Bloch-Sulzeberger's melanoblastosis

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Bloch-Sulzeberger’s melanoblastosis (incontinentia pigmenti) is a rare neuroectodermal multisystems syndrome. A clinical case of this rare dermatosis in a child is presented. Characteristic manifestations of the syndrome are described. Stages of dermal manifestations from vesicular to pigmented efflorescence are presented.

About the authors

Andrey V. Vislobokov

Orel State University

MD, PhD, DSc, prof. 302026, Orel, Russia

T. I Zubtsova

Orel State University

Медицинский институт; кандидат мед. наук, доцент 302026, Orel, Russia

R. A Khmelnitsky

Orel State University

Медицинский институт; аспирант 302026, Orel, Russia

T. I Chernikova

Orel State University

Медицинский институт; врач 302026, Orel, Russia


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