiveness of Large Power Reduction for a Combined-Cycle Power Plant with Several Gas Turbines and One Steam Turbine and Some of the Shutdown Equipment Used as Hot Reserve
Radin Y., Gombolevskii V., Smyshlyaev V., Rudenko D.
Some Specifications of the PGU-800 Combined-Cycle Power Unit of the Perm TPP
Taganov A., Zaleshin M., Radin Y., Grishin I.
Some Specifications of the 300 MW Combined-Cycle Power Unit of the Yugo-Zapadnaya TÉTs
Kostyuk R., Chugin A., Radin Y., Razogreev V.
Commissioning of the PGU-220 Steam-Gas Power Generating Unit at the TÉTS-12 Thermal Power Plant of PJSC “Mosenergo”
Radin Y., Rumyantsev S., Smyshlyaev V., Gorlatov D., Grishin I.
Comparison of Single- and Twin-Shaft CCPPS
Radin Y., Davydov A., Chertkov A., Teplov B.
Analysis of the Hydraulic Regimes of Vertical Waste-Heat Boilers of Combined-Cycle Gas-Turbine Units
Belyakov I., Breus V., Popov M.
Evaluation of Residual Stresses in the Impeller Blades of Hydraulic Units
Aniskovich E., Moskvichev V., Makhutov N., Razumovskii I., Odintsev I., Apal’kov A., Plugatar’ T.
Suppression of Weakly-Damped Torsional Oscillations in Autonomous Power Systems
Belyaev A., Smolovik S.
Development and Implementation of Automatic Conversion of Steam-Gas Power Unit from Compound Cycle Mode to Steam-Power Mode Without Shutdown of the Unit
Anisimov A., Mysak I., Klub M., Sargsyan K., Eritsyan S., Petrosyan G., Avtandilyan A., Gevorgyan A.
Modern Methods for Constructing and Modernizing Flow-Through Parts of Steam Turbines
Petrenya Y., Gaev V.
Monitoring of Bearing Journal Insulation and Bearing Oil Film in Turbine Generators
Alekseev V., Leviush A., Belozor A.
Barring of Turbine-Driven Feed Pumps at TPPS
Vasil’ev V., Sirotkin V., Erpalov A.
Fatigue Strength of the Low-Pressure Rotors of Steam Turbines
Deomidova Y., Zile A., Taradai D., Tomashevskii S.
Experience in Operating the Condenser Ball-Cleaning System of the T-250/300-240 Power Generating Unit at the Minsk CHP-4
Lipskii E.
Startup of Pumping Units in Process Water Supplies with Cooling Towers at Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Berlin V., Murav’ev O., Golubev A.
On the Study of Resonance Phenomena in the Design of a Vertical Hydroelectric Generating Unit
Konakov A.
Single-Cylinder Steam Turbine for Powers Up to 100 MW with Axial Exhaust Pipe
Stepanov M., Shibaev T., Yamaltdinov A.
Feasibility Study of the Construction of the Power Generating Unit of the Advanced Oil Refining Complex at JSC Gazpromneft’ of the Moscow Oil Refinery
Grigoruk D., Shabanov I., Kucherov V., Rodionov Y., Andreev V., P’anov S., Mikhailov I., Volkov S., Demin M., Vyboichenko Y.
Energy-Efficient Distribution of Heat Between the Boiler Units of Industrial Power Palnts with the Use of Computers
Varganova A., Malafeev A.
Stability of the Thermal-Expansion System of a Steam Turbine Against External Factors
Sosnovskii A., Murmanskii B., Brodov Y., Sakhnin Y.
Increasing the Reliability and Extending the Service Lifetime of the Rotors of Double-Flow Medium-Pressure Cylinders of High-Power Steam Turbines
Zaitsev I., Khomenok L., Lyapunov V., Gorin A.
1 - 25 из 52 результатов 1 2 3 > >> 
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