卷 18, 编号 5 (2015)


Modern methods for diagnosis and therapy of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

Olisova O., Anpilogova E.


Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (T-CCL) are a clinically and morphologically heterogeneous group of cutaneous malignant tumors, caused by monoclonal proliferation of lymphoid tissue cells in the skin. They are responsible for about 80% of all primary cutaneous lymphomas, while cutaneous lymphomas are responsible for 2% of all dermatological diseases. The incidence of T-CCL is now increasing all over the world: 3% annual increment only in the USA and EEC countries and up to 800 new cases annually in the Russian Federation. The disease diagnosis is difficult because it imitates other chronic dermatoses. For this reason, effective methods for diagnosis verification are developed. Modern armory of methods for T-CCL treatment allows individual choice of therapy with consideration for disease stage.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):4-13
pages 4-13 views

Acanthosis nigricans

Snarskaya E., Kochubeeva P.


Clinical and morphological characteristics of acanthosis nigricans (pigmented papillary degeneration of the skin), referred to a heterogeneous group of papillomatous keratoses and characterized by villous papillomatous growth and hyperpigmentation of the skin, are presented. Acanthosis nigricans is a rare disease and is often a “marker” of visceral diseases, such as polycystic ovaries, insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, obesity, malignant tumors. Published data on the pathogenesis, clinical forms, and histological picture of the disease are presented. A clinical observation of benign acanthosis nigricans in a young patient is presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):13-15
pages 13-15 views

Hailey-Hailey's disease: Epidemiology and clinical pattern

Makhneva N., Chernysh E., Beletskaya L.


Hailey-Hailey’s disease is a hereditary vesiculo-bullous dermatosis with autosomal dominant inheritance. The disease is prevalent everywhere, the patients are men and women aged mainly 20-40 years. However, it can also be seen in children and elderly individuals. This paper presents data on the epidemiology, etiology, clinical picture, and association of this genetic dermatosis with other diseases. The role of histocompatibility complex antigens, mutations in the ATP2C1 gene locus, and factors in triggering the disease development is discussed. Clinical manifestations of Hailey-Hailey’s disease vary greatly, which impedes its diagnosis. The data on relationship between this genetic dermatosis and visceral involvement and/or development as a paraneoplastic process suggest the existence of an extracutaneous pathological phenotype.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):16-21
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The hand-foot syndrome in oncological patients receiving chemotherapy

Orlova E., Belousova T., Grabovskaya O., Sevidova L., Bagirova A.


Side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients treated by fotemustin are described, manifesting by the hand-foot syndrome - ulcerative necrotic polymorphic dermal angiitis.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):21-25
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Bloch-Sulzeberger's melanoblastosis

Vislobokov A., Zubtsova T., Khmelnitsky R., Chernikova T.


Bloch-Sulzeberger’s melanoblastosis (incontinentia pigmenti) is a rare neuroectodermal multisystems syndrome. A clinical case of this rare dermatosis in a child is presented. Characteristic manifestations of the syndrome are described. Stages of dermal manifestations from vesicular to pigmented efflorescence are presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):26-29
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The IL-36y is potential biomarker of psoriatic erythroderma

Zaslavsky D., Sydikov A., Chuprov I., Ibragimov K., Nasyrov R., Egorova Y., Khvedelidze M., Wenzel J.


Erythroderma is a rare and severe dermatological phenomenon caused by different diseases. The aim of the study was to analyze the value of IL-36γ immunohistology for the detection of psoriasis patients among those who suffer from erythroderma. The study was carried out on biopsy specimens from 56 erythroderma patients, who were treated in the department of dermatology of University Clinic of Bonn, Germany, and Skin and Venereology Clinic, the Leningrad region, between 2001 and 2013. Histological studies of the specimens were carried out for detection and classification of the underlying dermatosis, and Il36γ-immunohistology was studied. All the patients after histological analysis were divided into four groups. Group 1 included 17 patients with atopic erythroderma (eczema), group 2 consisted of 19 patients suffering from psoriasis, group 3 were 7 patients with T-cell lymphoma, and group 4 included 9 patients with drug reactions. Six patients were excluded from investigation as their histological pictures were nonspecific. Psoriasis patients showed a significantly higher expression of IL-36γ compared to other groups. The expression of IL-36γ was the most specific and sensitive marker, along with other histological criteria for the identification of psoriasis patients. Our results indicate that IL-36γ immunohistology is the most valuable marker for the detection of psoriasis in erythroderma patients. Psoriatic erythroderma can be rapidly diagnosed using this marker and specific therapy started.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):30-33
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Psychoneurological characteristics of psoriasis patients

Dontsova E.


Blood hormones and affective status were evaluated in 296 patients with psoriasis. High serum concentrations of leptin and ACTH and low concentrations of hydrocortisone and β-endorphin were detected. The patients exhibited high levels of anxiety and depression, particularly manifest in the presence of the metabolic syndrome.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):34-38
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Comorbid mental disorders in patients with lichen planus

Dorozhenyuk I., Snarskaya E., Shenberg V.


Psychosomatic comorbidities disorders in patients with lichen planus (LP) are described. Clinical relationships between LP manifestation and psychgenic factors are detected. Nosogenic mental disorders and comorpbid depressions in LP patients are studied. General algorithms of psychopharmacotherapy are presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):38-42
pages 38-42 views

Clinical pathogenetic characteristics of porphyria cutanea tarda course in residents of the Krasnodar Territory

Kuznetsova T., Tlish M., Sycheva N., Naatyzh Z.


Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is a multifactorial photodermatosis with the clinical manifestations which depend on the season, insolation level, and occupational factors. Case history, clinical symptom complexes, and the total scope of laboratory data (serum iron and transaminases, urinary uroporphyrin, and fecal coproporphyrin) are analyzed for each patient with PCT, resident of the Krasnodar Territory, over the period of 2011-2013. Relationships between the relapse development, course and clinical manifestations of PCT and the season, individual features, and concomitant diseases are detected. Biochemical findings indicate high levels of serum transaminases and iron, uroporphyrins, and coproporphyrins. Improvement of the complex of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures, standardization of follow-up of the patients, and cooperation of dermatovenereologists and specialists in allied fields can limit the prevalence of PCT and lead to a stable remission of the disease.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):42-45
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Distribution of gene allele transformations in children with atopic dermatitis, residents of the Transbaikal Territory

Sormolotova I., Bisharova A.


Atopic dermatitis is one of the most incident and severe diseases of the skin. The genetic liability is realized under the effects of cooperative activity of genes and environmental risk factors. Cytokine polymorphic locuses IL-4 C-589T, IL-10 G-1082A, IL-10 C-592A, TNFa G-308A, IL-17a G-197A and of xenobiotic biotransformation gene GSTP1 Ile105Val (A-G) are studied.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):45-48
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Efficiency of dermatological cosmetic cream in patients with chronic dermatoses

Pashinyan A.


The data presented in this paper confirm the clinical efficiency of Cicalfate Avene regenerating cream ("Pierre Fabre", France) in patients with dermatoses and during rehabilitation after cosmetological procedures involving violation of the integrity of the skin integument. Objective and subjective data on the cream tolerance, efficiency, and safety are analyzed.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):48-55
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IgM Antibodies to Mycobacterium leprae Dis-BSA semisynthetic antigen in residents of an endemic and nonendemic regions of Russia

Degtyarev O., Rotanov S., Ibadulaev Z.


Blood levels of IgM antibodies to Mycobacterium leprae antigen were studied in healthy donors by enzyme immunoassay. Semisynthetic analog of M. leprae species-specific phenol glycoprotein (disaccharide conjugate with bovine serum albumin - Dis-BSA) from WHO bank served as the immunoadsorbent (antigen). The incidence of serum IgM antibodies to M. leprae Dis-BSA was higher in residents of the lepra endemic Astrakhan region (3,47% of 837 tested donors) in comparison with residents of Moscow and the Moscow Region, not lepra-endemic (2,05% of 781 tested donors). These data reflected the contacts of the population with the disease agent.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):56-59
pages 56-59 views

Clinical efficiency of eximer lamp and laser in vitiligo: A comparative randomized study

Pinson I., Olisova O., Bashlakova K.


Eximer laser, λ=308 nm, and eximer lamp, λ=308 nm, are effective in therapy in vitiligo patients, but their efficiencies have never been directly compared. We compare the efficiencies of eximer laser and lamp in therapy for localised forms of vitiligo in a randomized study. One focus was exposed to eximer laser (λ=308 nm), a symmetrical focus to eximer lamp (λ=308 nm). The foci were exposed 3 times a week in the same doses on both sides, a course consisted of 20 sessions. The results were evaluated by two independent teams of dermatologists, who did not know the treatment modality, in photographs made at common light and with Wood’s lamp. The study was carried out in 50 patients; a total of 100 foci were exposed, 2 per patient. The results of two methods were similar by pigmentation efficiency (at least 50%; p=0,006). Eximer lamp and laser at λ=308 nm exhibited similar efficiency in the treatment of vitiligo. The lamp caused a more pronounced erythema at similar energy density, which indicated photobiological differences between the two devices.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):59-62
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Foci of facial skin induration

Tarasenko G., Bobrov A., Khimushkina E., Grebenyuk D.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2015;18(5):65-66
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