卷 17, 编号 4 (2014)


Merkel cell carcinoma in psoriasis vulgaris

Pravdina O., Vodolazskiy V., Reznikov A., Okhlopkov V.


Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare cutaneous tumor developing in sometimes in patients with psoriasis. The causes of this phenomenon are still unclear. In our case Merkel cell carcinoma has developed in a patient with severe psoriasis vulgaris. The clinical diagnosis of this tumor is extremely difficult. The tumor had to be differentiated from melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell cutaneous carcinoma, and cutaneous lymphoma. The process was verified by immunohistochemical analysis with various immunohistochemical markers. Merkel cell carcinoma expressed neuroendocrine and epidermal markers.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Etiology, pathogenesis, and morphology of juvenile hemangiomas

Dubensky V.


Juvenile hemangiomas are benign vascular tumors diagnosed in 3-10% newborns and infants and emerging as a result of malformation of blood vessels under conditions of angiogenesis dysregulation. Mechanisms and probable causes of their emergence are detected and the morphology of hemangioma evolution is described. None of the known hypotheses alone describes at full length the mechanisms of these tumors initiation and regression, that necessitates analysis of all available published data.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):8-12
pages 8-12 views

Dermatoheliosis: cutaneous epithelial tumor predictor

Snarskaya E., Tkachenko S., Kuznetsova E.


The incidence of ultraviolet-induced cutaneous tumors is steadily increasing all over the world (in the USA, Europe, Russia). According to the WHO data, about 140 000 melanoma cases and more than 2 000 000 cases with other variants of malignant cutaneous tumors are diagnosed annually, every third case is basal-cell cutaneous cancer. The main carcinogen responsible for the development of cutaneous tumors and provoking early development of photoaging UV spectrum of solar radiation. Penetrating through the epidermis, the A and B spectra rays cause direct and oxidative-stress-mediated damage to cellular DNA. Emergence of cell mutations, stimulation of carcinogenesis initiation and promotion lead to a complex of changes at the epidermal/dermal level, united by the notion “dermatoheliosis” (photoaging). The basic characteristic of dermatoheliosis, in addition to various clinical manifestations, is high risk of pre- and malignant epithelial cutaneous tumors. The most important mechanisms protecting the skin structures from UV exposure are hyperkeratosis and melanogenesis.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):12-17
pages 12-17 views

Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in a child

Degtyarev O., Tkachenko T., Shashkova A., Rudyk E., Kudaev S., Romanova O., Yanchevskaya E.


A clinical case with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in a child is described. Mycosis fungoides rarely emerges in childhood; the disease is diagnosed before the age of 20 years in 0.5-5% of all cases. Despite the common clinical characteristics of T-cell lymphomas in adults and children, this disease is difficult to diagnose in children, as its manifestations are taken for atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen pityriasis versicolor, and other dermatosis often diagnosed in children.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):18-20
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Ichthyosis developing in association with lymphogranulomatosis

Molochkov V., Prokofyev A., Sukhova T., Bobrov M.


The paper discusses acquired ichthyosis (ichthyosis acquisita), developing as paraneoplastic dermatosis, associated in 70% cases with lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin’s disease). Associations of acquired ichthyosis with non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, breast cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, and cancer of the cervix uteri are rare. The pathogenesis is assumed to be associated with release of transforming growth factor-a responsible for proliferation of epithelial cells susceptible to it. The disease manifests at a later age than ichthyosis vulgaris and has similar clinical and histological signs. The process can be generalized, and the efflorescence regresses, sometimes completely, after radical removal of the tumor, while relapses of efflorescence and itching can indicate a relapse of cancer. A clinical case with acquired ichthyosis, developing in the presence of Hodgkin’s disease, is presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):21-23
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Clinical observations of squamous lupus tuberculosus

Degtyarev O., Afanasyeva M., Kirilyuk I., Mesnyankina O.


A case with squamous lupus tuberculosus is described. The disease is rather rare in dermatological practice and has several clinical forms, determining the difficulties of its diagnosis. The case presented in this report demonstrates that a complex of clinical roentgenological, instrumental, and morphologic methods of examination has to be used for the diagnosis of cutaneous tuberculosis and the patients should receive the attention of phthisiologists and dermatologists, as well as of general practitioners.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):24-27
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The role of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand in leukocyte migration to the derma in cutaneous vasculitis

Chernigova E., Ruksha T.


The expression of molecules, involved in inflammation process during leukocyte migration to the derma in dermal vasculitis, was studied. Histological preparations from patients were studied by the immunohistochemical method with identification of the markers. The derma contained a significantly higher level ofpositively stained cells expressing CD162 - P-selectin glycoprotein ligand, while the level of expression of another molecule, mediating cell-cell adhesion and diapedesis, CD99, in fact did not change. The level of cell proliferation marker increased in the endothelial cells, this indicating activation of dermal neoangiogenesis. These changes indicated that the development of inflammatory process in the skin in vasculitis was associated with a selective increase of the expression of adhesive molecules mediating leukocyte migration to the derma, which fact could be used for selecting new therapeutic approaches.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):28-31
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A modern approach to therapy of seborrheic dermatitis

Olisova O., Davidovich M.


The results of comprehensive treatment of 50 patients (28 men and 22 women) with seborrheic dermatitis are presented. The microflora of the large intestine was studied before and after treatment. The treatment, including, in addition to traditional therapy, a course of phototherapy with 311 nm rays and a drug normalizing the enteric microflora, led to clinical cure in 87.5% patients. Normalization of the large intestinal microflora was attained in 91% patients.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):31-35
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Epidermophytosis of large folds in dermatological practice

Sokolova T., Malyarchuk A., Ghazarian O.


The incidence of epidermophytosis of the large folds (ELF) was evaluated in outpatients, the disease course was traced, and the efficiency of sertaconasole therapy was evaluated. The study was carried out within the framework of a multicenter study (2012-2013) in 50 regions of the Russian Federation. A total of 97 therapeutic institutions and 174 physicians partisipated in the study. Authors ’ version of a questionnaire including 27 items was used. A total of 235 questionnaires were processed. The incidence of ELF depended on the gender - men suffered from the disease 1.8 times more often than women. The disease was the most incident (48.1%) in patients aged 35-55years. After 55 years of age, women predominated: they developed the disease 1. 8 times more often. Concomitant diseases of different origin were found in 63.1% patients. Diabetes mellitus predominated (39.6%) and was 1.6 times more incident in women. The mean number of anatomical regions involved in the process was 1.26 ± 0.25. The inguinal (91.5%), gluteal folds(15.7%), folds under the breast (9.8%), axillary (4.7%)folds, and inguinal-scrotal folds in men (4.7%) were involved. The process involved 2-3 large folds in 23.4% patients, symmetrical processes predominated in 61.3%. In case of a unilateral process the physician should remember about fungus carriership and/or asymptomatic course of mycosis. The mycosis was multifocal in 32.8% patients with ELF, with involvement of the soles and with onichomycosis. The most probable etiologicalfactor in these cases was Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. interdigitale. Large folds and soles and nails should be treated in these patients. Sertaconasole (Zalain) proved to be an effective drug for the treatment of ELF, mycosis of soles with onichomycosis with the minimum involvement of the nails. The efficiency of sertaconasole (Zalain) differed significantly in uneventful and complicated process.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Modern concepts of the epigenetic mechanisms of atopic dermatitis formation

Kayumova L., Sami Baker -., Bruskin S., Garanyan L., Kochergin N., Olisova O.


Gene expression in atopic dermatitis was analyzed and the epigenetic profiles (DNA methylation status) of biopsy specimens from normal subjects and patients with atopic dermatitis before therapy were studied by the Illumina microchips in order to detect the key components of the pathological process. The results suggested more rational therapeutic approaches with consideration for the results of individual epigenetic testing.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):42-50
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On the epidemiology of herpes zoster in Tajikistan in 2000-2011

Mirzoeva M., Isaeva M.


Epidemiological studies of herpes zoster in Tajikistan were carried out for the period of2000-2011. A total of 6732 patients with the disease were detected over this period. The morbidity increased significantly in recent years, particularly in older age groups (9 vs. 7 per 100 000). Men more often affected than women (57.9 vs. 42.1%). The disease was more often recorded in winter, early spring, and autumn than in summer. The main causes of morbidity increase were social and biomedical factors.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Effects of combined therapy on the time course of the articular syndrome in patients with psoriasis in the presence of lipid metabolism disorders

Yakubovich A., Saldamaeva L.


The prevalence and incidence ofpsoriatic disease in the Russian Federation remain high. One of the most severe disabling forms ofpsoriatic disease is psoriatic arthropathy (PA) - chronic inflammatory seronegative spondyloarthropathy with the predominant involvement of the distal interphalangealjoints of the hands, metatarsophalangeal articulations, and of the spine, combined with skin manifestations ofpsoriasis. Metabolic disorders are highly incident in the patients with PA, this augmenting cardiovascular risk. Search for approaches to improving the available effective pathogenetic therapies for PA with due consideration for the metabolic (including lipid metabolic) disorders is therefore an important problem. We studied the effects of combined therapy including simvastatin on the time course of the articular syndrome and functional status of 91 PA patients with lipid metabolism disorders.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):54-57
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Minolexin in etiotropic therapy for 58 urogenital chlamydial infection

Snarskaya E., Minakova M.


Urogenital chlamydiasis is one of the most incident urogenital diseases transmitted sexually and through everyday contacts. Chronic chlamydial infection can lead to male and female infertility, intrauterine and postnatal infection, and promote the development of cardiovascular diseases and autoimmune processes. Chlamydial invasion in various tissues is responsible for a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, presented by more than 20 syndromes and a spectrum of urogenital diseases: nongonococcal urethritis, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, endometritis, salpingitis, epididymitis, prostatitis, proctitis, and extragenital chlamydiasis. Specific etiotropic therapy for chlamydiasis is carried out by antibacterial drugs penetrating into the cell. Among most effective antichlamydial drugs are tetracyclines, the drugs of choice, prescribed with combined therapy. Accumulated clinical experience experience accumulated by today demonstrates high activity of this antibiotic group in acute uncomplicated cervicitis and urethritis and in subacute chlamydial infections, in asymptomatic disease, in sexual partners without history ofprevious therapy, and in postgonorrheic chlamydiasis. Minolexin is a second-generation tetracycline. It is a highly effective antichlamydial drug, characterized by better pharmacokinetics than other tetracyclines, with high adsorption, long half-life period, lipolytic activity, no cross resistance, and with inhibitory effects on the matrix metalloproteinases. A clinical case with minolexin therapy is presented.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):58-64
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Ulcers on the skin of the thigh and lower third of the abdomen

Teplyuk N., Belousova T., Paramonov A., Ignatyev D., Grabovskaya O.
Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014;17(4):65-66
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